[doik2] Stackable

xgro·2023년 11월 24일


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📌 Notice

Database Operator In Kubernetes study (=DOIK)
데이터베이스 오퍼레이터를 이용하여 쿠버네티스 환경에서 배포/운영하는 내용을 정리한 블로그입니다.

CloudNetaStudy 그룹에서 스터디를 진행하고 있습니다.
Gasida님께 다시한번 🙇 감사드립니다.

EKS 및 KOPS 관련 스터디 내용은 아래 링크를 통해 확인할 수 있습니다.
[PKOS] KOPS를 이용한 AWS에 쿠버네티스 배포

📌 Review

6주간의 스터디가 빠르게 지나갔습니다.

데이터 플랫폼을 쉽고 빠르게 도입할 수 있는 Stackable에 대해서 스터디 하였습니다. 현재 직무에서는 데이터 파이프라인까지는 다루고 있지 않아, 생소한 내용도 많았지만, 하나씩 실습해 보면서 정말 쉽게 배포 할 수 있구나를 알게 되었습니다.

DOIK 스터디를 통해 쿠버네티스에서 Database를 운영하는 기술에 대해서 많이 배울 수 있었습니다.

📌 Summary

  • K8s의 Operator를 통해 어플리케이션을 패키징-배포-관리할 수 있습니다.

  • 데이터베이스 오퍼레이터를 이해하기 위해 반드시 알아야하는 쿠버네티스 관련 지식을 정리합니다.

  • 데이터 아키텍처를 손쉽게 구축할 수 있는 Stackable에 대해서 알아보며 쿠버네티스에 배포하는 실습을 진행 합니다.

📌 Study

👉 Step 01. SDP

Stackable Data Platform (SDP) 이해 : 오픈소스 데이터 관련 애플리케이션 손쉽게 배포 관리

데이터 관련 제공 오퍼레이터 - Link

  • Airflow, Druid, HBase, Hadoop HDFS, Hive, Kafka, NiFi, Spark, Superset, Trino, ZooKeeper

✅ Stackable 설치

Stackable을 클러스터에 배포합니다.

# 다운로드
#curl -L -o stackablectl https://github.com/stackabletech/stackable-cockpit/releases/download/stackablectl-1.0.0-rc2/stackablectl-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
curl -L -o stackablectl https://github.com/stackabletech/stackable-cockpit/releases/download/stackablectl-1.0.0-rc3/stackablectl-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
chmod +x stackablectl
mv stackablectl /usr/local/bin

# 확인
stackablectl -h
stackablectl -V
stackablectl 1.0.0-rc3

stackablectl release list

# 자동완성
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stackabletech/stackable-cockpit/main/extra/completions/stackablectl.bash
mv stackablectl.bash /etc/bash_completion.d/

# 제공 오퍼레이터
stackablectl operator list

# 제공 스택
stackablectl stack list

# 제공 데모 : Stackable release 설치 > 스택 구성 > 데이터 구성
stackablectl demo list

👉 Step 02. Demo Trino-Taxi-Data

✅ Demo 설치

Stackable에서 제공하는 DEMO 서비스를 배포하며 실습을 진행합니다.
데이터는 COVID-19 시대의 택시 예제 데이터입니다.

The data was put into the S3 storage → Trino enables you to query the data via SQL → Superset was used as a web-based frontend to execute SQL statements and build dashboards.

# Demo 정보 확인
stackablectl demo list
stackablectl demo list -o json | jq
stackablectl demo describe trino-taxi-data
 Demo             trino-taxi-data                                             >                                                 
 Description      Demo loading 2.5 years of New York taxi data into S3 bucket, creating a Trino table and a Superset dashboard 
 Documentation    https://docs.stackable.tech/stackablectl/stable/demos/trino-taxi-data.html   >                                
 Stackable stack  trino-superset-s3                                           >                                                
 Labels           trino, superset, minio, s3, ny-taxi-data

