1\. HTML태그 내부에 CSS코드 작성하기2\. HTML문서 내부에 CSS코드 작성하기3\. CSS파일에 코드 작성하기\*본 포스팅은 Udemy의 'Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 and CSS3'강좌 내용을 포
초보자를 위한 Basic Web Design Tip 총정리❣️
[The Killer Website Project] Section 5. The Killer Website Project 학습내용정리 #38 - 40 Building the header
[The Killer Website Project] Section 5. The Killer Website Project 학습내용정리 #41 - 42 Building the features section
[The Killer Website Project] Section 5. The Killer Website Project 학습내용정리 #43 - 44 Building the favorite meals section
[The Killer Website Project] Section 5. The Killer Website Project 학습내용정리 #45 - 46 Building the how-it-works section
[The Killer Website Project] Section 5. The Killer Website Project 학습내용정리 #47 - 48 Building the cities section
[The Killer Website Project] Section 5. The Killer Website Project 학습내용정리 #49 - 50 Building the customer testimonials section
[The Killer Website Project] Section 5. The Killer Website Project 학습내용정리 #51 - 52 Building the sign-up section