Machine Learning_Day 13

Limitations of K-means Clustering Algorithm

  • Since random centroids are drawn and used, the shape of the result may continue to change.
  • The distances between the selected initial centroids may be too close to be classified well enough.

-> The algorithm that came out to make up for these shortcomings is K-Means++ Algorithm.

  • K-Means Plus Plus Algorithm strategically picks a one centroid first and then picks the farthest point from the first picked centroid after calculating the distances to every points.


  • Numpy, Matplotlib are the two most important libraries in Python when it comes to Machine Learning since it's data-dealing-related field.

  • matplotlib: is used for Visualization

  • "dir"
    when you want to check the value: get
    what data you're gonna assign to: set
  • Always use dir to check what Attributes this function you're using have first

  • A glimpse of today's practice dealing with matplotlib

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