Tobigs Text Seminar, 14&15

AI/빅데이터 연합동아리 투빅스 텍스트 세미나입니다.
투빅스 14,15기가 모여 자연어처리를 공부하고, 해당 내용을 정리해 놓는 블로그입니다.

💻 커리큘럼 💻
❗ CS224 Winter2019 : Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning

0주차Edwith 조경현 교수님 강의 1장 (배운 내용 Remind)---
1주차2021.04.14.lecture 1 - Introduction and Word Vectors강의정
2021.04.14.lecture 2 - Word Vectors and Word Senses한유진
2주차2021.04.28.lecture 3 - Word Window Classification, Neural Netowrks, and Matrix Calculus한유진
2021.04.28.lecture 4 - Backpropagation and Computation Graphs조준혁
3주차2021.05.05.lecture 5 - Linguistic Structure: Dependency Parsing김동현
2021.05.05.lecture 6 - Language Models and RNNs이혜민
4주차2021.05.12.lecture 7 - Vanishing Gradients, Fancy RNNs강재영
2021.05.12.lecture 8 - Translation, Seq2Seq, Attention김재희
5주차2021.05.19.lecture 10 - Question Answering정세영
2021.05.19.lecture 11 - Convolutional Networks for NLP이정은
6주차2021.05.26.lecture 12 - Subword Models이수민
2021.05.26.lecture 13 - Contextual Word Embeddings이윤정
7주차2021.06.02.lecture 14 - Transformers and Self-Attention조효원
2021.06.02.lecture 15 - Natural Language Generation정재윤
8주차2021.06.23.lecture 18 - Constituency Parsing, Tree RNNs정재윤
2021.06.23.lecture 22 - BERT and Other Pre-trained Language Models박준영