Instance, Static, Class Methods in Python

JunePyo Suh·2020년 5월 31일

Instance Methods in Python

  • The most common type of methods in Python classes, instance methods are called as they are because they can and should access unique data of each instance.
  • Instanec methods must have self as a parameter
  • Of course, instance methods do not require decorators; any method you create will automatically be created as an instance method, unless you specify a method type to Python

Static Methods in Python

  • Static methods do not require accessing any class-specific data, though they are still related to a class in some way
  • No need for self parameter
  • No need to instantiate an instance to use this method; simply call it
  • @staticmethod decorator tells Python that this method is a static method
  • Great for utility functions that need to perform a task in isolation, that don't and can't access class data; they should only be working with data passed in as arguments
class ExampleClass:

	greeting = ""

	def __init__(self, name):
    		greeting = "Hello " + name  
	def function_example():
    		print('Tis a static method')

Class Methods in Python

  • Class methods cannot access specific instance data, but they do know about thier class -- they can access class variables and other static methods
  • Also do not need self parameter, but requires cls parameter
  • Class methods use the @classmethod decorator
class ExampleClass:
	greeting = ""

	def __init__(self, name):
    		greeting = "Hello " + name

	def function_example(cls):
   	 	print("Tis a class method")

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