[ci/cd] 빈스톡 배포 에러

MIIN·2023년 4월 28일


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분명 workflow에는 문제가 없는데 EB 배포에서 문제 발생..
s3에 버전도 잘 올라감


2023/04/26 04:51:38.321202 [INFO] Running command /bin/sh -c /opt/aws/bin/cfn-get-metadata -s arn:aws:cloudformation:ap-northeast-2:409904644833:stack/awseb-e-qa7w3mbtc9-stack/7a28c260-dda4-11ed-aa4b-02dc69b2ef6e -r AWSEBAutoScalingGroup --region ap-northeast-2
2023/04/26 04:51:38.638171 [INFO] Running command /bin/sh -c /opt/aws/bin/cfn-get-metadata -s arn:aws:cloudformation:ap-northeast-2:409904644833:stack/awseb-e-qa7w3mbtc9-stack/7a28c260-dda4-11ed-aa4b-02dc69b2ef6e -r AWSEBBeanstalkMetadata --region ap-northeast-2
2023/04/26 04:51:38.954681 [INFO] checking whether command bundle-log is applicable to this instance...
2023/04/26 04:51:38.954695 [INFO] this command is not applicable to the instance, thus instance shouldn't execute command
2023/04/26 04:51:38.954699 [INFO] skip command bundle-log for this instance...
2023/04/26 04:51:38.954714 [ERROR] Ignoring not applicable command.
2023/04/26 04:51:38.954718 [INFO] Executing cleanup logic
2023/04/26 04:51:38.954767 [INFO] CommandService Response: {"status":"FAILURE","api_version":"1.0","results":[{"status":"FAILURE","msg":"Ignoring not applicable command.","returncode":0,"events":[]}]}

2023/04/26 04:51:38.954815 [INFO] Platform Engine finished execution on command: bundle-log


참고해서 2개로 늘려봤는데도 오류남 ㅜ

03:17:11 ERROR: Instance id(s) 'i-0bf74eed2a62f78b9,i-09f64687ae5d56016' did not pass health check after command execution. Aborting the operation.
03:17:11 ERROR: Failed to deploy application.
2023/04/27 03:27:37.976894 [ERROR] An error occurred during execution of command [app-deploy] - [start proxy with new configuration]. Stop running the command. Error: copy proxy conf from staging failed with error validate nginx configuration failed with error Command /bin/sh -c /usr/sbin/nginx -t -c /var/proxy/staging/nginx/nginx.conf failed with error exit status 1. Stderr:nginx: [emerg] unexpected ";" in /var/proxy/staging/nginx/nginx.conf:43
nginx: configuration file /var/proxy/staging/nginx/nginx.conf test failed
Instance id(s) 'i-081d08a6433f11a4c' did not pass health check after command execution


음.. 타겟 그룹이랑 헬스 체크 경로에는 이상 없는 것 같음 뭐가 문젤까

HTTP 502: Bad gateway

Possible causes:

 - The load balancer received a TCP RST from the target when attempting to establish a connection.

 - The load balancer received an unexpected response from the target, such as "ICMP Destination unreachable (Host unreachable)", when attempting to establish a connection. Check whether traffic is allowed from the load balancer subnets to the targets on the target port.

 - The target closed the connection with a TCP RST or a TCP FIN while the load balancer had an outstanding request to the target. Check whether the keep-alive duration of the target is shorter than the idle timeout value of the load balancer.

 - The target response is malformed or contains HTTP headers that are not valid.

 - The load balancer encountered an SSL handshake error or SSL handshake timeout (10 seconds) when connecting to a target.

 - The deregistration delay period elapsed for a request being handled by a target that was deregistered. Increase the delay period so that lengthy operations can complete.

 - The target is a Lambda function and the response body exceeds 1 MB.

 - The target is a Lambda function that did not respond before its configured timeout was reached.

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