Meaning of Keyword
: Reserved words that significance in SQL
: Normally write in Capitals for distinguising with Query
This post is based on PostgreSQL syntax
SELECT | List of columns or expressions that must be returned |
AS | Adjust column name as following words |
FROM | Table to get the data |
WHERE | Filter based on both text & numeric values Always show up after 'FROM' Must use single quotes with 'WHERE' WHERE cluase only filter by specifying the exact text in PostgreSQL must use single quotes ; with WHERE |
IN ( ) | Allows specifying multiple values in WHERE Always with WHERE |
LIMIT | Extract Limited value |
DISTINCT | Extract Unique value |
AND | Combining multiple conditions |
OR | Sort multiple conditions |
BETWEEN | Inclusive, meaning the beginning and end values are included Always with AND |
INTO | Build New table |
IS NULL | Null Check (IS NOT NULL ) With WHERE query |
FROM people;
SELECT title
FROM films
year IN (2015, 2020)
AND (certification = 'A' OR certification = 'B');
-- be sure to enclose the individual clauses in parentheses
SELECT human_name AS name
FROM people
-- SELECT every columns data
FROM people;
SELECT country_code, size,
CASE WHEN size > 50000000
THEN 'large'
WHEN size > 1000000
THEN 'medium'
ELSE 'small' END
AS popsize_group
INTO pop_plus
FROM populations
WHERE year = 2015;
ORDER BY | BY default ORDER BY will sort in ascending order If want descending order put in DESC ORDER BY clause at the end of the query |
GROUP BY | Grouping by following words GROUP BY always goes after the FROM clause, not FROM |
HAVING | Aggregate functions can't be used in WHERE clauses Always use with GROUP BY |
SELECT birthdate, name
FROM people
ORDER BY birthdate, name
SELECT release_year
FROM films
GROUP BY release_year
WHERE COUNT(title) > 10
-- Above code occurring error
SELECT release_year
FROM films
GROUP BY release_year
HAVING COUNT(title) > 10
-- This works
Aggregate Function | DESCRIPTION |
COUNT | Num of rows in one or more columns |
AVG | Calculate Average 'SELECT' value |
MAX | Extract Maximum 'SELECT' value |
MIN | Extract Minimum 'SELECT' value |
LIKE | WHERE clause only filter by specifying the exact text LIKE operator can be used in a WHERE clause |
HAVING | Aggregate functions can't be used in WHERE clauses |
% | Will match zero, one, or many characters in text Use with LIKE |
_ | Will match single character Use with LIKE |
SELECT company_name
FROM companies
WHERE company_name LIKE 'SAMSUNG%';
-- Will extract SAMSUNG, SUMSUNG1, SAMSUNG_Electronics and on..
SELECT company_name
FROM companies
WHERE company_name LIKE 'SAMS_NG';
-- _ : will match single character : 'SAMSUNG', 'SAMSONG', 'SAMSING'
SELECT human_name
FROM people
WHERE human_name LIKE'_r%
-- human_names have 'r' as the second letter
`. | ` |
= | equal |
<> | not equal |
< | less than |
> | greater than |
<= | less than or equal to |
>= | greater than or equal to |
Arithmetic | DESCRIPTION |
/ | devide |
SELECT (4/3)
-- Conclusion 1
-- SQL assuumes that if divide an integer by an integer,
-- user want to get an integer back
SELECT (4.0 / 3.0) AS result
SELECT p1.country_code,
p1.size AS size2010,
p2.size AS size2015,
(p2.size - p1.size) / p1.size * 100.0 AS growth_perc
FROM populations AS p1
INNER JOIN populations AS p2
ON p1.country_code = p2.country_code
AND p1.year = p2.year - 5;
ISO Date | 1927-11-11 |
/* */ | multi line comments |
-- | single line comment |