  • Spin up the follow data products
    • MinIO: A S3 compatible object store. This demo uses it as persistent storage to store all the data used
    • Hive metastore: A service that stores metadata related to Apache Hive and other services. This demo uses it as metadata storage for Trino - Link
    • Trino: A fast distributed SQL query engine for big data analytics that helps you explore your data universe. This demo uses it to enable SQL access to the data
    • Superset: A modern data exploration and visualization platform. This demo utilizes Superset to retrieve data from Trino via SQL queries and build dashboards on top of that data
    • Open policy agent (OPA): An open source, general-purpose policy engine that unifies policy enforcement across the stack. This demo uses it as the authorizer for Trino, which decides which user is able to query which data.
  • Load testdata into S3. It contains 2.5 years of New York City taxi trips
  • Make data accessible via SQL in Trino
  • Create Superset dashboards for visualization of the data

✅ Demo 실습

배포된 Demo 관련 리소스를 확인합니다.

# [터미널] 모니터링
watch -d "kubectl get pod -n stackable-operators;echo;kubectl get pod,job,svc,pvc"

# 데모 설치 : 데이터셋 다운로드 job 포함 8분 정도 소요
stackablectl demo install trino-taxi-data

# 설치 확인
helm list -n stackable-operators
helm list

kubectl top node
kubectl top pod -A

kubectl get-all -n default
kubectl get deploy,sts,pod
kubectl get job
kubectl get job load-ny-taxi-data -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml
kubectl get job create-ny-taxi-data-table-in-trino -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml
kubectl get job setup-superset -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml
kubectl get job superset -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml

kubectl get sc,pvc,pv
kubectl get pv |grep gp3
kubectl get sc secrets.stackable.tech -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml
kubectl df-pv
kubectl get svc,ep,endpointslices
kubectl get cm,secret

kubectl get cm minio -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml
kubectl describe cm minio

kubectl get cm hive-metastore-default -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml
kubectl get cm hive -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml
kubectl get cm postgresql-hive-extended-configuration -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml

kubectl get cm trino-coordinator-default -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml
kubectl get cm trino-coordinator-default-catalog -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml
kubectl get cm trino-worker-default -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml
kubectl get cm trino-worker-default-catalog -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml
kubectl get cm create-ny-taxi-data-table-in-trino-script -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml

kubectl get cm superset-node-default -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml
kubectl get cm superset-init-db -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml
kubectl get cm setup-superset-script -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml

kubectl get secret minio -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml
kubectl get secret minio-s3-credentials -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml
kubectl get secret postgresql-hive -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml
kubectl get secret postgresql-superset -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml
kubectl get secret trino-users -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml
kubectl get secret trino-internal-secret -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml
kubectl get secret superset-credentials -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml
kubectl get secret superset-mapbox-api-key -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml

kubectl get crd | grep stackable
kubectl explain trinoclusters
kubectl describe trinoclusters.trino.stackable.tech

kubectl get hivecluster,opacluster,s3connection
kubectl get supersetcluster,supersetdb
kubectl get trinocluster,trinocatalog

kubectl get hivecluster -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml
kubectl get s3connection -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml
kubectl get supersetcluster -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml
kubectl get supersetdb -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml
kubectl get trinocluster -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml
kubectl get trinocatalog -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml

# 배포 스택 정보 확인 : 바로 확인 하지 말고, 설치 완료 후 아래 확인 할 것 - Endpoint(접속 주소 정보), Conditions(상태 정보)
stackablectl stacklet list
│ PRODUCT    ┆ NAME                             ┆ NAMESPACE  ┆ ENDPOINTS                                        ┆ CONDITIONS                      │
│ hive       ┆ hive                             ┆ default    ┆                                                  ┆ Available, Reconciling, Running │
│ opa        ┆ opa                              ┆ default    ┆                                                  ┆ Available, Reconciling, Running │
│ superset   ┆ superset                         ┆ default    ┆ external-superset   ┆ Available, Reconciling, Running │
│ trino      ┆ trino                            ┆ default    ┆ coordinator-metrics         ┆ Available, Reconciling, Running │
│            ┆                                  ┆            ┆ coordinator-https ┆                                 │
│ grafana    ┆ kube-prometheus-stack-grafana    ┆ monitoring ┆                                                  ┆                                 │
│ minio      ┆ minio-console                    ┆ default    ┆ http           ┆                                 │
│ prometheus ┆ kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus ┆ monitoring ┆                                                  ┆                                 │

