
김태현·2022년 2월 18일


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Tables - Views - iOS - Human Interface Guidelines - Apple Developer

A table presents data as a scrolling, single-column list of rows that can be divided into sections or groups.
Use a table to display large or small amounts of information cleanly and efficiently in the form of a list.
Generally speaking, tables are ideal for text-based content, and often appear as a means of navigation on one side of a split view, with related content shown on the opposite side.

⇒ 스크롤, 그룹화 가능

⇒ 리스트로 정보 명료화

테이블 스타일

  1. Plain

Rows can be separated into labeled sections, and an optional index can appear vertically along the right edge of the table.
A header can appear before the first item in a section, and a footer can appear after the last item.

⇒ 오른쪽 끝에 인덱스 표현 가능

⇒ 첫 아이템 전에 header, 마지막 아이템 뒤에 footer

  1. Grouped

Rows are displayed in groups, which can be preceded by a header and followed by a footer. This style of table always contains at least one group and each group always contains at least one row. A grouped table doesn’t include an index.

⇒ 그룹화

⇒ 인덱스 없음

  1. Inset Grouped

Rows are displayed in groups that have rounded corners and are inset from the edges of the parent view (as shown on the right of the image above). This style of table always contains at least one group and each group always contains at least one row and can be preceded by a header and followed by a footer. An inset grouped table doesn’t include an index. The inset grouped style works best in a regular width environment. Because there's less space in a compact environment, an inset grouped table can cause text wrapping, especially when content is localized.

⇒ 모서리가 둥근 테이블, 그룹화

⇒ 인덱스 불가

⇒ 넓은 화면일 때 유용 like 아이패드

Begin showing table content quickly.

Communicate progress as content loads.

Avoid combining an index with table rows containing right-aligned elements.

table row

  1. Basic

An optional image on the left side of the row, followed by a left-aligned title.

  1. Subtitle

This style works well in a table where rows are visually similar.

  1. right detail

  2. left detail

iOS 공부 중

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