HTML5 semantic 태그

차유림·2021년 11월 16일

HTML5 에 새롭게 추가된 태그

Tags (Elements)Description
<article>Represents an independent piece of content of a document, such as a blog entry or newspaper article
<aside >Represents a piece of content that is only slightly related to the rest of the page.
<audio>Defines an audio file.
<canvas>This is used for rendering dynamic bitmap graphics on the fly, such as graphs or games.
<command>Represents a command the user can invoke.
<datalist>Together with the a new list attribute for input can be used to make comboboxes
<details>Represents additional information or controls which the user can obtain on demand
<embed>Defines external interactive content or plugin.
<figure>Represents a piece of self-contained flow content, typically referenced as a single unit from the main flow of the document.
<footer>Represents a footer for a section and can contain information about the author, copyright information, et cetera.
<header>Represents a group of introductory or navigational aids.
<hgroup>Represents the header of a section.
<keygen>Represents control for key pair generation.
<mark>Represents a run of text in one document marked or highlighted for reference purposes, due to its relevance in another context.
<meter>Represents a measurement, such as disk usage.
<nav>Represents a section of the document intended for navigation.
<output>Represents some type of output, such as from a calculation done through scripting.
<progress>Represents a completion of a task, such as downloading or when performing a series of expensive operations.
<ruby>Together with <rt> and <rp>
<section>Represents a generic document or application section
<time>Represents a date and/or time.
<video>Defines a video file.
<wbr>Represents a line break opportunity.

input 태그에 새롭게 추가된 type

colorColor selector, which could be represented by a wheel or swatch picker
dateSelector for calendar date
datetime-localDate and time display, with no setting or indication
datetimeFull date and time display, including a time zone.
emailInput type should be an email.
monthSelector for a month within a given year
numberA field containing a numeric value only
rangeNumeric selector within a range of values, typically visualized as a slider
searchTerm to supply to a search engine. For example, the search bar atop a browser.
telInput type should be telephone number.
timeTime indicator and selector, with no time zone information
urlInput type should be URL type.
weekSelector for a week within a given year

Text-level semantics

aHyperlinksVisit my <a href="drinks.html">drinks</a> page.

Visit my drinks page.
emStress emphasisI must say I <em>adore</em> lemonade.

I must say I adore lemonade.
strongImportanceThis tea is <strong>very hot</strong>.

This tea is very hot.
smallSide commentsThese grapes are made into wine. <small>Alcohol is addictive.</small>

These grapes are made into wine. Alcohol is addictive.
sInaccurate textPrice: <s>£4.50</s> £2.00!

Price: £4.50 £2.00!
citeTitles of worksThe case <cite>Hugo v. Danielle</cite> is relevant here.

The case Hugo v. Danielle is relevant here.
qQuotationsThe judge said <q>You can drink water from the fish tank</q> but advised against it.

The judge said You can drink water from the fish tank but advised against it.
dfnDefining instanceThe term <dfn>organic food</dfn> refers to food produced without synthetic chemicals.

The term organic food refers to food produced without synthetic chemicals.
abbrAbbreviationsOrganic food in Ireland is certified by the <abbr title="Irish Organic Farmers and Growers Association">IOFGA</abbr>

Organic food in Ireland is certified by the IOFGA.
ruby, rt, rpRuby annotations<ruby> OJ <rp>(<rt>Orange Juice<rp>)</ruby>

OJ (Orange Juice)
dataMachine-readable equivalentAvailable starting today! <data value="UPC:022014640201">North Coast Organic Apple Cider</data>

Available starting today! North Coast Organic Apple Cider
timeMachine-readable equivalent of date- or time-related dataAvailable starting on <time datetime="2011-11-18">November 18th</time>!

Available starting on November 18th!
codeComputer codeThe <code>fruitdb</code> program can be used for tracking fruit production.

The fruitdb program can be used for tracking fruit production.
varVariablesIf there are <var>n</var> fruit in the bowl, at least <var>n</var>÷2 will be ripe.

If there are n fruit in the bowl, at least n÷2 will be ripe.
sampComputer outputThe computer said <samp>Unknown error -3</samp>.

The computer said Unknown error -3.
kbdUser inputHit <kbd>F1</kbd> to continue.

Hit F1 to continue.
subSubscriptsWater is H<sub>2</sub>O.

Water is H2O.
supSuperscriptsThe Hydrogen in heavy water is usually <sup>2</sup>H.

The Hydrogen in heavy water is usually 2H.
iAlternative voiceLemonade consists primarily of <i>Citrus limon</i>.

Lemonade consists primarily of Citrus limon.
bKeywordsTake a <b>lemon</b> and squeeze it with a <b>juicer</b>.

Take a lemon and squeeze it with a juicer.
uAnnotationsThe mixture of apple juice and <u class="spelling">eldeflower</u> juice is very pleasant.

The mixture of apple juice and eldeflower juice is very pleasant.
markHighlightElderflower cordial, with one <mark>part</mark> cordial to ten <mark>part</mark>s water, stands a<mark>part</mark> from the

Elderflower cordial, with one part cordial to ten parts water, stands apart from the rest.
bdiText directionality isolationThe recommended restaurant is <bdi lang="">My Juice Café (At The Beach)</bdi>.

The recommended restaurant is My Juice Café (At The Beach).
bdoText directionality formattingThe proposal is to write English, but in reverse order. "Juice" would become "<bdo dir=rtl>Juice</bdo>">

The proposal is to write English, but in reverse order. "Juice" would become "Juice">
spanOtherIn French we call it <span lang="fr">sirop de sureau</span>.

In French we call it sirop de sureau.
brLine breakSimply Orange Juice Company<br>Apopka, FL 32703<br>U.S.A.

Simply Orange Juice Company
Apopka, FL 32703
wbrLine breaking opportunitywww.simply<wbr>orange<wbr>
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