# 배포 스택의 product 접속 계정 정보 확인 : 대부분 admin / adminadmin 계정 정보 사용
stackablectl stacklet credentials superset superset
stackablectl stacklet credentials minio minio-console  # admin / adminadmin 계정 정보 출력 안됨... 아직은 rc 단계라 그런듯

# 배포 오퍼레이터 확인
stackablectl operator installed
│ OPERATOR          ┆ VERSION ┆ NAMESPACE           ┆ STATUS   ┆ LAST UPDATED                            │
│ commons-operator  ┆ 23.7.0  ┆ stackable-operators ┆ deployed ┆ 2023-11-19 10:37:56.08217875 +0900 KST  │
│ hive-operator     ┆ 23.7.0  ┆ stackable-operators ┆ deployed ┆ 2023-11-19 10:38:13.358512684 +0900 KST │
│ opa-operator      ┆ 23.7.0  ┆ stackable-operators ┆ deployed ┆ 2023-11-19 10:38:32.724016087 +0900 KST │
│ secret-operator   ┆ 23.7.0  ┆ stackable-operators ┆ deployed ┆ 2023-11-19 10:38:51.410402351 +0900 KST │
│ superset-operator ┆ 23.7.0  ┆ stackable-operators ┆ deployed ┆ 2023-11-19 10:38:56.963602496 +0900 KST │
│ trino-operator    ┆ 23.7.0  ┆ stackable-operators ┆ deployed ┆ 2023-11-19 10:39:15.346593878 +0900 KST │

집 PC에서 직접 ENDPOINTS(워커 노드의 NodePort)로 접속 설정
→ 아래 보안 그룹 추가 후 접속 가능합니다.

# 워커노드의 '#-nodegroup-ng1-remoteAccess' 보안 그룹에 자신의 집 공인IP 접속 허용 추가
NGSGID=$(aws ec2 describe-security-groups --filters Name=group-name,Values='ng1' --query "SecurityGroups[*].[GroupId]" --output text)
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id $NGSGID --protocol '-1' --cidr $(curl -s ipinfo.io/ip)/32

(Optional)ingress 로 접속 시

# 파일 생성 : minio 예시
cat <<EOT > minio-ingress.yaml
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/certificate-arn: $CERT_ARN
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/group.name: study
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/listen-ports: '[{"HTTPS":443}, {"HTTP":80}]'
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/load-balancer-name: myeks-ingress-alb
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/scheme: internet-facing
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: "443"
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/success-codes: 200-399
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/target-type: ip
    app: minio
  name: minio
  ingressClassName: alb
  - host: minio.$MyDomain
      - backend: 
            name: minio-console
              number: 9001
        path: /*
        pathType: ImplementationSpecific

# ingress 생성
kubectl apply -f minio-ingress.yaml

# 확인
kubectl get ingress -A
echo -e "minio URL = https://minio.$MyDomain"

📕 Inspect data in S3

Inspect data in S3

S3에 저장된 데이터를 확인합니다.

PRODUCT minio ENDPOINTS console-http 접속 : admin / adminadmin

Click on the blue button Browse on the bucket demo and open the folders ny-taxi-data → raw

  • As you can see the demo uploaded 1GB of parquet files, one file per month. The data contain taxi rides in New York City
  • The demo loaded 2.5 years of taxi trip data from New York City with 68 million records and a total size of 1GB in parquet files.
    • 필드 : 승차 및 하차 날짜/시간, 승차 및 하차 위치, 이동 거리, 항목별 요금, 요금 유형, 지불 유형 및 운전자가 보고한 승객 수 - Link
  • You can see the file size (and therefore the number of rides) decrease drastically because of the Covid-19 pandemic starting from 2020-03.
  • Parquet is an open source, column-oriented data file format designed for efficient data storage and retrieval.
kubectl get svc,ep minio-console

