MYSQL 기초 정리

BodeulMaNN·2023년 4월 5일

데이터 분석: 시각화(키바나)
ix 데이터 시각호
xiii 베타리더 리뷰

MySQL: 중소형(프렌차이즈)Open source -> Oracle 합병 -> MariaDB(MySQL개발자들이 또 만든 오픈진영)
OracleDB: 대형(국가사이트, 은행사이트)
PostgreSQL: 오픈소스 Free BSD(MySQL과 유사)
Sqlite: Mobile DB(핸드폰 주소록), IOT 온도센서 등

DB, DBMS(DataBaseManagementSystem), RDBMS(Relational DBMS)관계형 데이터베이스 관리 시스템

DB: 여러 개의 표 모음

SQL문은 ;으로 끝남
Structuraled Query Language

show databases;
create database my_data_1;
use my_data_1;

mariadb -u root -p:재시작
mariadb -u root -p1234

show tables;
create table test_table(
col_a integer,
col_b varchar(40)

desc test_table: describe
drop table test_table; : 테이블 삭제

create database book;
create table book(
bookid integer primary key,
bookname varchar(40),
publisher varchar(40),
price integer

create table customer(
custid integer primary key,
name varchar(40),
address varchar(50),
phone varchar(40)

foreign key (custid) references
foreign key (bookid) references

키 : 후보키(custid, name, phone)
기본키(행을 대표)

select * from orders;

delete from orders;

insert into book values(1, '축구의 역사', '굿스포츠', 7000);
insert into book values(2, '축구 아는 여자', '나무수', 13000);
insert into book values(3, '축구의 이해', '대한미디어', 22000);
insert into book values(4, '골프 바이블', '대한미디어', 35000);
insert into book values(5, '피겨 교본', '굿스포츠', 8000);
insert into book values(6, '역도 단체별 기술', '굿스포츠', 6000);
insert into book values(7, '야구의 추억', '이상미디어', 20000);
insert into book values(8, '야구를 부탁해', '이상미디어', 13000);
insert into book values(9, '올림픽이야기', '삼성당', 7500);
insert into book values(10, 'Olympic Champions', 'Pearson', 13000);

*Data Manipulation Language(데이터 조작)
select; data 조회
insert; data 삽입
delete; data 삭제
update; data 일부 수정

select from [테이블 명];
select orderdate, saleprice from orders;
select distinct [] from book; :중복 제외
from book where publisher='nnnn';
select * from book where price<='10000'

select from book where price <20000 and price >=10000;
from book where price between 10000 and 20000; :이상 이하

select from book where publisher='굿스포츠' or publisher = '대한미디어';
from book where publisher in ('굿스포츠', '대한미디어');
select from book where publisher not in ('굿스포츠', '대한미디어');
from book where bookname like'%구%';
select from customer where phone is NULL ;null엔 is 사용
from book order by price; :price순서대로 정렬
select * from book order by price DESC; :반대로 정렬

select sum(price) from book; :총합
select avg(price) from book; :평균(avg)
select count(price) from book;
sum, avg, count, max, min
select count(distinct publisher) from book;
select count(distinct publisher) as 총거래처수 from book;

select sum(saleprice) as 총판매액
-> from orders
-> where custid = 2;
| 총
판매액 |
| 15000 |

select sum(saleprice), avg(saleprice), min(saleprice),max(saleprice) from orders
-> ;
| sum(saleprice) | avg(saleprice) | min(saleprice) | max(saleprice) |
| 118000 | 11800.0000 | 6000 | 21000 |

sum(saleprice) as 총판매액,
avg(saleprice) as 평균판매액,
min(saleprice) as 최저가,
max(saleprice) as 최고가
from orders;
| 총판매액 | 평균판매액 | 최저가 | 최고가 |
| 118000 | 11800.0000 | 6000 | 21000 |

custid as 고객번호,
sum(saleprice) as 총판매액,
avg(saleprice) as 평균판매액,
min(saleprice) as 최저가,
max(saleprice) as 최고가
from orders
group by custid;

