서버 점검

CHANGHO KIM·2022년 4월 26일

서버 점검

그룹웨어 서버 점검

Last login: Mon Apr 25 14:52:17 2022 from
[root@gw ~]#
[root@gw ~]#
[root@gw ~]#
[root@gw ~]# cd /opt/
[root@gw opt]# ls
DaouOffice_v2.4.1.1_Linux                 TerraceTims         TerraceTims.previous  TerraceTims.update  db_backup   migrationlog
DaouOffice_v2.4.1.1_Linux_install.tar.gz  TerraceTims.backup  TerraceTims.tmp       autopatch-log       glibc-2.14  rh
[root@gw opt]#
[root@gw opt]#
[root@gw opt]# ls
DaouOffice_v2.4.1.1_Linux                 TerraceTims         TerraceTims.previous  TerraceTims.update  db_backup   migrationlog
DaouOffice_v2.4.1.1_Linux_install.tar.gz  TerraceTims.backup  TerraceTims.tmp       autopatch-log       glibc-2.14  rh
[root@gw opt]# cd /var
[root@gw var]# ls
account  cache  crash  cvs  db  empty  games  gdm  lib  local  lock  log  mail  nis  opt  preserve  run  spool  tmp  www  yp
[root@gw var]# cd opt/
[root@gw opt]# ls
[root@gw opt]# cd /opt/
[root@gw opt]# ls
DaouOffice_v2.4.1.1_Linux                 TerraceTims         TerraceTims.previous  TerraceTims.update  db_backup   migrationlog
DaouOffice_v2.4.1.1_Linux_install.tar.gz  TerraceTims.backup  TerraceTims.tmp       autopatch-log       glibc-2.14  rh
[root@gw opt]#
[root@gw opt]#
[root@gw opt]#
[root@gw opt]# rpm -qa | grep om
[root@gw opt]# rpm -qa | grep openmanager
[root@gw opt]# rpm -qa | grep -i dell
[root@gw opt]# rpm -qa | grep -i open
[root@gw opt]#
[root@gw opt]# ls
DaouOffice_v2.4.1.1_Linux                 TerraceTims         TerraceTims.previous  TerraceTims.update  db_backup   migrationlog
DaouOffice_v2.4.1.1_Linux_install.tar.gz  TerraceTims.backup  TerraceTims.tmp       autopatch-log       glibc-2.14  rh
[root@gw opt]# cd /opt/
[root@gw opt]# ls
DaouOffice_v2.4.1.1_Linux                 TerraceTims         TerraceTims.previous  TerraceTims.update  db_backup   migrationlog
DaouOffice_v2.4.1.1_Linux_install.tar.gz  TerraceTims.backup  TerraceTims.tmp       autopatch-log       glibc-2.14  rh
[root@gw opt]#
[root@gw opt]#
[root@gw opt]#
[root@gw opt]#
[root@gw opt]#
[root@gw opt]#
[root@gw opt]#
[root@gw opt]#
[root@gw opt]#
[root@gw opt]#
[root@gw opt]# ls
DaouOffice_v2.4.1.1_Linux                 TerraceTims         TerraceTims.previous  TerraceTims.update  db_backup   migrationlog
DaouOffice_v2.4.1.1_Linux_install.tar.gz  TerraceTims.backup  TerraceTims.tmp       autopatch-log       glibc-2.14  rh
[root@gw opt]# cd ..
[root@gw /]# ls
attnd_py_console_output.log  boot    data                     dev  fileName.jpeg  home        lib    lost+found  media   misc  net  postgres.txt  root  selinux  sys  usr  velocity.log
bin                          cgroup  dbdump_202101121833.sql  etc  fileName.png   invite.ics  lib64  mdata       mindex  mnt   opt  proc          sbin  srv      tmp  var
[root@gw /]#
[root@gw /]#
[root@gw /]#
[root@gw /]# ls
attnd_py_console_output.log  boot    data                     dev  fileName.jpeg  home        lib    lost+found  media   misc  net  postgres.txt  root  selinux  sys  usr  velocity.log
bin                          cgroup  dbdump_202101121833.sql  etc  fileName.png   invite.ics  lib64  mdata       mindex  mnt   opt  proc          sbin  srv      tmp  var
[root@gw /]# netstat -ta
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address               Foreign Address             State
tcp        0      0 *:http                      *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:10032                     *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:40400                     *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:webcache                  *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:9520                      *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:urd                       *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:10033                     *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:pago-services1            *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:10034                     *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 localhost:8050              *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:oracleas-https            *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:7091                      *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:7092                      *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:xmpp-server               *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:11541                     *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:46326                     *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:ssh                       *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 localhost:ipp               *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:postgres                  *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:smtp                      *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 localhost:x11-ssh-offset    *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:10042                     *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:9530                      *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:https                     *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:pcsync-https              *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:arcp                      *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:irdmi                     *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:imaps                     *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:44609                     *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:cbt                       *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:microsan                  *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:websm                     *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:commtact-http             *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:pop3s                     *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:xmltec-xmlmail            *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 localhost:mxi               *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:xmpp-client               *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:9510                      *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:11143                     *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:hpvirtgrp                 *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:33065                     *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:submission                *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0          SYN_RECV
tcp        0      0          SYN_RECV
tcp        0      0 *:rmiregistry               *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:5229                      *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:44941                     *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:pop3                      *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:44206                     *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:10030                     *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:imap                      *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:48879                     *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *:sunrpc                    *:*                         LISTEN
tcp        0      0 localhost:arcp              localhost:35332             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:webcache          localhost:52478             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:36990             localhost:arcp              ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:56094             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:55268             localhost:61612             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:55430             localhost:pago-services1    TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:arcp              localhost:36872             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:56160             ESTABLISHED
tcp        1      0 localhost:55024             localhost:8983              CLOSE_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:59074             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:58592             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0           TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58106             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:54996             localhost:pago-services1    TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:44160             localhost:imap              TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:54324             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:35082             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:webcache          localhost:53084             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:56115             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:58670             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:56170             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:58000             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58732             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58522             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:34698             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:56112             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:58634             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0            yell.woinsta.com:60195      TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:44382             localhost:imap              TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:55770             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:webcache          localhost:52588             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58118             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:55243             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0          ESTABLISHED
tcp        1      0 localhost:56510             localhost:8983              CLOSE_WAIT
tcp        0      0         ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:55244             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0        ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:arcp              localhost:36494             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:webcache          localhost:52584             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:60002             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:54370             localhost:pago-services1    TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:55484             localhost:61612             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:54166             localhost:pago-services1    TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0     static.vnpt.vn:56452        ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:arcp              localhost:36010             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:webcache          localhost:53228             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:55356             localhost:pago-services1    TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:54188             localhost:pago-services1    TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:arcp              localhost:36016             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:59032             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:webcache          localhost:53150             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:53628             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0       ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:webcache          localhost:52802             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:41402             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0          FIN_WAIT2