# 데이터셋 다운로드 동작 확인
kubectl get job load-ny-taxi-data -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml -p
      - command:
        - bash
        - -c
        - cd /tmp && for month in 2020-01 2020-02 2020-03 2020-04 2020-05 2020-06
          2020-07 2020-08 2020-09 2020-10 2020-11 2020-12 2021-01 2021-02 2021-03
          2021-04 2021-05 2021-06 2021-07 2021-08 2021-09 2021-10 2021-11 2021-12
          2022-01 2022-02 2022-03 2022-04; do curl -O https://repo.stackable.tech/repository/misc/ny-taxi-data/yellow_tripdata_$month.parquet
          && mc --insecure alias set minio http://minio:9000/ $(cat /minio-s3-credentials/accessKey)
          $(cat /minio-s3-credentials/secretKey) && mc cp yellow_tripdata_$month.parquet minio/demo/ny-taxi-data/raw/; done

## 샘플 다운로드 : '연도-월' 만 바꿔서 다운로드 가능
curl -O https://repo.stackable.tech/repository/misc/ny-taxi-data/yellow_tripdata_2023-01.parquet

# 추가 정보
kubectl get cm minio -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml
kubectl describe cm minio

kubectl get secret minio -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml
kubectl get secret minio-s3-credentials -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml

📘 Trino Web

Use Trino Web Interface

Trino Web UI를 사용하여 현재 배포된 워커의 내용을 확인할 수 있습니다.

  • Trino, a query engine that runs at ludicrous speed : Fast distributed SQL query engine for big data analytics - Link

  • Trino offers SQL access to the data within S3

  • PRODUCT trino ENDPOINTS coordinator-https 접속 : admin / adminadmin

Cluster Overview

Worker List

Worker Status

When you start executing SQL queries you will see the queries getting processed here.

kubectl get svc,ep trino-coordinator

kubectl get job create-ny-taxi-data-table-in-trino -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml

kubectl get trinocluster,trinocatalog
kubectl get trinocluster -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml -p
kubectl get trinocatalog -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml -p
    connector:      # hive, s3
          configMap: hive
          reference: minio

kubectl get cm trino-coordinator-default -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml
kubectl get cm trino-coordinator-default-catalog -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml -p
  hive.properties: |

kubectl get cm trino-worker-default -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml
kubectl get cm trino-worker-default-catalog -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml
kubectl get cm create-ny-taxi-data-table-in-trino-script -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml

kubectl get secret trino-users -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml
kubectl get secret trino-internal-secret -o yaml | kubectl neat | cat -l yaml

trino-operator를 통해서 trino worker 2대로 증설

# 오퍼레이터 로깅 수준을 높여보자..
kubectl logs -n stackable-operators -l app.kubernetes.io/instance=trino-operator -f

# trino worker 2대로 증설
kubectl get trinocluster trino -o json | cat -l json -p
kubectl patch trinocluster trino --type='json' -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/workers/roleGroups/default/replicas", "value":2}]'

📗 Superset Web

Use Superset Web Interface - Docs Superset Connect_Trino

Superset Web을 사용하여, 데이터를 확인하고, 웹에서 쿼리를 사용할 수 있습니다.

  • Apache Superset™ is an open-source modern data exploration and visualization platform
  • Superset gives the ability to execute SQL queries and build dashboards
  • PRODUCT superset ENDPOINTS external-superset 접속 : admin / adminadmin
  • On the top click on the tab Dashboards → Click on the dashboard called Taxi data.
    • It might take some time until the dashboards renders all the included charts. ⇒ 다소 시간 걸림(새로 고침), Trino 같이 확인

You can clearly see the impact of Covid-19 on the taxi business → ‘20.3월 이후 부터 급격히 감소했음을 확인 할 수 있다

Execute arbitrary SQL statements

  • Within Superset you can not only create dashboards but also run arbitrary SQL statements. On the top click on the tab SQL Lab → SQL Editor.
  • On the left select the database Trino, the schema demo and set See table schema to ny_taxi_data.

