Dart Concurrency

MJ·2023년 5월 22일

Dart Basic

목록 보기

Asynchrony support

Handlig Futures

  • async / await
  • Future API
Future<void> checkVersion() async {
  var version = await lookUpVersion();
  // Do something with version
  • try,catch,finally를 이용해 에러를 처리할 수 있다
try {
  version = await lookUpVersion();
} catch (e) {
  // React to inability to look up the version
  • async 함수에서 await를 여러번 부를 수 있음
var entrypoint = await findEntryPoint();
var exitCode = await runExecutable(entrypoint, args);
await flushThenExit(exitCode);

async 함수 선언

Future<String> lookUpVersion() async => '1.0.0';

handling streams

void main() async {
  // ...
  await for (final request in requestServer) {
  // ...
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