Basics of Neural Network - Perceptron Model

더기덕·2022년 4월 10일

Biological Neurons

  • Dendrites : inputs going into nucleus
  • Nucleus : does the calculation
  • Axon : passes output to other neurons

Perceptron Models

  • Neural Networks mimic this model

  • Generalized formula for perceptrons

Neural Networks

  • A single perceptron won’t be enough to learn complicated systems.
  • To build a network of perceptrons, we can connect layers of perceptrons, using a multi-layer perceptron model.

  • Input Layer

  • Output Layer : final estimate of the output
    - There could be multiple output layers

  • Hidden Layer : the layers in the middle
    - Deep Network : 2 or more hidden layers
    - Might be difficult to interpret

Activation Functions

  • z = x*w + b : basic formula for each perceptron
    - w : how much weight or strength to give the incoming input
    - b : an offset value, making x*w have to reach a certain threshold before having an effect

  • Activation Function (f(z) or X ) : sets boundaries to output values from the neuron

  • Step Function : Useful for classification
    - a strong function - small changes aren't reflected

  • Sigmoid Function : moderate form of a step function
    - more sensitive to small changes

  • Hyperbolic Tangent : outputs between -1 and 1
  • Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) : max(0,z)
    - deals with the issue of vanishing gradient
    - usually used as the default activation function

Multiclass Classifications

  • There are 2 types of multi-class situations:
    - Non-exclusive classes : a data point can have multiple classes/ categories assigned to it (e.g. tagging photos )
    - Mutually Exclusive Classes : only one class per data point
  • For multiclass classifications, arrange multiple output layers
  • One-hot encoding : how to turn classes into vectors
    - Mutually Exclusive Classes

    - Non-exclusive classes
  • Activation functions for multiclass classification (Non-exclusive)

  • Activation functions for multiclass classification (Exclusive)
    - Softmax Function : the target class chosen will have the highest probability

Cost Functions and Gradient Descent

  • Notations
    - : estimation of what the model predicts the label to be
    - y : true value
    - a : neuron's prediction

  • Cost Function
    - must be an average so it can output a single value
    - Used to keep track of our loss/cost during training to monitor network performance

  • Quadratic cost function
    - aL is the prediction at L layer
    - Why do we square it?

    • punish large errors
    • keeps everything positive
  • Generalization of cost function
    - W is our neural network's weights, B is our neural network's biases, Sr is the input of a single training sample, and Er is the desired output of that training sample.

  • Gradient Descent : find the w values that minimizes the cost
    - Learning Rate : how much you should move each time

    • Larger learning rates result in overshooting but lower computing rate
    • Adaptive Gradient Descent : We could adjust the step size in for each step
  • Gradient : derivative for N-dimensional Vectors

  • Cross Entropy Loss Function : for classification problems
    - binary classfication :
    - multi class classification :

Back Propagation

  • Usage of derivatives : find out how sensitive is the cost function to changes in w

    - repeat the same for bias
  • Back Propagation Process :
    - Step 1 : use input x to set the activation function a for the input layer & repeat

    - Step 2 : For each layer, compute

    - Step 3 : compute error vector

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