select custid as 고객번호,
count(*) as 총수량
from orders
where saleprice>=8000
group by custid;

select custid as 고객번호,
count() as 총수량
from orders
where saleprice>=8000
group by custid
having count(
) >=2;

cross join
select * from customer, orders;

select * from customer, orders
where customer.custid = orders.custid;

select * from customer, book;

select name, saleprice from customer, orders

where customer.custid = orders.custid

select, orders.saleprice
from customer, orders
where customer.custid = orders.custid;

select, orders.saleprice
from customer left outer join orders
on customer.custid = orders.custid;

select name from customer
where address like '영국%' or address like '미국%'
union *
select bookname from book
where publisher = 'Pearson';

select name from customer
select name from customer
where custid in (1, 2, 3, 4);

select name from customer
union all :중복 포함
select name from customer
where custid in (1, 2, 3, 4);

부속질의(sub query)
select bookname from book
where bookid = (select bookid from orders
where saleprice =(select max(saleprice) from orders));

select name from customer
where custid in (select custid from orders);

select name from customer
where custid in (select custid from orders
where bookid in (select bookid from book
where publisher = '대한미디어'));

select name from customer
where address like '대한민국%' and custid not in (select custid from orders);

  1. select sum(saleprice) from orders
    where custid in (select custid from customer
    where name = '박지성');
  2. select count(custid) from orders
    where custid in (select custid from customer
    where name = '박지성');
  3. select count(distinct publisher) from book
    where bookid in (select bookid from orders
    where custid in (select custid from customer
    where name = '박지성'));
  4. select bookname, price, price-saleprice from book, orders
    where book.bookid = orders.bookid
    and book.bookid in (select bookid from orders
    where custid in (select custid from customer
    where name = '박지성'));

select name from customer

select sum(saleprice) from orders
group by custid;

select name, sum(saleprice) from customer left outer join orders
on customer.custid = orders.custid
group by orders.custid;

left outer join - on : 값이 없는것도 포함
group by : 항목마다 개별로 적용

select max(price-saleprice) from book, orders
where book.bookid = orders.bookid;

select * from book, orders
where book.bookid = orders.bookid
and price-saleprice=(select max(price-saleprice) from book, orders
where book.bookid = orders.bookid);


insert into customer values(6, '서호준', NULL, "010-1234-1234");
insert into customer(custid, name) values(6, '서호준')
!= insert into customer(name) values('서호준')

delete from customer
where custid in (6, 7)l

update customer
set name = "장미란"
where custid = 3;

DDL(Data Definition Language)

create table test1(
bookid integer primary key,
bookname varchar(40) not null unique,
publisher varchar(40),
price integer

unique :고유의 값으로 중복 불가능
not null :빈칸 있으면 안됌

insert into book(bookid, publisher) values(1, '굿스포츠');
insert into test1 values(1, '축구의 역사', '굿스포츠', 7000);
insert into test1 values(2, '축구의 역사', '배드스포츠', 8000);

create table test2(
bookid integer primary key,
price integer check(price >=0)

insert into test2 value(1, 7000)
insert into test2 value(2, -7000)

create table test3(
bookid integer primary key,
price integer default 100000

alter table test3 add bookname varchar(20);
alter table test3 modify bookname varchar(40);
alter table test3 drop bookname ;

alter table test3 modify price integer not null;
alter table test3 modify price integer not null default 100000 ;

drop table ~;

view : 편리하게 재사용이 가능
: 보안성
: 저장 공간에 유리(계산 부담)
: 보고용
select* from customer
where address like "대한민국%";

create view view_korean_customer
as select* from customer
where address like "대한민국%";

select * from view_korean_customer;

update Customer
set name = "정미란"
where custid = 3;

update book set price = 7200 where bookit = 1;

analyze table book;
commit; :
rollback; :

mysql백업(내보내기) 및 복원(임포트)
cd C:\Program Files\MariaDB 10.7\bin
mysqldump -u root -p my_data_1 < my_data_1_back.sql


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