$ flutter build --help
Build an executable app or install bundle.
Available subcommands:
aar Build a repository containing an AAR and a POM file.
apk Build an Android APK file from your app.
appbundle Build an Android App Bundle file from your app.
bundle Build the Flutter assets directory from your app.
ios Build an iOS application bundle (macOS host only).
ios-framework Produces .xcframeworks for a Flutter project and its plugins for integration into existing, plain iOS Xcode projects.
ipa Build an iOS archive bundle and IPA for distribution (macOS host only).
macos Build a macOS desktop application.
macos-framework Produces .xcframeworks for a Flutter project and its plugins for integration into existing, plain macOS Xcode projects.
web Build a web application bundle.
$ flutter build appbundle
$ flutter build ipa
--> build/ios/ipa/toilet_password.ipa --> Transporter개발자 등록 비용