How many taxi trips there where in the year 2021?

  count(*) as trips
from ny_taxi_data
where year(tpep_pickup_datetime) = 2021

What was the highest tip (measured in percentage of the original fee) ever given?

  total_amount as fee,
  tip_amount as tip,
  tip_amount / total_amount * 100 as tip_percentage
from ny_taxi_data
where total_amount > 0
order by 3 desc
limit 5

🔥 CleanUp

Demo를 위해 배포한 리소스를 정리합니다.

kubectl delete supersetcluster,supersetdb superset
kubectl delete trinocluster trino && kubectl delete trinocatalog hive
kubectl delete hivecluster hive
kubectl delete s3connection minio
kubectl delete opacluster opa

helm uninstall postgresql-superset
helm uninstall postgresql-hive
helm uninstall minio

kubectl delete job --all
kubectl delete pvc --all

kubectl delete cm create-ny-taxi-data-table-in-trino-script setup-superset-script trino-opa-bundle
kubectl delete secret minio-s3-credentials secret-provisioner-tls-ca superset-credentials superset-mapbox-api-key trino-users
kubectl delete sa superset-sa

# operator 삭제
stackablectl operator uninstall superset trino hive secret opa commons

# 남은 리소스 확인
kubectl get-all -n stackable-operators

👉 Step 03. Stackable Operator

Stackable은 Kubernetes를 기반으로 하며 이를 Control plane으로 사용하여 클러스터를 관리합니다.

  • Overview : Stackable is based on Kubernetes and uses this as the control plane to manage clusters.
    - In this guide we will build a simple cluster with 3 services; Apache ZooKeeper, Apache Kafka and Apache NiFi.
    - Installing Stackable Operators - Link

# [터미널1] 모니터링
watch -d "kubectl get pod -n stackable-operators"

# [터미널2] 설치
stackablectl release list
stackablectl release install -i commons -i secret -i zookeeper -i kafka -i nifi 23.7
[INFO ] Installing release 23.7
[INFO ] Installing commons operator in version 23.7.0
[INFO ] Installing kafka operator in version 23.7.0
[INFO ] Installing nifi operator in version 23.7.0
[INFO ] Installing secret operator in version 23.7.0
[INFO ] Installing zookeeper operator in version 23.7.0

# 설치 확인
helm list -n stackable-operators
stackablectl operator installed
kubectl get crd | grep stackable.tech
kubectl get pod

Zookeeper, Kafka, Nifi를 설치하는 실습을 진행합니다.

Apache ZooKeeper

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: zookeeper.stackable.tech/v1alpha1
kind: ZookeeperCluster
  name: simple-zk
    productVersion: "3.8.1"
    stackableVersion: "23.7"
      serverSecretClass: null
        replicas: 1
          myidOffset: 10
apiVersion: zookeeper.stackable.tech/v1alpha1
kind: ZookeeperZnode
  name: simple-zk-znode
    name: simple-zk

Apache Kafka
We will deploy an Apache Kafka broker that depends on the ZooKeeper service we just deployed.

  • The zookeeperReference property below points to the namespace and name we gave to the ZooKeeper service deployed previously.
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: kafka.stackable.tech/v1alpha1
kind: KafkaCluster
  name: simple-kafka
    productVersion: "3.4.0"
    stackableVersion: "23.7"
    zookeeperConfigMapName: simple-kafka-znode
      serverSecretClass: null
        replicas: 3
apiVersion: zookeeper.stackable.tech/v1alpha1
kind: ZookeeperZnode
  name: simple-kafka-znode
    name: simple-zk
    namespace: default

Kafka UI - 링크

helm repo add kafka-ui https://provectus.github.io/kafka-ui-charts
cat <<EOF > kafkaui-values.yml
      - name: yaml
        bootstrapServers: simple-kafka-broker-brokers:9092
    type: disabled
        enabled: false

