[git] branch naming conventions 브랜치 네이밍 규칙

Yuri Lee·2021년 8월 4일


git branch 를 생성하다가 branch naming conventions 에 위배될 경우 에러가 나는 사실을 알게 되었다. 이에 브랜치 네이밍 컨벤션 규칙에 대해 서치 후, 정리해보려고 한다.

branch naming conventions

1. Start branch name with a Group word

2. Use Unique ID in branch names

3. Use Hyphen or Slash as Separators

  • It increases the readability and helps to avoid confusion;
  • It makes it easier to manage, especially if you are dealing with many branches.

4. Git Branch with Author Name

5. Avoid using numbers only

6. Avoid using all naming convention simultaneously

7. Avoid long descriptive names for long-lived branches


Step by step goes a long way ✨

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