[공통형 주제] Gathering

JeongChaeJin·2021년 2월 4일

본인이 사는 지역에 진행되는 모임들 묘사

  • Tell me about some of the gatherings or celebrations that happen at where you live
  • Main Point : 내 주변에 있는 모임
  • 어떻게 느꼈는지 : 신나보이고 재밌어 보인다.
  • 왜 그렇게 느꼈는지 : 웃음이 끊이질 않았고, 서로 교감하면서 스트레스를 푸는 것 처럼 보였다.
  • 내 스크립트 (Description)
    • Oh, Gahtering where i live? hum.. i know just social gatherining for drinking. It's after-paties. I mean, People in gathering did some work and enjoyed parties. They look like happy you know. They talk about many things such as work, habby and next day. Also they look like reliveing stress. so i'm going to ask them to join

본인이 참석했던 모임에 있었던 일들 자세히 묘사

  • Tell me about a gathering or a celebration taht was held in the area. Describe where the gathering was held.
  • who was there, what the purpose of the gathering was. and what happend from beginning to end
  • Main Point : 모임에서 일어난 일 -> 술먹고 꽐라됨
  • 어떻게 느꼈는지 : 너무 어지럽고, 집에 가고 싶었다.
  • 왜 그렇게 느꼈는지 : 만취 상태였고, 더 이상 술을 먹을 수 없다고 생각했음.
  • 내 스크립트 (Description, PastExperience)
    • Oh my.. I usually get together with my friends on weekend. you know, my firends are very very good at drinking. but i don't. A week ago, I got some drink soju, 8 bottles with my 3 friends. I wanted to go my home. Why? I just got drunk and wasted. Overall, I fall asleep there. you know, i can't remember the day. so terrible.

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