DBMS Day17 예제

김지원·2022년 7월 1일


목록 보기

  • 여기서 더 만들어야할까? 예약체계이다. (+리뷰)
  • 예약체계를 만들어야하는데 예약은 유저와 호텔에 의존적이다.
    호텔을 만들고 에약체계를 만들면 된다. 리뷰는 예약에 의존적이다.
    호텔에는 객실타입이 있고 객실타입은 호텔에 의존적이다.

-> hotels 테이블 생성

-> Hotels INSERT

-> hotel_room_types 테이블 생성

-> hotel_room_types INSERT

-> hotel_room_charges 테이블 생성

-> hotel_room_charges INSERT

SELECT `charge`.`date`   AS `투숙 일자`,
       `hotel`.`name`    AS `호텔이름`,
       `room_type`.`name` AS `객실 이름`,
       (`charge`.`charge`) * (`room_type`.`price`) AS `숙박비용`
FROM `site`.`hotel_room_types` AS `room_type`
         LEFT JOIN `site`.`hotel_room_charges` AS `charge` ON `room_type`.`hotel_index` = `charge`.`hotel_index` and
                                                              `room_type`.`index` = `charge`.`hotel_room_type_index`
         LEFT JOIN `site`.`hotels` AS `hotel` ON `room_type`.`hotel_index` = `hotel`.`index`
WHERE charge.`hotel_index` = 4
AND `room_type`.`index` = 6;


SELECT '호텔이름'         AS `항목`,
       `hotel`.`name` AS `값`
FROM `site`.`hotels` AS `hotel`
WHERE `hotel`.`index` = 4
SELECT '방 이름'        AS `항목`,
       `type`.`name` AS `값`
FROM `site`.`hotel_room_types` AS `type`
WHERE `type`.`index` = 6
SELECT '체크인'        AS `항목`,
       `charge`.`date` AS `값`
FROM  `site`.`hotel_room_charges` AS `charge`
WHERE `charge`.`date` = '2022-09-08'
SELECT '체크아웃'        AS `항목`,
      DATE_ADD(`charge`.`date`, INTERVAL  4 DAY ) AS `값`
FROM `site`.`hotel_room_charges` AS `charge`
WHERE `charge`.`date` = '2022-09-08'
SELECT '투숙일(박)'        AS `항목`,
       CONCAT((DATE_ADD(`charge`.`date`, INTERVAL  4 DAY )) - (`charge`.`date`) , '박') AS `값`
FROM  `site`.`hotel_room_charges` AS `charge`
WHERE `charge`.`date` = '2022-09-08'
SELECT '숙박비용'        AS `항목`,
       SUM(`sumprice`.`perprice`) AS `값`
FROM (SELECT (charge.`charge`) * (`type`.`price`) AS `perprice`
FROM `site`.`hotel_room_types` AS `type`
    LEFT JOIN `site`.`hotel_room_charges` AS `charge`
        ON `type`.`hotel_index` = `charge`.`hotel_index` and `type`.`index` = `charge`.`hotel_room_type_index`
WHERE  charge.`hotel_index` = 4
  AND `charge`.`hotel_room_type_index` = 6
  AND `charge`.`date` >= '2022-09-08') AS `sumprice`;

-> reservations 테이블 생성

`CONSTRAINT CHECK (`from` < `to`)` 

1차로 js에서 2차로 서비스에서 3차로 Db에서 막아주면 더 좋기 때문에 해주자ㅎ

  • insert!


