Why Semantic HTML is important

허지현·2022년 3월 28일


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<img scr="post-img.jpg" alt="HTML code on a screen"/>
  • alternative text(alt) is an important attribute. it allows search engines such as google chrome to actually know what is in the image, and by specifying the description of the image, we can also allow blind people to use a website.(They will have the screen reader read the alternative text so the description to them)

  • some elements don’t need a content and even closing tag.

  • Same as 'header' element. it doesn’t really do anything, but you tell the browser like, “Hey, all of this here is our webpage header”

One of the reasons is a search engine optimization, which basically means that a search engine such as Google will be able to understand the structure of your content. And therefore they will be better able to analyze what your content and what your webpage is all about. Also writing semantic HTML is extremely important for accessibility and especially for people who rely on screen readers to consume on web pages.

벨로그 운영 안 함. https://jihyun-hamster.tistory.com/ 티스토리 사용합니다.

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