tcp        0      0 localhost:58364             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58750             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58636             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:44064             localhost:imap              TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:55478             localhost:pago-services1    ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:57918             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:57874             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:59216             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:43092             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:56554             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:60002             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:arcp              localhost:37370             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:42482             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:55256             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:52304             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:33806             localhost:9510              ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:50468             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:57200             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:webcache          localhost:52186             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:55592             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:webcache          localhost:53438             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:54734             localhost:pago-services1    TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:48640             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:54954             localhost:pago-services1    TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:41570             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:webcache          localhost:52608             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:55116             localhost:pago-services1    TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58672             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0     static.vnpt.vn:9749         ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:53324             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:webcache          localhost:53686             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:42458             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:58032             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0            ec2-54-69-60-166.us-w:59402 TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:55600             localhost:pago-services1    ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:58534             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58240             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58590             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:55290             localhost:pago-services1    TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58992             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:37746             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:54488             localhost:pago-services1    TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:35430             localhost:9510              ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:58402             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58274             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:44928             localhost:imap              TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58030             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:44776             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0        ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:pago-services1    localhost:55608             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:59220             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58082             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:58050             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:38626             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:59016             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0        ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:53950             localhost:pago-services1    TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58450             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:webcache          localhost:53442             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:51322             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:44056             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:58832             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58694             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0           ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:58644             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:36458             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:59252             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:59106             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:9510              localhost:35430             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:58010             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0           FIN_WAIT2
tcp        0      0 localhost:webcache          localhost:53684             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:44122             localhost:imap              TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:59272             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:57716             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:34958             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0         ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:58386             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:snip-slave        localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:56700             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:59072             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:43904             localhost:imap              TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:50468             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:52656             localhost:webcache          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:webcache          localhost:52356             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0        ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:45030             localhost:imap              TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:webcache          localhost:52600             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:37330             localhost:arcp              ESTABLISHED
tcp        1      0 localhost:52372             localhost:8983              CLOSE_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:40232             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:58968             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:58544             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:57852             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:54698             localhost:61612             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:54932             localhost:pago-services1    TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:51388             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:59286             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58680             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58982             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:53890             localhost:pago-services1    TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58844             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:49804             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:58008             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        1      0 localhost:47854             localhost:8983              CLOSE_WAIT
tcp        0      0             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:45396             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:arcp              localhost:37166             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:58868             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:44924             localhost:imap              TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0         ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:57882             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:53972             localhost:pago-services1    TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:40662             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:55272             localhost:pago-services1    TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:54888             localhost:pago-services1    TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0     static.vnpt.vn:62566        ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:55244             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0           ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:58078             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:59202             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:webcache          localhost:53436             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:54268             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:58664             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:55258             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:webcache          localhost:52856             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58990             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:55242             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:pago-services1    localhost:55614             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:arcp              localhost:36588             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:57772             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:59372             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:arcp              localhost:37214             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:59112             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:57822             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58876             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:webcache          localhost:53454             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58322             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0        ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0           TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:59406             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:45862             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:58324             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:57938             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:35806             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:58864             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:55536             localhost:pago-services1    TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58936             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58612             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:51320             ESTABLISHED
