[프로젝트]물건 공유 플랫폼- 4 (구현)

else·2023년 8월 8일


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  • 라즈베리파이는 아두이노와 시리얼 통신, 서버와 소켓통신을 해야한다.
  • 통신 연결은 정상적으로 됐으나 두 개의 통신이 동시적으로 일어나지 않고 딜레이가 쌓여가 원활하게 작동이 안된다.


  • 첫 번째 해결 방안
    • 두 개의 task를 만들어 멀티쓰레딩을 구현한다 (asyncio 사용)
import websockets
import asyncio
import serial
import cv2
import numpy
import base64 

async def serial_task(websocket):
    while 1 :
        ardRes1 = box1.readline().decode('utf-8').strip()
        print('from ardu',ardRes1)
        if '1 close' in ardRes1:
            print('websockets sent', ardRes1)

async def websocket_task(websocket):
        await websocket.send((str(len(stringData))).encode().ljust(16) + stringData)
        while 1:
            res = websocket.recv()            
            ardRes2 = await box1.readline().decode('utf-8')
            if res == '1 open':
                box1.write('1 open'.encode())
                print("box 1 open")
                ret2, frame2 = capture2.read()
                result, img_encode1 = cv2.imencode('.jpg', frame2, encode_param)
                data = numpy.array(img_encode1)
                stringData = data.tostring()
                #print (stringData)
                await websocket.send(str(stringData))
async def main():
    async with websockets.connect("wss://www.share42-together.com:8088/ws/locker", max_size=2048576) as websocket:
        task1 = asyncio.create_task(serial_task(websocket))
        task2 = asyncio.create_task(websocket_task(websocket))            
        asyncio.gather(task1, task2)

  • 문제점

    • gather메서드를 사용했기 때문에 두 함수가 동시에 실행 될 것이라 기대했지만 serial_taskawait에서 멈추고 이후로 실행이 안됨

    • await를 무분별하게 사용하면 안됨

  • 두 번째 해결방안

    • 시리얼 통신에서 if문을 추가하고 두 개의 task를 각각 큐로 만들어 준다.
    • asyncio는 자체적인 queue를 제공한다.
  • 코드

import websockets
import asyncio
import serial
import cv2
import json
import numpy
import base64
from asyncio import Queue

SERVER_URL = "www.share42-together.com"
PROTOCOL = "wss" # ws / wss

encode_param = [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 90]

async def serial_task(serial_queue: Queue, websocket_queue: Queue):
    box1 = serial.Serial(port = "/dev/ttyACM0",
                    baudrate = 9600,
                    bytesize = serial.EIGHTBITS,
                    parity = serial.PARITY_NONE,
                    timeout =1)    
    while 1:
        ardRes1 = box1.readline().decode('utf-8').strip()
        if ardRes1:
            split_res1 = ardRes1.split()
            object1 = json.dumps({
                'number' : int(split_res1[0]),
                'command' : split_res1[1],
                'weight' : int(split_res1[2]),
                'cam' : None,
            await websocket_queue.put(object1)
            await websocket_queue.put(ardRes1)
        await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
        if not serial_queue.empty():
            value_to_send = await serial_queue.get()
            if value_to_send == '1 open':                
            elif value_to_send == '2 open':
async def websocket_task(url: str, websocket_queue: Queue, serial_queue: Queue):
    async with websockets.connect(url, max_size=2048576) as websocket:
        asyncio.create_task(consume_queue(websocket, websocket_queue))
        while 1:
            res = await websocket.recv()
            print('from websocket', res)
            if res == '1 open':
                await serial_queue.put(res)
            elif res == '1 cam':
                capture1 = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
                ret1, frame1 = capture1.read()
                if not capture1.isOpened():
                    print('cam1 connect fail')
                result1, img_encode1 = cv2.imencode('.jpg', frame1, encode_param)
                data1 = numpy.array(img_encode1)
                stringData1 = base64.b64encode(data1)
                cam_data1 = json.dumps({
                    'number' : 1,
                    'command' : "cam",
                    'weight' : 0,
                    'cam' : stringData1.decode('utf8'),

                await websocket_queue.put(cam_data1)
            elif res == '2 open':
                await serial_queue.put(res)
            elif res == '2 cam':
                capture2 = cv2.VideoCapture(1)
                ret2, frame2 = capture2.read()
                if not capture2.isOpened():
                    print('cam2 connect fail')
                result2, img_encode2 = cv2.imencode('.jpg', frame2, encode_param)
                data2 = numpy.array(img_encode2)
                stringData2 = base64.b64encode(data2)
                cam_data2 = json.dumps({
                    'number' : 2,
                    'command' : "cam",
                    'weight' : 0,
                    'cam' : stringData2.decode('utf8'),

                await websocket_queue.put(cam_data2)
async def consume_queue(websocket, queue:Queue):
    while 1:
        line = await queue.get()
        if line:
            await websocket.send(line)

async def main():
    websocket_queue = Queue()
    serial_queue = Queue()
    url = "wss://www.share42-together.com:8088/ws/locker"
    task1 = asyncio.create_task(serial_task(serial_queue, websocket_queue))
    task2 = asyncio.create_task(websocket_task(url, websocket_queue, serial_queue))
    await asyncio.gather(task1, task2)
  • queue를 활용해 값이 있는지 없는지를 통해 쓸모 없는 기다림을 없애주고 멀티쓰레딩을 구현할 수 있었다.
피아노 -> 개발자

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