Notion API master series 04 - Bring the title from properties

소찬 (Chan)·2022년 8월 1일

Now we can understand about composition of properties, so this turn brings the title value.
Put the result data into pages variable.

pages ={"property": "object", "value": "page"},

Bring pages['results'] value, then we can find a bunch infomation. This one is information of one page.

{'title': {'id': 'title',
           'title': [{'annotations': {'bold': False,
                                      'code': False,
                                      'color': 'default',
                                      'italic': False,
                                      'strikethrough': False,
                                      'underline': False},
                      'href': None,
                      'plain_text': '기획서 작업',
                      'text': {'content': '기획서 작업)',
                               'link': None},
                      'type': 'text'}],
           'type': 'title'}}

page name property is title. if the property set a name, it shows as set name. like as below, 생성일(Created Date) is property's name.

'생성일': {'created_time': '2022-06-07T00:46:00.000Z',
         'id': 'BQmN',
         'type': 'created_time'}

If the page is regular, find the inside value from pages['results'] and then you can find the title name from the page.

Declare for statement and bring pages['results'] value.

for page in pages['results']:

print page['properties'] then console result as below.

{'title': {'id': 'title',
           'title': [{'annotations': {'bold': False,
                                      'code': False,
                                      'color': 'default',
                                      'italic': False,
                                      'strikethrough': False,
                                      'underline': False},
                      'href': None,
                      'plain_text': '기획서 작업',
                      'text': {'content': '기획서 작업)',
                               'link': None},
                      'type': 'text'}],
           'type': 'title'}}

We have two ways to get title value from the above information.

  • page['properties']['title']['title'][0]['plain_text']
  • page['properties']['title']['title'][0]['text']['content']

Choose one way of them, and bring the page's title.

page_title_find = '기획서 작업'

for page in pages['results']:
   page_title = page['properties']['title']['title'][0]['plain_text']
   if page_title_find = page_title:
      print('찾는 페이지가 존재합니다.')
      title_id = page['id']

Launch to code like above, '기획서 작업' value input into title_id.

QA Specialist

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