AI, ML, DL Concepts

Donburi·2023년 1월 6일


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DL < NN < ML < AI

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): science and engineering of making intelligence machines
  • Machine Learning (ML): subset/subfield of AI that self-learns through data
  • Neural Networks (NN)
  • Deep Learning (DL) - "deep" describes # of hidden layers

Note on ML

  • ML algorithms are better at seeing patterns in the data
  • Ethics: algorithms itself are neutral, input data can be biased thus affecting the algorithms

Type of Learning

  • Supervised Learning: data with labels
  • Unsupervised Learning: data without labels
  • Semi-supervised Learning: some data with labels, some without
  • Reinforcement Learning: learning based on errors and rewards

Data & Pre-processing

Type of Data

  • Structured Data: features have clearly defined meaning/data types (e.g. DB, table of data)
  • Unstructured Data (e.g. audio, image, text, etc.)

Common/General Pre-processing Techniques

  • Imputation: dealing with missing data/values (e.g. mean, interpolation, etc.)
  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA): dimensionality reduction
  • Standardization/Normalization: important especially when different features have different units (e.g. height will have more contribution in distance calculation compared to weight)

Bias (편향) & Variance (분산)

Trade-off between bias and variance

  • Bias: gap between predicted value and actual value (label)
    • | human error - training error |
  • Variance: how scattered predicted value is from actual value (label)
    • | training error - validation error |

Underfitting: high bias, low variance ("systematically wrong, doesn't capture complexity")

  • More complex network
  • Train longer

Overfitting: low bias, high variance ("vulnerable to noise and fluctuation in data")

  • More data
  • Regularisation (e.g. dropout, regularizer)

Common Techniques

Train/Dev/Test set

  • Validation or Development set: fine-tune hyperparameters (these are parameters that control learning, not learnt by the machine)
  • Test: evaluating the model ("final say")
    Dev and Test set should come from the same distribution that is close to "real"

K-fold Cross Validation - useful when data is limited (use the whole training data instead of splitting it into train and dev)

  • Increase K: lower bias, higher variance
    • Increasing the number of folds means we use more training data (but at the same time, risk poor generalisation)
  • Leave-One-Out Cross Validation (LOOCV): K=n where n is the number of training samples
    • At each iteration, we use n-1 samples as training data and 1 sample as validation (thus, LOO)


  • Ensemble (or bagging): average the results of various models (lower varaince)
  • Stacking: predictions of one model becomes the inputs of another model
    • Idea: each model learns some part of the problem instead of the whole problem, potentially improving performance


Supervised Learning

Classification - predicts class/label

Naive Bayes

Assumes that each evidence/feature/predictor makes an independent and equal contribution to the belief/label/prediction.

K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN)

Lazy (online) learning - learning happens real time as data is streamed in

Standardization is necessary
PCA can speed up KNN

Select K neighbors and predict using majority vote (break ties when necessary)
Close to a neighbor -> More likely to share common characteristics

Good value of K

  • Too small -> sensitive to outlier (high variance, low bias)
  • Too large (extreme K=n - prediction is the same for ALL data points)
  • In general, larger K yields lower variance, higher bias
  • Use CV to determine a good value

Neural Networks (NN)

Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
single artificial neuron (simplest ANN)
draws a linear boundary (binary classification) - thus can only model lineary separable problems (e.g. logical AND)

Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)
We can form MLP by connecting output of one perceptron to the input of another perceptron
Draws a curve boundary - thus can handle non-linearly separable problems (e.g. logical XOR)

  • 2 linear boundaries can be joined by another neuron, formign a curve

An ideal activation function is non-linear and differentiable. Without a non-linear activation, MLP is no better than a single perceptron

  • Activation functions do NOT have to be continuous and differentiable at every point
  • ReLU is a good activation since it is non-saturating and converges faster than sigmoid

Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
Feature Extractor: Convolution+Pooling
Classifier: Flatten+FC layers

Main Idea: we extract high-level features as we go through convolutions
(e.g. edges -> combination fo edges -> object models)

Pooling reduces the number of parameters and summarizes the output
Pooling & Strides help prevent overfitting

It is better to apply smaller kernel many times than applying larger kernel fewer times (better quality & less parameters)

Conv > FC

  • Preserves spatial context
  • Less number of parameters required (shared parameters - kernels)

Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
Good for sequential data (e.g. text, audio, video)

  • Retains internal memory ("context")

tanh as activation

Long Short Term Memory (LSTM)

  • short term memory learning
  • overcomes the problem of exploding/vanishing gradients

Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU)

  • less parameters, simple

Regression (회귀) - predicts a value

Linear Regression


Logistic Regression

Sigmoid - non-linear (but saturating), values between 0 and 1 (can have a cutoff/threshold for binary classification)

Unsupervised Learning



Standardization is necessary
It is believed that PCA improves clustering results in practice

Select K initial centroids (random)
Compute distances and assign each data point to a cluster
Re-compute the centroids according to new membership
Repeat until cluster memberships do not change (will ALWAYS converge)

Density-based, Model-based, etc.


Optimization Algorithms

Gradient Descent (기울기 하강)

x := x - alpha * dJ/dx, where x is a parameter, J is the cost function

  • Reason for -?
    • For negative gradient, x should increase
    • For positive gradient, x should decrease
  • Why gradient descent instead of a closed-form solution?
    • Often, there is no closed-form solution
    • Even if there is, gradient descent is computationally cheaper

Exploding/Vanishing gradients (기울기 소실/폭주)

For a deep network, we have potential risk of exploding/vanishing gradients (during backward propagation)

  • Exploding gradients: parameters of layers closer to output vary dramatically, whereas parameters of layers closer to input do not change significantly
  • Vanishing gradients: parameters grow exponentially


  • Weight Initialization
  • Use non-saturating activation (e.g. ReLU)
  • Gradient Clipping


Batch size in training basically controls how many times the parameters are updated (since each epoch is a run through the whole training set)

Let N be # of training samples in the training set

  • Stochastic Gradient Descent: batch size = 1
  • Mini-batch Gradient Descent: 1 < batch size < N
  • Batch: batch size = N
    For batch size > 1, it requires estimation in order to update the parameters (potential computational overhead)

Batch - slower but gives an optimal solution (given enough time)
Stochastic - faster but not optimal (keeps oscillating)
Mini-batch strikes a balance between the two

Optimization Algorithms


Momentum - compute exponentially weighted average of gradients and use it to update weights
RMSprop - compute expoentially weighted average of gradients and use decay (to damp out oscillations)
Adam - combines momentum and RMSprop

Evaluation Metrics

  • P or N: determined by prediction value
  • T or F: determined by whether prediction is correct


  • Accuracy: focus on TP, TN (i.e. correctly identified cases)
  • F1: focus on FP, FN (better option for imbalanced data)
    • harmonic mean of precision & recall
    • precision: focus on predicting 1 correctly
    • recall: focus on detecting 1 correctly

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