[하버드] 확률론 기초: Statistics 110을 듣고 정리한 문서입니다.

1. Keywords

  • sample space: the set of all possible outcomes of an experiment
    • experiment: anything, general
    • kind of set
  • event: a subset of the sample space
  • Naive def. of probability
    P(A)=#favorable outcomes#possible outcomesP(A) = {\# favorable\ outcomes \over \#possible\ outcomes}
    • # possible outcomes = size of the sample space
  • Assumption
    • all outcomes are equally likely
    • finite sample space

2. Counting Principle

  1. Multiplication Rule

  2. Binomial Coefficient

    subset of size k of a group of things

Sampling Table choose k objects out of n

order mattersdoesn't matter
don't replace

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하지만 현실은.. 욕심으로는 영어 공부까지 같이 하고 싶은데 듣다 보면 멍때리게 되니까 결국에는 자막틀고 듣는다.

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