tcp        1      0 localhost:43988             localhost:8983              CLOSE_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:48640             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:43782             localhost:imap              TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0           TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:59160             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:33468             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0        ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0        ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:59222             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:56116             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:arcp              localhost:37418             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:55243             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:58904             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:webcache          localhost:52564             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58706             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58980             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58952             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:33036             localhost:61616             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:54432             localhost:61612             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:webcache          localhost:53428             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0        ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:36196             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:56348             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:58178             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:59226             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:33032             localhost:61616             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:webcache          localhost:53472             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58294             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:60486             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:55174             localhost:pago-services1    TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:45196             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:33030             localhost:61616             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:webcache          localhost:53000             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:54068             localhost:pago-services1    TIME_WAIT
tcp        1      0 localhost:59372             localhost:8983              CLOSE_WAIT
tcp        0      0             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:37302             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        1      0 localhost:54622             localhost:8983              CLOSE_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:59074             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:webcache          localhost:53092             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:56550             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:56108             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:58504             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:57668             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:43088             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:48952             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:56115             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:webcache          localhost:53152             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:webcache          localhost:52812             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:47142             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:arcp              localhost:35454             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:44142             localhost:imap              TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:arcp              localhost:36520             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:57936             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:55368             localhost:pago-services1    TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58880             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58002             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:57194             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0           TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:57784             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:60894             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:webcache          localhost:53164             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:42406             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:59316             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:webcache          localhost:52146             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:40346             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:59108             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:40946             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:56110             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgres          localhost:43088             ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:58868             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:54528             localhost:pago-services1    TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58212             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:44424             localhost:imap              TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58404             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:57340             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:59160             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:54506             localhost:pago-services1    TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58796             localhost:postgres          TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:58170             localhost:MOS-upper         TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:44190             localhost:imap              TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:53928             localhost:pago-services1    TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:44072             localhost:postgres          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:webcache          localhost:53754             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:54772             localhost:61612             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:54640             localhost:pago-services1    TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0 localhost:webcache          localhost:52556             TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0          ESTABLISHED
[root@gw /]#
[root@gw /]#
[root@gw /]#
[root@gw /]# dmidecode | grep -i dell
        Vendor: Dell Inc.
        Manufacturer: Dell Inc.
        Manufacturer: Dell Inc.
        Manufacturer: Dell Inc.
        String 1: Dell System
        Manufacturer: DELL
        Manufacturer: DELL
[root@gw /]# dmidecode | grep -i r720
[root@gw /]# dmidecode | grep -i r730
        Product Name: PowerEdge R730
        SKU Number: SKU=NotProvided;ModelName=PowerEdge R730
[root@gw /]# cat /etc/redhat-
cat: /etc/redhat-: 그런 파일이나 디렉터리가 없습니다
[root@gw /]# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS release 6.10 (Final)
[root@gw /]#
[root@gw /]#
[root@gw /]# cd /tmp
[root@gw tmp]# ls
PERCCLI_N65F1_7.1420.00_A10_Linux.tar.gz  gnome-system-monitor.root.3521501863  hsperfdata_root  keyring-r0xnJN  pulse-HJDg2lD3oboS  pulse-fcF3qSuVomzM  sf_gonote.pid  sf_logmon.pid
gnome-system-monitor.emw.3525914352       hsperfdata_mailadm                    keyring-kqO092   orbit-gdm       pulse-X36rMDDKrO47  sf_archive.pid      sf_gopush.pid
[root@gw tmp]# mkdir kth
[root@gw tmp]# mv PERCCLI_N65F1_7.1420.00_A10_Linux.tar.gz ./kth/
[root@gw tmp]# ls
gnome-system-monitor.emw.3525914352   hsperfdata_mailadm  keyring-kqO092  kth        pulse-HJDg2lD3oboS  pulse-fcF3qSuVomzM  sf_gonote.pid  sf_logmon.pid
gnome-system-monitor.root.3521501863  hsperfdata_root     keyring-r0xnJN  orbit-gdm  pulse-X36rMDDKrO47  sf_archive.pid      sf_gopush.pid
[root@gw tmp]# cd kth/
[root@gw kth]# ls
[root@gw kth]# tar -xvzf PERCCLI_N65F1_7.1420.00_A10_Linux.tar.gz
[root@gw kth]#
[root@gw kth]# ls
LINUX_Readme.txt  PERCCLI_N65F1_7.1420.00_A10_Linux.tar.gz  licenseinfo.txt  perccli-007.1420.0000.0000-1.noarch.rpm  perccli_007.1420.0000.0000_all.deb
[root@gw kth]# ls a-l
ls: cannot access a-l: 그런 파일이나 디렉터리가 없습니다
[root@gw kth]# ls -al
합계 8004
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root    4096 2022-04-26 15:20 .
drwxrwxrwt. 15 root root    4096 2022-04-26 15:20 ..
-rwxrwxrwx   1 root root     385 2019-08-25 04:33 LINUX_Readme.txt
-rw-r--r--   1 root root 4086092 2022-04-26 15:20 PERCCLI_N65F1_7.1420.00_A10_Linux.tar.gz
-rwxrwxrwx   1 root root   10983 2020-08-14 05:19 licenseinfo.txt
-rwxrwxrwx   1 root root 2124548 2011-08-11 16:33 perccli-007.1420.0000.0000-1.noarch.rpm
-rwxrwxrwx   1 root root 1956664 2020-12-10 00:20 perccli_007.1420.0000.0000_all.deb
[root@gw kth]# rpm -ivh perccli-007.1420.0000.0000-1.noarch.rpm
경고: perccli-007.1420.0000.0000-1.noarch.rpm: Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID cb529165: NOKEY
준비 중...               ########################################### [100%]
   1:perccli                ########################################### [100%]
[root@gw kth]#
[root@gw kth]#
[root@gw kth]# cd /opt/
[root@gw opt]# ls
DaouOffice_v2.4.1.1_Linux                 MegaRAID     TerraceTims.backup    TerraceTims.tmp     autopatch-log  glibc-2.14    rh
DaouOffice_v2.4.1.1_Linux_install.tar.gz  TerraceTims  TerraceTims.previous  TerraceTims.update  db_backup      migrationlog
[root@gw opt]# cd MegaRAID/
[root@gw MegaRAID]# ls
[root@gw MegaRAID]# cd perccli/
[root@gw perccli]# ls
install.log  perccli64
[root@gw perccli]# ./perccli64
install.log  perccli64
[root@gw perccli]# ./perccli64 --help

