[Programming Language Week1] Programming language, Chomsky Hierarchy

Hailey·2020년 9월 12일

Computer Science

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1. Language and programming language

1-1. Language

  • A tool to communicate among humam beings
  • First written language : Sumerian
  • Programming language
    : A tool for communication between literal-minded machines
    : A protocol among users to control computers

1-2. Definition of formal language

  • Is a set of finite strings of atomic symbols from alphabet where alphabet is defined as a set of given symbols

1-3. Why we learn programming languages?

  • To implement more effective algorithms by learning features, understanding implementations, increasing vocabulary such as Recursion, and Memory management mechanisms
  • To choose better programming languages by comparing various languages for the purpose
  • To learn new foreign languages more quickly and easily
    (Languages in general have similar structures and components)
  • To develop better programming languages
    for better user interfaces and functions

1-4. Attributes of a Good Language?

  • Orthogonality
    -- Ability to combind various features of a language
  • Support for abstraction
    -- Construct to factor out reoccurring patterns
  • Natural for various applications
    -- For business, mathematics, science, game, etc
  • Easy of program verification and debugging
    -- Formal verification & desk checking
  • Portability and Translation
    -- Minimum degree of computation and space complexity
    -- Considering various architecture

1-5. Classification of the Languages

1-6. Models of Programming Languages

  • Imperative Languages(Command Driven Language)
    -- A program consists of a sequence of statement
    -- Execution of each statements causes interpreter to change the state of the system
    -- Successive machine states lead to the desired solution
    -- C, Fortran, Algol, PL/I, PASCAL

  • Object Based Languages
    -- Complex objects are designed as extensions of simpler objects
    -- Inheriting of simple objects
    -- C++, Java, Small talk
    -- Gain the efficiency of imperative languages
    -- Gain the flexibility and reliability of applicative languages

  • Applicative Languages(Functional Language)
    --Perform a function with its arguments to generates results
    -- Results of a function can be arguments of another function
    -- LISP and ML

  • Rule-based Languages (Logical Languages)
    -- Execute an action when a certain enabling condition(predicate) is satisfied
    -- Building a matrix or table of possible conditions and appropriate actions for proofs or database search
    -- Program consists of fact, rule, and query
    -- Prolog
    ex) dog(john).
    friendly(john, james)

  • Hybrid Languages: Python

2. Machine Architecture and Language

2-1. Von Neumann Computer Architecture

2-2. Conventional Computer Organization

2-3. Computer Architecture and Language Related Issues
: Major components of a computer that correspond to the six major aspects of programming languages

  • Data
    -- Elementary data types and structured data
    -- Storages are high speed registers, main memory, and external files
    -- Built-in data vs. user-defined data
  • Operations
    -- Set of operations to manipulate the data
    -- Arithmentic operations, testing, accessing, modifying operation
    -- Device control operation
    -- Sequence control operation
  • Sequence Control
    -- Mechanisms to control the instruction sequence
    -- Use of program address register(PAR) to indicate next instruction
    -- Branch operations are used to control sequences
    -- Instruction level sequence control
  • Data Access
    -- Mechanism to access and control the data
    -- Serial access vs. parallel access
  • Storage management
    -- Mechanism to control the storage of data and instructions
    -- Imbalance due to access time, memory, and register : Buffered write uesed
  • Operational environment
    -- Mechanisms for communication with external devices
    -- I/O devices (CD-ROM, Tapes, Modems ...)
  • Other Factors
    -- System Architecture
    -- Von Neumann vs. Multiprocessor system

3. Syntax Analysis and Semantics

3-1. Syntax

  • Grammar : <T, N, P, S>
    -- Terminal: A finite set of terminals
    -- Nonterminal: A finite set of non-terminals not in T
    -- Production: A finite set of production(rewriting) rules
    -- Start Symbol: An element of N the distinguished starting non-terminal
  • Notations
    -- BNF (Backus-Naur Form)

4. Compilation Language & Compilation Process

6. Language Design Issues

6-1. Binding Times
: Time to choose the properties or characteristic for programming elements

  • Language definition time
  • Language implementation time
  • Program translation time by
    : Programmer
    : Translator
    : Loader
  • Program execution time

6-2. Language Classification by translation method

  • Compilation languages vs. Interpretation languages

7. Chomsky Hierarchy

7-1. Concept
: Formal Basis for describing the artificial language that we use to program computers

7-2. Type 0: Unrestricted Grammar

  • Type 0: Undestricted Grammar
    -- α->ß : No restrictions applied
    -- TM is also called recursively enumerable language since the elements can be listed and hopelessly inefficient
    -- Recognized by Turing Machine (infinite r/w type)

  • Process of Turing Machine
    -- Language recognizer is a procedure for definig a set of strings
    -- advance to next state, write back onto the current position, change the direction to move

7-3. Type 1: Context Sensitive Grammar

  • Type 1: Context Sensitive Grammar
    -- α->ß where |ß| > |α| except S->ε
    -- LHS of each production must have at least one non-terminal
    -- Say A becomes ß in the context of α1 and α2
    -- Too complex for a specification of computer languages
    -- Recognized by Linear Bounded Atomaton (LBA)

7-4. Type 2: Context Free Grammar

  • Type 2: Context Free Grammar
    -- A->ß where A is a variable and ß is a string from (∑ U N)*
    -- The derivations are invoked independent of what surrounds them
    -- Exactly a single non-terminal on LHS of each production
    -- Does not allow empty production except the single production with a start symbol
    -- Recognized by Push Down Automaton (PDA)
    : pops a symbol from the stack
    : push the same or other symbols into the stack
    : optionally read or advance its input tape

  • Process of Pushdown Automata

  • Limits of Context Free Grammar
    -- Modern programming languages are specified with CFG but expanded to CSG with attributes
    -- Count comparison can be done by CFG, but cannot match the same words
    -- But, cannot write CFG to match the spelling of the same word twice like abcabc

    7-5. Type 3: Regular Grammar

  • Type 3: Regular Grammar
    -- A -> wB or A -> w right linear
    -- Allow one non-terminal on LHS and one or two symbols on RHS with the first be terminal symbol
    -- Too restrictive for most purpose; however, very efficient recognizer can be built
    -- Incapable of generating language structures like arbitrary deep nested parenthesis
    -- Does not allow empty production except the single production with a start symbol
    -- Recognized by Finite State Automaton

  • Process of Finite State Automata
    -- Empty production vs. Empty language
    -- A language that generates empty string
    -- A language that generates no string

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