Google Data Analytics #8_More Spreadsheets

Andy Oh Sae Ha·2022년 6월 25일

[Google] Data Analytics

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What I Use A Lot

Shortcuts_Columns and Rows

⌘ + a = Select All Cells
shift + spacebar = Select Row
control + spacebar = Select Column
⌘ + + = Zoom In
⌘ + - = Zoom Out
⌘ + z = Undo
⌘ + y = Redo
⌘ + f = Find
⌘ + x = Cut the Selected Cells
⌘ + c = Copy the Selected Cells
⌘ + v = Paste the Selected Cells
⌘ + d = Copy & Paste the Cell directly above
⌘ + option + = = Options between INSERT ROW / INSERT COLUMN

⌘ + b = Bold
⌘ + u = Underline
⌘ + i = Italic

Formulas_Columns and Rows

IFERROR(cell1 / cell2, "N/A")

  • if cell1 / cell2 causes error, return "N/A"
  • if not, return cell1 / cell2

DATEDIF(cell1, cell2, "__")

  • find "__" between the date listed in cell1 and cell2
  • "M" : Month


=function(cell, cell...)

SUM : total sum of the values within the selected cells
AVERAGE : average of the values within the selected cells
MIN : smallest value within the selected cells
MAX : biggest value within the selected cells
TEXT : converts a number into text according to the format specified
COUNTIF : counts only the data relevant to the condition

Common Errors

#DIV/0! : formula is asked to divide the values by zero or NULL

  • put in the right values or use [IFERROR]

#ERROR! : formula can not be interpreted as it is input aka.the parsing error

  • check the formula grammer

#N/A : the data in the formula can not be found by the spreadsheet

  • check the input within the cell (type etc.)

#NAME? : formula's grammar can not be understood

  • check for the typos within the formula

#NUM! : formula's calculation can not be done

  • check for the value you are trying to caluclate

#VALUE! : formula or referenced cells might have problems

  • might take more effort to figure out the problem

#REF! : cells being referenced have been deleted

  • check for any updates for these cells

Other Common Shortcuts

*** Please note that the shortcuts below are based for Mac

Common Actions

Formatting Cells

Navigating Sheets

Edit Rows And Columns

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