[c++] 예제 코드 정리

파이톨치·2022년 6월 4일


목록 보기

ch 01

const double RATE = 6.9;

상수 만들기

#include <string>
string dogName;

string 사용하기

ch 02

        cout << "Hello ";
        countDown = countDown - 1;
    }while (countDown > 0);

do while 사용하기

    while (count++ <= numberOfItems) 
        cin >> caloriesForItem;
        totalCalories = totalCalories
                         + caloriesForItem;

++ 응용

#include <fstream>
fstream inputStream; 	
cout << "Name: " << firstName << " "
 		<< lastName << endl;
cout << "Score: " << score << endl;

파일 출력하기

  	fstream inputStream;


 	while (inputStream >> text)
 		cout << text << endl;

더 간결하게 작성

ch 03

#include <cmath>
    lengthSide = sqrt(area);

cout 출력 조절하기
cmath 사용

#include <cstdlib>


프로그램 강종


prediction = rand() % 3;
switch (prediction)
            case 0:
                cout << "The day will be sunny!!\n";
            case 1:
                cout << "The day will be cloudy.\n";
            case 2:
                cout << "The day will be stormy!.\n";
                cout << "Weather program is not functioning properly.\n";

난수 생성, switch 문

//Uses cmath:
int round(double number)
    return static_cast<int>(floor(number + 0.5));

반올림, static_cast<"int">

void swapValues(int& variable1, int& variable2)
    int temp;

    temp = variable1;
    variable1 = variable2;
    variable2 = temp;

참조자 사용

ch 05

    int i, score[5], max;

    cout << "Enter 5 scores:\n";
    cin >> score[0];
    max = score[0];
    for (i = 1; i < 5; i++)
        cin >> score[i];
        if (score[i] > max)
            max = score[i];
        //max is the largest of the values score[0],..., score[i].

배열 사용

void fillUp(int a[], int size);

//Precondition: size is the declared size of the array a.
//The user will type in size integers.
//Postcondition: The array a is filled with size integers
//from the keyboard.

함수 인자로 배열 앞 대가리 주기 + 사이즈

void sort(int a[], int numberUsed)
    int indexOfNextSmallest;
    for (int index = 0; index < numberUsed - 1; index++)
    {//Place the correct value in a[index]:
        indexOfNextSmallest =
                     indexOfSmallest(a, index, numberUsed);
        swapValues(a[index], a[indexOfNextSmallest]);
        //a[0] <= a[1] <=...<= a[index] are the smallest of the original array 
        //elements. The rest of the elements are in the remaining positions.

int indexOfSmallest(const int a[], int startIndex, int numberUsed)
    int min = a[startIndex],
        indexOfMin = startIndex;
    for (int index = startIndex + 1; index < numberUsed; index++)
        if (a[index] < min)
            min = a[index];
            indexOfMin = index;
            //min is the smallest of a[startIndex] through a[index]

    return indexOfMin;

정렬 하기

ch 06

struct CDAccountV1
    double balance;
    double interestRate;
    int term;//months until maturity

CDAccountV1 account;

구조체 사용


계속 나오네?

void getDate(Date& theDate)
    cout << "Enter month: ";
    cin >> theDate.month;
    cout << "Enter day: ";
    cin >> theDate.day;
    cout << "Enter year: ";
    cin >> theDate.year;

값 입력하려면 참조자 꼭 써주기

class DayOfYear
    int month;
    int day;
    void output( );

클래스 쓰기

class DayOfYear
    void input( );
    void output( );
    void set(int newMonth, int newDay);
    //Precondition: newMonth and newDay form a possible date.

    void set(int newMonth);
    //Precondition: 1 <= newMonth <= 12
    //Postcondition: The date is set to the first day of the given month.
    int getMonthNumber( ); //Returns 1 for January, 2 for February, etc.
    int getDay( );
    int month;
    int day;

private / public 나누어서 쓰기

//Uses iostream and cstdlib:
void DayOfYear::input( )
    cout << "Enter the month as a number: ";
    cin >> month;
    cout << "Enter the day of the month: ";
    cin >> day;
    if ((month < 1) || (month > 12) || (day < 1) || (day > 31))
        cout << "Illegal date! Program aborted.\n";

외부에 함수는 이렇게 써주기!

ch 07

//Data consists of two items, an amount of money for the account balance 
//and a percent for the interest rate.
class BankAccount
    BankAccount(double balance, double rate);
    //Initializes balance and rate according to arguments.