SELECT `user`.`name`                                                                             AS `예약자 성명`,
       `user`.`email`                                                                            AS `예약자 이메일`,
       CONCAT(`user`.`contact_first`, '-', `user`.`contact_second`, '-', `user`.`contact_third`) AS `예약자 연락처`,
       `type`.`name`                                                                             AS `객실`,
       `reservation`.`from`                                                                      AS `체크인`,
       `reservation`.`to`                                                                        AS `체크아웃`,
       DATEDIFF(`reservation`.`to`, `reservation`.`from`)                                        AS `투숙일(박)`,
       SUM(`charge`.`charge`) * (`type`.`price`)                                                 AS `숙박비용`
FROM `site`.`reservations` AS `reservation`
         LEFT JOIN `site`.`users` AS `user` ON `reservation`.`user_index` = `user`.`index`
         LEFT JOIN `site`.`hotel_room_types` AS `type` ON `reservation`.`hotel_index` = `type`.`hotel_index` AND
                                                          `reservation`.`hotel_room_type_index` = `type`.`index`
         LEFT JOIN `site`.`hotel_room_charges` AS `charge` ON `type`.`hotel_index` = `charge`.`hotel_index` AND
                                                              `type`.`index` = `charge`.`hotel_room_type_index` AND
                                                              `charge`.`date` >= `reservation`.`from` AND
                                                              `charge`.`date` < `reservation`.`to`
WHERE `reservation`.`index` = 5;

  • 그 전 예제와 숙박 가격을 가져오는 메커니즘은 같은데 이번에는 리터럴을 사용하지 않고 가져와봤다.

IF(x, t, f)

x 조건이 참이면 t를, 아니라면 f를 반환한다.
SELECT IF(1 = 1 , '맞음','아님'); : 맞음


v값이 null이면 a값을 대신 사용한다.
SELECT IF(null, '저런'); : 저런

예제 2) 날짜만 바꾸었을 때 값이 나오도록 하시오.

SELECT `hotel`.`name`                                                AS `호텔명`,
       `type`.`name`                                                 AS `객실명`,
       `type`.`count` - COUNT(`reservation`.`hotel_room_type_index`) AS `가용 객실`,
       IF(`type`.`count` - COUNT(`reservation`.`hotel_room_type_index`) = 0, '이용 불가',
          FLOOR(`type`.`price` * `charge`.`charge`))                        AS `숙박비용`
FROM `site`.`hotel_room_types` AS `type`
         LEFT JOIN `site`.`hotels` AS `hotel` ON `type`.`hotel_index` = `hotel`.`index`
         LEFT JOIN `site`.`hotel_room_charges` AS `charge`
                   ON type.hotel_index = charge.hotel_index
                       AND type.`index` = charge.hotel_room_type_index
                          AND `charge`.`date` = '2022-09-06'
         LEFT JOIN `site`.`reservations` AS `reservation` ON `type`.`hotel_index` = `reservation`.`hotel_index` AND
                                                             `type`.`index` = `reservation`.`hotel_room_type_index` AND
                                                             `charge`.`date` < `reservation`.`to`
GROUP BY `type`.`index`;

  • 2022-09-06 select
  • 2022-09-11 select 날짜만 바꾸었을 때 이러한 결과가 나오면 된다.

-> 또 다른 방법도 있다.

SELECT `hotel`.`name`                                                AS `호텔명`,
       `type`.`name`                                                 AS `객실명`,
       `type`.`count` - COUNT(`reservation`.`index`) AS `가용 객실`,
       IF(`type`.`count` - COUNT(`reservation`.`index`) = 0, '이용 불가',
          ROUND(`type`.`price` * `charge`.`charge`))                        AS `숙박비용`
FROM `site`.`hotel_room_types` AS `type`
         LEFT JOIN `site`.`hotels` AS `hotel` ON `type`.`hotel_index` = `hotel`.`index`
         LEFT JOIN `site`.`reservations` AS `reservation` ON
             `type`.`hotel_index` = `reservation`.`hotel_index` AND
             `type`.`index` = `reservation`.`hotel_room_type_index` AND
             '2022-09-11' >= `reservation`.`from` AND
             '2022-09-11' < `reservation`.`to`
         LEFT JOIN `site`.`hotel_room_charges` AS `charge`
                   ON `type`.hotel_index = charge.hotel_index AND
                      `type`.`index` = charge.hotel_room_type_index AND
                      `charge`.`date` = '2022-09-11'
GROUP BY `type`.`index`;
Software Developer : -)

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