What is Web3?

mnsng88·2023년 4월 9일

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  1. what is web3?
    • Definition of Web3 and how it differs from Web2
  2. What services can be created using Web3 technology?
    • Examples of Web3 services, such as decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, non-fungible token (NFT) marketplaces, and supply chain management systems
  3. Can Web3 replace Web2?
    • Explanation of how Web2 and Web3 coexist and serve different purposes

📎 What is web3?

👉 Definition of Web3 and how it differs from Web2

Web3 is a term used to describe the next generation of the internet. The current version of the internet, called web2, allows us to do things like browse websites, watch videos, and connect with friends.

Web3 is different because it's designed to be more decentralized, which means that there's no central authority controlling everything. Instead, web3 is built on a technology called blockchain, which is a way of storing information securely and transparently across many different computers.

One of the things that web3 allows us to do is to create and use digital money, like Bitcoin or Ethereum. This means that we can send money to anyone in the world, instantly and without having to go through a bank or other middleman.

Web3 also allows us to create and use decentralized applications, or dApps for short. These are like regular apps that you might use on your phone or computer, but they run on the blockchain instead of on a centralized server. This makes them more secure and less prone to censorship.

In summary, web3 is a new way of using the internet that's more decentralized, secure, and open. It allows us to do things like create and use digital money, and build decentralized applications that are controlled by the people who use them instead of by a central authority.

📎 What services can be created using Web3 technology?

👉 Examples of Web3 services

1. Decentralized Finance(DeFi) applications

You can create applications that allow people to borrow, lend, and trade cryptocurrencies in a decentralized way. Some examples of DeFi applications are Uniswap, Aave, and Compound.

2. None-Fungible Token(NFT) marketplaces

NFTs are unique digital assets that are stored on the blockchain. You can create a marketplace that allows people to buy and sell NFTs, such as artwork, music, or collectibles.

3. Identity verification services

Web3 technology can be used to create identity verification services that are more secure and private than traditional identity verification methods. These services can be used for things like opening bank accounts, signing up for social media accounts, and more.

4. Supply chain management systems

Web3 technology can be used to create transparent and secure supply chain management systems that allow businesses to track the movement of goods from production to delivery.

5. Decentralized social networks

You can create social networks that are not controlled by a central authority and where users have more control over their data and privacy. Some examples of decentralized social networks are Mastodon and Diaspora.

These are just a few examples of the many services that can be created using Web3 technology. The possibilities are virtually endless, and it's up to you to come up with innovative ideas that can utilize the power of blockchain and decentralization to create new and exciting services.

📎 Can Web3 replace Web2?

Web2 and Web3 are both important and have their own unique use cases. Now, we will know this mean by looking what Web2 and Web3 have defferent purposes.

1. Explanation of how Web2 and Web3 coexist and serve different purposes


Web2 has been the dominant version of the internet for the past decade, and it provides many useful services that we use every day, such as search engines, social media, email, and online shopping. Web2 is centralized, which means that there are usually large companies that control the services and data that we use on the internet.


Web3, on the other hand, is a newer version of the internet that is based on decentralized technologies like blockchain. Web3 provides greater privacy, security, and ownership of data to users. It allows for the creation of decentralized applications (dApps) that can be used for financial transactions, supply chain management, and other purposes.

So, there are certainly benefits to using Web3, but it is not a replacement for Web2. Web2 and Web3 will likely coexist for the foreseeable future, and users will likely continue to use Web2 services for many everyday tasks. However, as Web3 technologies continue to develop and become more user-friendly, it's likely that we will see more and more people adopt Web3 services and applications.


Web3 technology is an exciting new development in the evolution of the internet, and it has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with technology. While it may not completely replace Web2, it offers many benefits and opportunities for innovation.

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