syntax error, unexpected TOKEN_UNKNOWN, expecting $end

     Storage Command Line Tool  Ver 007.1420.0000.0000 Dec 10, 2020

     (c)Copyright 2020, Broadcom Inc. All Rights Reserved.

help - lists all the commands with their usage. E.g. perccli help
<command> help - gives details about a particular command. E.g. perccli add help

List of commands:

Commands   Description
add        Adds/creates a new element to controller like VD,Spare..etc
delete     Deletes an element like VD,Spare
show       Displays information about an element
set        Set a particular value to a property
get        Get a particular value to a property
compare    Compares particular value to a property
start      Start background operation
stop       Stop background operation
pause      Pause background operation
resume     Resume background operation
download   Downloads file to given device
expand     expands size of given drive
insert     inserts new drive for missing
transform  downgrades the controller
reset      resets the controller phy
split      splits the logical drive mirror
/cx        Controller specific commands
/ex        Enclosure specific commands
/sx        Slot/PD specific commands
/vx        Virtual drive specific commands
/dx        Disk group specific commands
/fall      Foreign configuration specific commands
/px        Phy specific commands
/lnx       Lane specific commands
/[bbu|cv]  Battery Backup Unit, Cachevault commands
Other aliases : cachecade, freespace, sysinfo

Use a combination of commands to filter the output of help further.
E.g. 'perccli cx show help' displays all the show operations on cx.
Use verbose for detailed description E.g. 'perccli add  verbose help'
Use 'page[=x]' as the last option in all the commands to set the page break.
X=lines per page. E.g. 'perccli help page=10'
Use J as the last option to print the command output in JSON format
Command options must be entered in the same order as displayed in the help of
the respective commands.
Use 'nolog' option to disable debug logging. E.g. 'perccli show nolog'

[root@gw perccli]# ./perccli64 show
CLI Version = 007.1420.0000.0000 Dec 10, 2020
Operating system = Linux 2.6.32-754.27.1.el6.x86_64
Status Code = 0
Status = Success
Description = None

Number of Controllers = 1
Host Name = gw.emw.co.kr
Operating System  = Linux 2.6.32-754.27.1.el6.x86_64

System Overview :

Ctl Model        Ports PDs DGs DNOpt VDs VNOpt BBU sPR DS EHS ASOs Hlth
  0 PERCH730Mini     8   8   2     2   2     2 Opt On  3  N      0 NdAtn

Ctl=Controller Index|DGs=Drive groups|VDs=Virtual drives|Fld=Failed
PDs=Physical drives|DNOpt=Array NotOptimal|VNOpt=LD NotOptimal|Opt=Optimal
Msng=Missing|Dgd=Degraded|NdAtn=Need Attention|Unkwn=Unknown
sPR=Scheduled Patrol Read|DS=DimmerSwitch|EHS=Emergency Spare Drive
Y=Yes|N=No|ASOs=Advanced Software Options|BBU=Battery backup unit/CV
Hlth=Health|Safe=Safe-mode boot|CertProv-Certificate Provision mode

[root@gw perccli]# ./perccli64 /c0 /eall /sall

syntax error, unexpected $end

     Storage Command Line Tool  Ver 007.1420.0000.0000 Dec 10, 2020

     (c)Copyright 2020, Broadcom Inc. All Rights Reserved.

help - lists all the commands with their usage. E.g. perccli help
<command> help - gives details about a particular command. E.g. perccli add help

List of commands:

Commands   Description
add        Adds/creates a new element to controller like VD,Spare..etc
delete     Deletes an element like VD,Spare
show       Displays information about an element
set        Set a particular value to a property
get        Get a particular value to a property
compare    Compares particular value to a property
start      Start background operation
stop       Stop background operation
pause      Pause background operation
resume     Resume background operation
download   Downloads file to given device
expand     expands size of given drive
insert     inserts new drive for missing
transform  downgrades the controller
reset      resets the controller phy
split      splits the logical drive mirror
/cx        Controller specific commands
/ex        Enclosure specific commands
/sx        Slot/PD specific commands
/vx        Virtual drive specific commands
/dx        Disk group specific commands
/fall      Foreign configuration specific commands
/px        Phy specific commands
/lnx       Lane specific commands
/[bbu|cv]  Battery Backup Unit, Cachevault commands
Other aliases : cachecade, freespace, sysinfo

Use a combination of commands to filter the output of help further.
E.g. 'perccli cx show help' displays all the show operations on cx.
Use verbose for detailed description E.g. 'perccli add  verbose help'
Use 'page[=x]' as the last option in all the commands to set the page break.
X=lines per page. E.g. 'perccli help page=10'
Use J as the last option to print the command output in JSON format
Command options must be entered in the same order as displayed in the help of
the respective commands.
Use 'nolog' option to disable debug logging. E.g. 'perccli show nolog'

[root@gw perccli]# ./perccli64 /c0 /eall /lall

syntax error, unexpected $undefined, expecting TOKEN_OBJ_SLOT or TOKEN_SALL

     Storage Command Line Tool  Ver 007.1420.0000.0000 Dec 10, 2020

     (c)Copyright 2020, Broadcom Inc. All Rights Reserved.

help - lists all the commands with their usage. E.g. perccli help
<command> help - gives details about a particular command. E.g. perccli add help

List of commands:

Commands   Description
add        Adds/creates a new element to controller like VD,Spare..etc
delete     Deletes an element like VD,Spare
show       Displays information about an element
set        Set a particular value to a property
get        Get a particular value to a property
compare    Compares particular value to a property
start      Start background operation
stop       Stop background operation
pause      Pause background operation
resume     Resume background operation
download   Downloads file to given device
expand     expands size of given drive
insert     inserts new drive for missing
transform  downgrades the controller
reset      resets the controller phy
split      splits the logical drive mirror
/cx        Controller specific commands
/ex        Enclosure specific commands
/sx        Slot/PD specific commands
/vx        Virtual drive specific commands
/dx        Disk group specific commands
/fall      Foreign configuration specific commands
/px        Phy specific commands
/lnx       Lane specific commands
/[bbu|cv]  Battery Backup Unit, Cachevault commands
Other aliases : cachecade, freespace, sysinfo

Use a combination of commands to filter the output of help further.
E.g. 'perccli cx show help' displays all the show operations on cx.
Use verbose for detailed description E.g. 'perccli add  verbose help'
Use 'page[=x]' as the last option in all the commands to set the page break.
X=lines per page. E.g. 'perccli help page=10'
Use J as the last option to print the command output in JSON format
Command options must be entered in the same order as displayed in the help of
the respective commands.
Use 'nolog' option to disable debug logging. E.g. 'perccli show nolog'

[root@gw perccli]# ./perccli64 -ldinfo -lall -aall
CLI Version = 007.1420.0000.0000 Dec 10, 2020
Operating system = Linux 2.6.32-754.27.1.el6.x86_64
Status = Failure
Description = Deprecated command. Please use the new syntax.

