
JeongChaeJin·2021년 2월 7일

1. Tell me about dome of the gatherings or celebrations that happen at where you live.

  • Main Point : 술집 모임 좋아
  • 내가 사는 곳엔 술집에서의 모임이 가장많다. 사람들은 굉장히 즐거워보인다. 나도 술집에서의 모임을 좋아한다. 사람들과 이야기하면서 스트리스도 풀고, 세상에대한 창의적인 관점도 배울수 있기때문이다. 제일 중요한 건 이성과 대화 하기도 쉽다. 빨리 친해질 수 있고, 정말 관심이 있다면 데이트 신청도 가능하다. 술집에서의 모임은 신선한 에너지를 주며 앞으로를 재밌게 살아가는데 도움이 된다.
  • Gatherings.. okay most people typically have gatherings at the bar. They looks like really fun you know. Also, i really love to join a gathering at bars near my home. I can relieve stress by comunicating with others that have different type lifes. I can even get some fresh view in the world. Ah ! You see, really i guess that there are many beautiful ladies. It is easy to talk with them and stay close. I usually ask her out on a date if she immediately looks like me. Anyway gathering at bars give me the fresh energy. So this makes me live good lives.

2. Tell me about a gathering or a celebration that was held in the area in which you live. Describe where the gathering was held. Who was there. What the purpose of the gathering was. and What happend from beginning to end.

  • okay right, No matter what, whenever i need to go gathering. I always make sure to go the Gang Nam.
    It’s quite rare for me. There are always so many beautiful ladies. A week ago, i went to the Gang Nam with my friend for a gathering with ladies. We went to the bars and looked for cute lady. You know i found her and directly forward. So we could get some drink together right. I often contacted to her. Overall she id my girlfriend. Anyway, thanks to this memory, I find the gathering at the bars is quite nice space for gatherings.

3. Sometimes when people get together for celebrations or gatherings, unexpected things can happen. Tell me all about something unexpected that happend at a celebration or a gathering in the area where you live. Tell me what happend from beginning to end.

  • Main Point : 술취해서 호감을 적극적으로 표현해서 사귐
  • 저번주에 강남에서 여자와 술을 먹게 됐다. 우리는 술이 취했다. 술의 힘을 빌려 마음에 드는 여자에게 이쁘다고 솔직하게 말했다. 여자애도 좋아하는 듯 보였다. 그 이후 계속 연락을 하게됐다. 결국 꼬시는데 성공했다. 너도 가봐 에바
  • What a question,, right, i went to the gathering at bar. I have some much drink with other cuty lady. We got drunk moderately. I told her honestly, “You are very beaty. Plus cuty.” You know She looked happy. I Often have been in touch with her. Yeah, i got her .. cuty girl haha,, i recommand you go gathering at bars eva.

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2022년 5월 17일

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