
JeongChaeJin·2021년 2월 7일

1. I'd like to about how recycling is practiced in your country. What do people specially do ? Tell me how things are recycled.

  • Main Point : 우리나라 사람들은 Can 재활용을 잘한다.
  • 내 스트립트
    • 우리나라 사람들은 캔을 재활용을 잘해. 나도 캔은 정말 잘 재활용을 잘해. 다른 종류의 쓰레기는 어떻게 재활용하는지 알기 어려운데 비해 캔은 굉장히 쉽거든. 보통 캔은 그냥 버리지않고 압축시켜서 버리는 편이야. 이렇게 해야 재활용 쓰레기 통의 공간이 효율적으로 사용될 수 있어. 너도 캔은 재활용 잘하는 편이니 에바?
    • Recycling ... right, Most people are good at recycling in South Korea, especially cans recycling. You know, Also, I’m good at too. It’s very very easy that how to recycle than others recycling such as food waste, eggshells. And People tend to compress cans and take out them. It’s effective for getting space on cans recycling box. Are you good at recycling cans too, Ava ?

2. Recycling is a common practice. Tell me about all the different kinds of things that you recycle.

  • Main Point : Can 은 Can 통에 Plastic은 Plastic 통에
  • 나는 캔이랑 플라스틱을 잘 재활용해. 이 두개는 제대로 분류되어야 마음이 편하더라고. 그래서 캔따로, 플라스틱 따로 박스에 넣어놓고 끝까지 차면 재활용품에 분류해서 넣어. 철저하게 이렇게 재활용하니깐 옆집 아줌마도 나를 칭찬한다구. 나 너무 나댓나? ㅎㅎ
  • Yeah, I can usually recycle well, especially cans, plastics. It’s quite important to me. I should recycle them. Why? You know, It makes me feel really comfortable after cans, plastics recycling. I do this well, So, The lady next door compliments so much me. Am i bring too aggressive ? ㅎㅎ

3. Can you tell me about a story or an experience you had related to recycling ? Maybe something went wrong with the recycling. Or you might be have had a discussion with a friend who disagrees with recycling. Describe your experience in detail.

  • What a question ,, Whenever i need to recycle, i always check to see that i recycle cans well. This is crucial. I didn’t know how to recycle things cos i’m quite lazy. In the past, i took out cans with other things. It was very stupid.. the lady next door was annoyed and called me about it. So scared.. but she taught to me how to recycle cans. Nowadays, thanks for her, i can do well it.

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