# 설치
helm install kafka-ui kafka-ui/kafka-ui -f kafkaui-values.yml

# 접속 확인
kubectl patch svc kafka-ui -p '{"spec":{"type":"LoadBalancer"}}'
kubectl annotate service kafka-ui "external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/hostname=kafka-ui.$MyDomain"
echo -e "kafka-ui Web URL = http://kafka-ui.$MyDomain"

Apache NiFi - 링크 소개

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: zookeeper.stackable.tech/v1alpha1
kind: ZookeeperZnode
  name: simple-nifi-znode
    name: simple-zk
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: nifi-admin-credentials-simple
  username: admin
  password: AdminPassword
apiVersion: nifi.stackable.tech/v1alpha1
kind: NifiCluster
  name: simple-nifi
    productVersion: "1.21.0"
    stackableVersion: "23.7"
    listenerClass: external-unstable
    zookeeperConfigMapName: simple-nifi-znode
          adminCredentialsSecret: nifi-admin-credentials-simple
      keySecret: nifi-sensitive-property-key
      autoGenerate: true
        replicas: 1

📚 Test Cluster

설치가 완료된 서비스를 테스트합니다.

Testing your cluster - Link

설치 확인

stackablectl stacklet list
│ PRODUCT    ┆ NAME                             ┆ NAMESPACE  ┆ ENDPOINTS                           ┆ CONDITIONS                      │
│ kafka      ┆ simple-kafka                     ┆ default    ┆ metrics           ┆ Available, Reconciling, Running │
│            ┆                                  ┆            ┆ kafka           ┆                                 │
│ nifi       ┆ simple-nifi                      ┆ default    ┆ https ┆ Available, Reconciling, Running │
│ zookeeper  ┆ simple-zk                        ┆ default    ┆                                     ┆ Available, Reconciling, Running │
│ grafana    ┆ kube-prometheus-stack-grafana    ┆ monitoring ┆                                     ┆                                 │
│ prometheus ┆ kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus ┆ monitoring ┆                                     ┆                                 │

Apache ZooKeeper

# ZooKeeper CLI shell
kubectl exec -i -t simple-zk-server-primary-0 -c zookeeper -- bin/zkCli.sh
# znodes 확인
# You can run the ls / command to see the list of znodes in the root path, 
# which should include those created by Apache Kafka and Apache NiFi.
ls /
[znode-5fef78a9-71e1-4250-bc35-ced60243d60f, znode-b0bf14f8-a1f6-4b31-aaba-4f4bbc68767d, znode-c45d9efd-a071-4723-943a-79d5fe49a162, zookeeper]


Apache Kafka

# 토픽 생성
kubectl exec -it simple-kafka-broker-brokers-0 -c kafka -- bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --create --topic demo
Created topic demo.

# 토픽 확인
kubectl exec -it simple-kafka-broker-brokers-0 -c kafka -- bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --list


Kafka UI로 Demo 토픽이 생성된 것을 확인할 수 있습니다.

Apache NiFi : PRODUCT nifi ENDPOINTS https 접속 : admin / AdminPassword

# NiFi admin 계정의 암호 확인
kubectl get secrets nifi-admin-credentials-simple -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d && echo

Nifi에 접속하여 기능을 살펴봅니다.

🔥 CleanUp

배포한 리소스를 정리합니다.

# Apache NiFi 삭제
kubectl delete nificluster simple-nifi && kubectl delete zookeeperznode simple-nifi-znode

# kafka-ui 삭제
helm uninstall kafka-ui

# Apache kafka 삭제
kubectl delete kafkacluster simple-kafka && kubectl delete zookeeperznode simple-kafka-znode

# Apache ZooKeeper 삭제
kubectl delete zookeepercluster simple-zk && kubectl delete zookeeperznode simple-zk-znode

# secret, pvc 삭제
kubectl delete secret nifi-admin-credentials-simple nifi-sensitive-property-key secret-provisioner-tls-ca
kubectl delete pvc --all

# operator 삭제
stackablectl operator uninstall nifi kafka zookeeper secret commons

# 남은 리소스 확인
kubectl get-all -n stackable-operators

📌 Reference

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