1. Problem Link
2. Source Code
- If the parenthsis is eqaul to '{', just add to stack.
- If the parenthisis is equal to '}', check weather stack is empty or not.
- If the stack is empty, count up the change count. It means change '}' to '{' to make stable string.
- If the stack is not empty, just pop the stack.
- Finally, count up the stack size divided by two.
- I think the finally step is quite hard to understand directly. So, let's assume that two '{' remain in stack which is '{{'.
- To make string stable, one of '{' must change to '}'. So, 1 will be counted up.
fun main() {
val br = System.`in`.bufferedReader()
val bw = System.out.bufferedWriter()
var cnt = 1
while (true) {
val parentheses = br.readLine()
if (parentheses[0] == '-') break
var changeCnt = 0
val stack = mutableListOf<Char>()
for (parenthesis in parentheses) {
if (parenthesis == '{') stack.add(parenthesis)
if (parenthesis == '}') {
if (stack.isEmpty()) {
} else {
changeCnt += stack.size / 2
bw.write("$cnt. $changeCnt\n")
3. Complexity
- Time: O(N), N is length of string
- Space: O(N)