[책] Road Less Travelled

anonymous·2021년 5월 23일


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Living a life of spiritual growth requires a loving nature and being open to new perspectives, including the helpful and mysterious force of grace. Taking the road less traveled isn’t easy – it takes effort, will and a strong sense of self-discipline. Fortunately, there are tools and changes that you can add to your life to bring balance and put yourself on the path to spiritual growth.

The Road Less Traveled Key Idea #1: Having a better life starts with practicing self-discipline and developing the habit of delayed gratification.

  • Life is difficult
  • Recognize this to start the path of solving life's problems

The Road Less Traveled Key Idea #2: Discipline also means accepting responsibility, being truthful and striking a healthy balance in life.

  • Example of worker with complaints over long working hours realized it't not someone else's problem it's the worker's problem of time management.
  • Get Balance : letting go and giving up the unhealthy habits and extreme behaviors that are throwing your life out of balance.

The Road Less Traveled Key Idea #3: Love is closely linked to our spiritual growth and self-discipline.

  • Before you can love someone else, you first need to love yourself.
  • Love requires will and effort, so it takes discipline in your life.

The Road Less Traveled Key Idea #4: Love is not a feeling but an action that requires attention and comes with risks.

  • Loving someone means giving them attention and supporting their growth.

  • Life itself is a risk – and the more love you bring to it, the riskier it gets.

The Road Less Traveled Key Idea #5: Religion is essentially a personal worldview that can grow and expand as we gain new perspectives.

  • Think of yourself as a scientist, constantly questioning and exploring the world around you, and using this information to inform your opinions. This mentality will allow you to rebel against the religion of your parents. You needn’t adhere to their narrow worldview when you can take in all that life has to offer and form your own perspective.

The Road Less Traveled Key Idea #6: Ordinary occurrences can illuminate the extraordinary phenomenon of grace.

  • Perhaps grace is more than just an amazing resilience, and rather a force beyond our consciousness that nurtures our growth as human beings. We can see grace as an evolutionary force from a god who wants to ensure we don’t keep things as they are and instead feel the urge to grow.

The Road Less Traveled Key Idea #7: Grace can also be found in our dreams and in instances of synchronicity and serendipity.

  • Psychic phenomena such as these are examples of synchronicity, which can be seen as another example of grace in action.

The Road Less Traveled Key Idea #8: Humanity’s original sin is laziness, which prevents us from attaining spiritual growth.

  • By acknowledging your resistance, you can start on your way to overcoming the prejudices and obstacles that stand in the way of spiritual growth.



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