[root@gw perccli]# ./perccli64 /c0 /eall /lall

syntax error, unexpected $undefined, expecting TOKEN_OBJ_SLOT or TOKEN_SALL

     Storage Command Line Tool  Ver 007.1420.0000.0000 Dec 10, 2020

     (c)Copyright 2020, Broadcom Inc. All Rights Reserved.

help - lists all the commands with their usage. E.g. perccli help
<command> help - gives details about a particular command. E.g. perccli add help

List of commands:

Commands   Description
add        Adds/creates a new element to controller like VD,Spare..etc
delete     Deletes an element like VD,Spare
show       Displays information about an element
set        Set a particular value to a property
get        Get a particular value to a property
compare    Compares particular value to a property
start      Start background operation
stop       Stop background operation
pause      Pause background operation
resume     Resume background operation
download   Downloads file to given device
expand     expands size of given drive
insert     inserts new drive for missing
transform  downgrades the controller
reset      resets the controller phy
split      splits the logical drive mirror
/cx        Controller specific commands
/ex        Enclosure specific commands
/sx        Slot/PD specific commands
/vx        Virtual drive specific commands
/dx        Disk group specific commands
/fall      Foreign configuration specific commands
/px        Phy specific commands
/lnx       Lane specific commands
/[bbu|cv]  Battery Backup Unit, Cachevault commands
Other aliases : cachecade, freespace, sysinfo

Use a combination of commands to filter the output of help further.
E.g. 'perccli cx show help' displays all the show operations on cx.
Use verbose for detailed description E.g. 'perccli add  verbose help'
Use 'page[=x]' as the last option in all the commands to set the page break.
X=lines per page. E.g. 'perccli help page=10'
Use J as the last option to print the command output in JSON format
Command options must be entered in the same order as displayed in the help of
the respective commands.
Use 'nolog' option to disable debug logging. E.g. 'perccli show nolog'

[root@gw perccli]# ./perccli64 /c0 /pall /vall

syntax error, unexpected TOKEN_SLASH, expecting TOKEN_SHOW or TOKEN_SET or TOKEN_RESET or TOKEN_COMPARE

     Storage Command Line Tool  Ver 007.1420.0000.0000 Dec 10, 2020

     (c)Copyright 2020, Broadcom Inc. All Rights Reserved.

help - lists all the commands with their usage. E.g. perccli help
<command> help - gives details about a particular command. E.g. perccli add help

List of commands:

Commands   Description
add        Adds/creates a new element to controller like VD,Spare..etc
delete     Deletes an element like VD,Spare
show       Displays information about an element
set        Set a particular value to a property
get        Get a particular value to a property
compare    Compares particular value to a property
start      Start background operation
stop       Stop background operation
pause      Pause background operation
resume     Resume background operation
download   Downloads file to given device
expand     expands size of given drive
insert     inserts new drive for missing
transform  downgrades the controller
reset      resets the controller phy
split      splits the logical drive mirror
/cx        Controller specific commands
/ex        Enclosure specific commands
/sx        Slot/PD specific commands
/vx        Virtual drive specific commands
/dx        Disk group specific commands
/fall      Foreign configuration specific commands
/px        Phy specific commands
/lnx       Lane specific commands
/[bbu|cv]  Battery Backup Unit, Cachevault commands
Other aliases : cachecade, freespace, sysinfo

Use a combination of commands to filter the output of help further.
E.g. 'perccli cx show help' displays all the show operations on cx.
Use verbose for detailed description E.g. 'perccli add  verbose help'
Use 'page[=x]' as the last option in all the commands to set the page break.
X=lines per page. E.g. 'perccli help page=10'
Use J as the last option to print the command output in JSON format
Command options must be entered in the same order as displayed in the help of
the respective commands.
Use 'nolog' option to disable debug logging. E.g. 'perccli show nolog'

[root@gw perccli]# ./perccli64 /c0

syntax error, unexpected $end

     Storage Command Line Tool  Ver 007.1420.0000.0000 Dec 10, 2020

     (c)Copyright 2020, Broadcom Inc. All Rights Reserved.

help - lists all the commands with their usage. E.g. perccli help
<command> help - gives details about a particular command. E.g. perccli add help

List of commands:

Commands   Description
add        Adds/creates a new element to controller like VD,Spare..etc
delete     Deletes an element like VD,Spare
show       Displays information about an element
set        Set a particular value to a property
get        Get a particular value to a property
compare    Compares particular value to a property
start      Start background operation
stop       Stop background operation
pause      Pause background operation
resume     Resume background operation
download   Downloads file to given device
expand     expands size of given drive
insert     inserts new drive for missing
transform  downgrades the controller
reset      resets the controller phy
split      splits the logical drive mirror
/cx        Controller specific commands
/ex        Enclosure specific commands
/sx        Slot/PD specific commands
/vx        Virtual drive specific commands
/dx        Disk group specific commands
/fall      Foreign configuration specific commands
/px        Phy specific commands
/lnx       Lane specific commands
/[bbu|cv]  Battery Backup Unit, Cachevault commands
Other aliases : cachecade, freespace, sysinfo

Use a combination of commands to filter the output of help further.
E.g. 'perccli cx show help' displays all the show operations on cx.
Use verbose for detailed description E.g. 'perccli add  verbose help'
Use 'page[=x]' as the last option in all the commands to set the page break.
X=lines per page. E.g. 'perccli help page=10'
Use J as the last option to print the command output in JSON format
Command options must be entered in the same order as displayed in the help of
the respective commands.
Use 'nolog' option to disable debug logging. E.g. 'perccli show nolog'

[root@gw perccli]# ./perccli64 /c0 /pall /vall show

syntax error, unexpected TOKEN_SLASH, expecting TOKEN_SHOW or TOKEN_SET or TOKEN_RESET or TOKEN_COMPARE

     Storage Command Line Tool  Ver 007.1420.0000.0000 Dec 10, 2020

     (c)Copyright 2020, Broadcom Inc. All Rights Reserved.

help - lists all the commands with their usage. E.g. perccli help
<command> help - gives details about a particular command. E.g. perccli add help

List of commands:

Commands   Description
add        Adds/creates a new element to controller like VD,Spare..etc
delete     Deletes an element like VD,Spare
show       Displays information about an element
set        Set a particular value to a property
get        Get a particular value to a property
compare    Compares particular value to a property
start      Start background operation
stop       Stop background operation
pause      Pause background operation
resume     Resume background operation
download   Downloads file to given device
expand     expands size of given drive
insert     inserts new drive for missing
transform  downgrades the controller
reset      resets the controller phy
split      splits the logical drive mirror
/cx        Controller specific commands
/ex        Enclosure specific commands
/sx        Slot/PD specific commands
/vx        Virtual drive specific commands
/dx        Disk group specific commands
/fall      Foreign configuration specific commands
/px        Phy specific commands
/lnx       Lane specific commands
/[bbu|cv]  Battery Backup Unit, Cachevault commands
Other aliases : cachecade, freespace, sysinfo

