
JeongChaeJin·2021년 2월 7일

1. Tell me about a restaurant near where live. What kind of food does it serve? How are the prices ? How often do you go there ? Give me as much detail as you can about one of your favorite local places to eat.

  • Main Point : 나는 우리집 근처 고깃집이 제일 좋다.
  • 나는 주말마다 외식을 해. 우리집 근처 고기집이 있는데 그곳을 가장 좋아해. 가격도 싸고, 맛있어. 돈이 많이 없는 나로써는 굉장히 만족스러워. 게다가 점원들이 엄청 친절해서 먹는 동안에도 편안해. 같이 갈래?
  • Restaurant.. right. No matter what, whenever i go to eat out on weekends, i always go to the babeque restaurant near my home. It’s very cheap and tasty. This is important for me cos I don’t have the money as getting out expensive restaurant. Also clerks are very very kind there. It makes me feel really comfotable. So i can enjoy the babeque. Let’s come with me Ava. I can completely recommand you.

2. Describe your favorite restaurant that has an ethnic or international menu. Tell me everything about that place in as much detail as possible.

  • Main Point : 햄버거 패스트 푸드점 맛잇음
  • 나는 미국식 패스트 푸드점이 좋아. 크기도 엄청 큰데 가격도 저렴해. 고기 사이즈도 크니까 너무 만족스러워. 많이 먹는걸 좋아하는 나는 여기를 안좋아할 수가 없지. 거기에 콜라 사이즈도 큰데, 너무 좋아. 너도 햄버거 좋아하면 같이가자 내가 좋은 곳알아.
  • international restauarsnt.. right, What i really love about international restaurant is American Fast Food Restaurant. It’s Big size and Reasonable price. It’s crucial cos i really like to eat much food. I can get some big patty ~ wow, I gotta say, There are big size coke. It makes me interesting,, Are you join me if you like hamburger ? I know that very nice American fast food restaurant.

3. When was last time you ate at a restaurant with an international menu ? Where was it ? What did you eat ? Tell me the entire story of that visit to that restaurant.

  • Main Point : 압구정에 미국식 햄버거집가서 로또 버거라는걸 먹었는데 너무맛있었다. 친구도 너무 좋아함.
  • Okay right, you see, whenever i need to eat out, i always go to the american fast food restaurant. It’s very big burger and coke, even though it’s reasonable price. A week ago, I went to some american fast food restaurant in 압구정 로데오. I ordered in lotto burgers with my friends. Wow.. so tasty.. so one of my friends was like
    “Holly shit .. it’s very delicious.. good day to die.” And dug in burger. It looked funny. Anyway so it made our feel satisfied there.

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