Use a combination of commands to filter the output of help further.
E.g. 'perccli cx show help' displays all the show operations on cx.
Use verbose for detailed description E.g. 'perccli add  verbose help'
Use 'page[=x]' as the last option in all the commands to set the page break.
X=lines per page. E.g. 'perccli help page=10'
Use J as the last option to print the command output in JSON format
Command options must be entered in the same order as displayed in the help of
the respective commands.
Use 'nolog' option to disable debug logging. E.g. 'perccli show nolog'

[root@gw perccli]# ./perccli64 /c0 /pall show
CLI Version = 007.1420.0000.0000 Dec 10, 2020
Operating system = Linux 2.6.32-754.27.1.el6.x86_64
Controller = 0
Status = Success
Description = None

PhyInfo :

PhyNo SAS_Addr           Phy_Identifier Link_Speed Device_Type  Port Port_valid Description
    0 0x4433221100000000              0 No limit   End Device      7          1 -
    1 0x5000C5008605C5A5              0 No limit   End Device      0          1 -
    2 0x5000C50085EF4075              0 No limit   End Device      1          1 -
    3 0x5000C5008604E67D              0 No limit   End Device      2          1 -
    4 0x4433221104000000              0 No limit   End Device      6          1 -
    5 0x5000C5008604A5DD              0 No limit   End Device      3          1 -
    6 0x5000C50086050191              0 No limit   End Device      4          1 -
    7 0x5000C5008605C715              0 No limit   End Device      5          1 -

[root@gw perccli]# ./perccli64 /c0 /sall show
CLI Version = 007.1420.0000.0000 Dec 10, 2020
Operating system = Linux 2.6.32-754.27.1.el6.x86_64
Controller = 0
Status = Failure
Description = No drive found!

Detailed Status :

Drive    Status  ErrCd ErrMsg
/c0/sALL Failure   255 Drives not found

[root@gw perccli]# ./perccli64 /call /sall show
CLI Version = 007.1420.0000.0000 Dec 10, 2020
Operating system = Linux 2.6.32-754.27.1.el6.x86_64
Controller = 0
Status = Failure
Description = No drive found!

Detailed Status :

Drive    Status  ErrCd ErrMsg
/c0/sALL Failure   255 Drives not found

[root@gw perccli]# ./perccli64 /call /ball show

syntax error, unexpected TOKEN_UNKNOWN

     Storage Command Line Tool  Ver 007.1420.0000.0000 Dec 10, 2020

     (c)Copyright 2020, Broadcom Inc. All Rights Reserved.

help - lists all the commands with their usage. E.g. perccli help
<command> help - gives details about a particular command. E.g. perccli add help

List of commands:

Commands   Description
add        Adds/creates a new element to controller like VD,Spare..etc
delete     Deletes an element like VD,Spare
show       Displays information about an element
set        Set a particular value to a property
get        Get a particular value to a property
compare    Compares particular value to a property
start      Start background operation
stop       Stop background operation
pause      Pause background operation
resume     Resume background operation
download   Downloads file to given device
expand     expands size of given drive
insert     inserts new drive for missing
transform  downgrades the controller
reset      resets the controller phy
split      splits the logical drive mirror
/cx        Controller specific commands
/ex        Enclosure specific commands
/sx        Slot/PD specific commands
/vx        Virtual drive specific commands
/dx        Disk group specific commands
/fall      Foreign configuration specific commands
/px        Phy specific commands
/lnx       Lane specific commands
/[bbu|cv]  Battery Backup Unit, Cachevault commands
Other aliases : cachecade, freespace, sysinfo

Use a combination of commands to filter the output of help further.
E.g. 'perccli cx show help' displays all the show operations on cx.
Use verbose for detailed description E.g. 'perccli add  verbose help'
Use 'page[=x]' as the last option in all the commands to set the page break.
X=lines per page. E.g. 'perccli help page=10'
Use J as the last option to print the command output in JSON format
Command options must be entered in the same order as displayed in the help of
the respective commands.
Use 'nolog' option to disable debug logging. E.g. 'perccli show nolog'

[root@gw perccli]# ./perccli64 /call /vall show
CLI Version = 007.1420.0000.0000 Dec 10, 2020
Operating system = Linux 2.6.32-754.27.1.el6.x86_64
Controller = 0
Status = Success
Description = None

Virtual Drives :

DG/VD TYPE  State Access Consist Cache Cac sCC       Size Name
0/0   RAID1 Dgrd  RW     Yes     RWBD  -   OFF 446.619 GB os
1/1   RAID5 Dgrd  RW     Yes     RWBD  -   OFF  18.190 TB

Cac=CacheCade|Rec=Recovery|OfLn=OffLine|Pdgd=Partially Degraded|Dgrd=Degraded
Optl=Optimal|dflt=Default|RO=Read Only|RW=Read Write|HD=Hidden|TRANS=TransportReady|B=Blocked|
Consist=Consistent|R=Read Ahead Always|NR=No Read Ahead|WB=WriteBack|
FWB=Force WriteBack|WT=WriteThrough|C=Cached IO|D=Direct IO|sCC=Scheduled
Check Consistency

[root@gw perccli]# ./perccli64 /call /sall /vall show

syntax error, unexpected TOKEN_SLASH

     Storage Command Line Tool  Ver 007.1420.0000.0000 Dec 10, 2020

     (c)Copyright 2020, Broadcom Inc. All Rights Reserved.

help - lists all the commands with their usage. E.g. perccli help
<command> help - gives details about a particular command. E.g. perccli add help

List of commands:

Commands   Description
add        Adds/creates a new element to controller like VD,Spare..etc
delete     Deletes an element like VD,Spare
show       Displays information about an element
set        Set a particular value to a property
get        Get a particular value to a property
compare    Compares particular value to a property
start      Start background operation
stop       Stop background operation
pause      Pause background operation
resume     Resume background operation
download   Downloads file to given device
expand     expands size of given drive
insert     inserts new drive for missing
transform  downgrades the controller
reset      resets the controller phy
split      splits the logical drive mirror
/cx        Controller specific commands
/ex        Enclosure specific commands
/sx        Slot/PD specific commands
/vx        Virtual drive specific commands
/dx        Disk group specific commands
/fall      Foreign configuration specific commands
/px        Phy specific commands
/lnx       Lane specific commands
/[bbu|cv]  Battery Backup Unit, Cachevault commands
Other aliases : cachecade, freespace, sysinfo

Use a combination of commands to filter the output of help further.
E.g. 'perccli cx show help' displays all the show operations on cx.
Use verbose for detailed description E.g. 'perccli add  verbose help'
Use 'page[=x]' as the last option in all the commands to set the page break.
X=lines per page. E.g. 'perccli help page=10'
Use J as the last option to print the command output in JSON format
Command options must be entered in the same order as displayed in the help of
the respective commands.
Use 'nolog' option to disable debug logging. E.g. 'perccli show nolog'

[root@gw perccli]# ./perccli64 /call /vall show
CLI Version = 007.1420.0000.0000 Dec 10, 2020
Operating system = Linux 2.6.32-754.27.1.el6.x86_64
Controller = 0
Status = Success
Description = None

Virtual Drives :

DG/VD TYPE  State Access Consist Cache Cac sCC       Size Name
0/0   RAID1 Dgrd  RW     Yes     RWBD  -   OFF 446.619 GB os
1/1   RAID5 Dgrd  RW     Yes     RWBD  -   OFF  18.190 TB

Cac=CacheCade|Rec=Recovery|OfLn=OffLine|Pdgd=Partially Degraded|Dgrd=Degraded
Optl=Optimal|dflt=Default|RO=Read Only|RW=Read Write|HD=Hidden|TRANS=TransportReady|B=Blocked|
Consist=Consistent|R=Read Ahead Always|NR=No Read Ahead|WB=WriteBack|
FWB=Force WriteBack|WT=WriteThrough|C=Cached IO|D=Direct IO|sCC=Scheduled
Check Consistency

[root@gw perccli]# ./perccli64 /call /pall /vall show

syntax error, unexpected TOKEN_SLASH, expecting TOKEN_SHOW or TOKEN_SET or TOKEN_RESET or TOKEN_COMPARE

     Storage Command Line Tool  Ver 007.1420.0000.0000 Dec 10, 2020

     (c)Copyright 2020, Broadcom Inc. All Rights Reserved.

help - lists all the commands with their usage. E.g. perccli help
<command> help - gives details about a particular command. E.g. perccli add help

List of commands:

Commands   Description
add        Adds/creates a new element to controller like VD,Spare..etc
delete     Deletes an element like VD,Spare
show       Displays information about an element
set        Set a particular value to a property
get        Get a particular value to a property
compare    Compares particular value to a property
start      Start background operation
stop       Stop background operation
pause      Pause background operation
resume     Resume background operation
download   Downloads file to given device
expand     expands size of given drive
insert     inserts new drive for missing
transform  downgrades the controller
reset      resets the controller phy
split      splits the logical drive mirror
/cx        Controller specific commands
/ex        Enclosure specific commands
/sx        Slot/PD specific commands
/vx        Virtual drive specific commands
/dx        Disk group specific commands
/fall      Foreign configuration specific commands
/px        Phy specific commands
/lnx       Lane specific commands
/[bbu|cv]  Battery Backup Unit, Cachevault commands
Other aliases : cachecade, freespace, sysinfo

Use a combination of commands to filter the output of help further.
E.g. 'perccli cx show help' displays all the show operations on cx.
Use verbose for detailed description E.g. 'perccli add  verbose help'
Use 'page[=x]' as the last option in all the commands to set the page break.
X=lines per page. E.g. 'perccli help page=10'
Use J as the last option to print the command output in JSON format
Command options must be entered in the same order as displayed in the help of
the respective commands.
Use 'nolog' option to disable debug logging. E.g. 'perccli show nolog'

[root@gw perccli]# ./perccli64 /call show
Generating detailed summary of the adapter, it may take a while to complete.

[root@gw perccli]# ./perccli64 /call show eventloginfo
CLI Version = 007.1420.0000.0000 Dec 10, 2020
Operating system = Linux 2.6.32-754.27.1.el6.x86_64
Controller = 0
Status = Success
Description = None

Newest Sequence Number = 0x000016f8
Oldest Sequence Number = 0x00000001
Clear Sequence Number = 0x0000024f
Shutdown Sequence Number = 0x00001508
Reboot Sequence Number = 0x0000169b

Controller Properties :

Ctrl Status  Method       Value
   0 Success EventLogInfo Events

[root@gw perccli]# ./perccli64 /c0 show
Generating detailed summary of the adapter, it may take a while to complete.

CLI Version = 007.1420.0000.0000 Dec 10, 2020
Operating system = Linux 2.6.32-754.27.1.el6.x86_64
Controller = 0
Status = Success
Description = None

Product Name = PERC H730 Mini
Serial Number = 67F036B
SAS Address =  51866da06bf51900
PCI Address = 00:03:00:00
System Time = 04/26/2022 15:28:09
Mfg. Date = 07/16/16
Controller Time = 04/26/2022 06:27:52
FW Package Build =
BIOS Version =
FW Version = 4.260.00-7126
Driver Name = megaraid_sas
Driver Version = 07.700.00.00-rc1
Current Personality = RAID-Mode
Vendor Id = 0x1000
Device Id = 0x5D
SubVendor Id = 0x1028
SubDevice Id = 0x1F49
Host Interface = PCI-E
Device Interface = SAS-12G
Bus Number = 3
Device Number = 0
Function Number = 0
Domain ID = 0
Security Protocol = None
Drive Groups = 2


DG Arr Row EID:Slot DID Type  State  BT       Size PDC  PI SED DS3  FSpace TR
 0 -   -   -        -   RAID1 Dgrd   N  446.625 GB enbl N  N   dflt Y      N
 0 0   -   -        -   RAID1 Dgrd   N  446.625 GB enbl N  N   dflt Y      N
 0 0   0   -        -   DRIVE Msng   -  446.625 GB -    -  -   -    -      N
 0 0   1   32:1     1   DRIVE Onln   N  446.625 GB enbl N  N   dflt -      N
 1 -   -   -        -   RAID5 Dgrd   N   18.190 TB dflt N  N   dflt N      N
 1 0   -   -        -   RAID5 Dgrd   N   18.190 TB dflt N  N   dflt N      N
 1 0   0   32:2     2   DRIVE Onln   N    3.637 TB dflt N  N   dflt -      N
 1 0   1   32:3     3   DRIVE Onln   N    3.637 TB dflt N  N   dflt -      N
 1 0   2   32:4     4   DRIVE Onln   N    3.637 TB dflt N  N   dflt -      N
 1 0   3   32:5     5   DRIVE Failed N    3.637 TB dflt N  N   dflt -      N
 1 0   4   32:6     6   DRIVE Onln   N    3.637 TB dflt N  N   dflt -      N
 1 0   5   32:7     7   DRIVE Onln   N    3.637 TB dflt N  N   dflt -      N

DG=Disk Group Index|Arr=Array Index|Row=Row Index|EID=Enclosure Device ID
DID=Device ID|Type=Drive Type|Onln=Online|Rbld=Rebuild|Optl=Optimal|Dgrd=Degraded
Pdgd=Partially degraded|Offln=Offline|BT=Background Task Active
PDC=PD Cache|PI=Protection Info|SED=Self Encrypting Drive|Frgn=Foreign
DS3=Dimmer Switch 3|dflt=Default|Msng=Missing|FSpace=Free Space Present
TR=Transport Ready

Missing Drives Count = 1

Missing Drives :

Array Row       Size
    0   0 446.625 GB

Virtual Drives = 2


DG/VD TYPE  State Access Consist Cache Cac sCC       Size Name
0/0   RAID1 Dgrd  RW     Yes     RWBD  -   OFF 446.619 GB os
1/1   RAID5 Dgrd  RW     Yes     RWBD  -   OFF  18.190 TB

VD=Virtual Drive| DG=Drive Group|Rec=Recovery
Cac=CacheCade|OfLn=OffLine|Pdgd=Partially Degraded|Dgrd=Degraded
Optl=Optimal|dflt=Default|RO=Read Only|RW=Read Write|HD=Hidden|TRANS=TransportReady|B=Blocked|
Consist=Consistent|R=Read Ahead Always|NR=No Read Ahead|WB=WriteBack|
AWB=Always WriteBack|WT=WriteThrough|C=Cached IO|D=Direct IO|sCC=Scheduled
Check Consistency

Physical Drives = 8


EID:Slt DID State  DG       Size Intf Med SED PI SeSz Model                Sp Type
32:0      0 UBUnsp -        0 KB SATA HDD N   N  512B INTEL SSDSC2BB48     U  -
32:1      1 Onln   0  446.625 GB SATA SSD N   N  512B INTEL SSDSC2BB480G6R U  -
32:2      2 Onln   1    3.637 TB SAS  HDD N   N  512B ST4000NM0025         U  -
32:3      3 Onln   1    3.637 TB SAS  HDD N   N  512B ST4000NM0025         U  -
32:4      4 Onln   1    3.637 TB SAS  HDD N   N  512B ST4000NM0025         U  -
32:5      5 Failed 1    3.637 TB SAS  HDD N   N  512B ST4000NM0025         U  -
32:6      6 Onln   1    3.637 TB SAS  HDD N   N  512B ST4000NM0025         U  -
32:7      7 Onln   1    3.637 TB SAS  HDD N   N  512B ST4000NM0025         U  -

EID=Enclosure Device ID|Slt=Slot No.|DID=Device ID|DG=DriveGroup
DHS=Dedicated Hot Spare|UGood=Unconfigured Good|GHS=Global Hotspare
UBad=Unconfigured Bad|Sntze=Sanitize|Onln=Online|Offln=Offline|Intf=Interface
Med=Media Type|SED=Self Encryptive Drive|PI=Protection Info
SeSz=Sector Size|Sp=Spun|U=Up|D=Down|T=Transition|F=Foreign
UGUnsp=UGood Unsupported|UGShld=UGood shielded|HSPShld=Hotspare shielded
CFShld=Configured shielded|Cpybck=CopyBack|CBShld=Copyback Shielded
UBUnsp=UBad Unsupported|Rbld=Rebuild

Enclosures = 1

Enclosure LIST :

EID State Slots PD PS Fans TSs Alms SIM Port# ProdID VendorSpecific
 32 OK        8  8  0    0   0    0   0 00 x1 BP13G+ 69H00Q6

EID=Enclosure Device ID |PD=Physical drive count |PS=Power Supply count|
TSs=Temperature sensor count |Alms=Alarm count |SIM=SIM Count ||ProdID=Product ID

BBU_Info :

Model State   RetentionTime Temp Mode MfgDate
BBU   Optimal 0 hour(s)     35C  -    0/00/00

[root@gw perccli]# lsblk
sda      8:0    0 446.6G  0 disk
├─sda1   8:1    0   200M  0 part /boot
├─sda2   8:2    0    32G  0 part [SWAP]
└─sda3   8:3    0 414.4G  0 part /
sdb      8:16   0  18.2T  0 disk
├─sdb1   8:17   0    10T  0 part /mdata
├─sdb2   8:18   0     2T  0 part /mindex
└─sdb3   8:19   0   6.2T  0 part /data
sr0     11:0    1  1024M  0 rom
[root@gw perccli]#
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