    BankAccount(int dollars, int cents, double rate);
    //Initializes the account balance to $dollars.cents. For a negative balance both
    //dollars and cents must be negative. Initializes the interest rate to rate percent.

    BankAccount(int dollars, double rate);
    //Initializes the account balance to $dollars.00 and
    //initializes the interest rate to rate percent.

    BankAccount( );
    //Initializes the account balance to $0.00 and the interest rate to 0.0%.
    //A negative amount is represented as negative dollars and negative cents.
    //For example, negative $4.50 sets accountDollars to -4 and accountCents to -50.
    int accountDollars; //of balance
    int accountCents; //of balance
    double rate;//as a percent

생성자 친구들

BankAccount::BankAccount(double balance, double rate)
 : accountDollars(dollarsPart(balance)), accountCents(centsPart(balance))


int Server:: turn = 0;
int Server:: lastServed = 0;
bool Server::nowOpen = true;

변수 직접 바꿀 수 도 있음

#include <vector>
vector<int> v;

벡터 맛 보기

ch 08

const Money operator +(const Money& amount1, const Money& amount2);

const Money operator -(const Money& amount1, const Money& amount2);

bool operator ==(const Money& amount1, const Money& amount2);

const Money operator -(const Money& amount);

연산자 오버로딩 선언

const Money operator +(const Money& amount1, const Money& amount2)
    int allCents1 = amount1.getCents( ) + amount1.getDollars( )*100;
    int allCents2 = amount2.getCents( ) + amount2.getDollars( )*100;
    int sumAllCents = allCents1 + allCents2;
    int absAllCents = abs(sumAllCents); //Money can be negative.
    int finalDollars = absAllCents/100;
    int finalCents = absAllCents%100;

    if (sumAllCents < 0)
        finalDollars = -finalDollars;
        finalCents = -finalCents;

    return Money(finalDollars, finalCents);
  • 연산자 정의
//Class for amounts of money in U.S. currency.
class Money
    Money( );
    Money(double amount);
    Money(int dollars, int cents);
    Money(int dollars);
    double getAmount( ) const;
    int getDollars( ) const;
    int getCents( ) const;
    void input( ); //Reads the dollar sign as well as the amount number.
    void output( ) const;
    const Money operator +(const Money& amount2) const;
    const Money operator -(const Money& amount2) const;
    bool operator ==(const Money& amount2) const;
    const Money operator -( ) const;
    int dollars; //A negative amount is represented as negative dollars and
    int cents; //negative cents. Negative $4.50 is represented as -4 and -50

    int dollarsPart(double amount) const;
    int centsPart(double amount) const;
    int round(double number) const;

클래스 안에 넣어버리기~

const Money Money::operator +(const Money& secondOperand) const
    int allCents1 = cents + dollars*100;
    int allCents2 = secondOperand.cents + secondOperand.dollars*100;
    int sumAllCents = allCents1 + allCents2;
    int absAllCents = abs(sumAllCents); //Money can be negative.
    int finalDollars = absAllCents/100;
    int finalCents = absAllCents%100;

    if (sumAllCents < 0)
        finalDollars = -finalDollars;
        finalCents = -finalCents;

    return Money(finalDollars, finalCents);

조금 지저분함

bool Money::operator ==(const Money& secondOperand) const
    return ((dollars == secondOperand.dollars)
            && (cents == secondOperand.cents));

== 연산자

const Money Money::operator -( ) const
    return Money(-dollars, -cents);

단항 연산자

class Money
    Money( );
    Money(double amount);
    Money(int dollars, int cents);
    Money(int dollars);
    double getAmount( ) const;
    int getDollars( ) const;
    int getCents( ) const;
    void input( ); //Reads the dollar sign as well as the amount number.
    void output( ) const;
    friend const Money operator +(const Money& amount1, const Money& amount2);
    friend const Money operator -(const Money& amount1, const Money& amount2);
    friend bool operator ==(const Money& amount1, const Money& amount2);
    friend const Money operator -(const Money& amount);
    friend ostream& operator <<(ostream& outputStream, const Money& amount);
    friend istream& operator >>(istream& inputStream, Money& amount);
    int dollars; //A negative amount is represented as negative dollars and
    int cents; //negative cents. Negative $4.50 is represented as -4 and -50

    int dollarsPart(double amount) const;
    int centsPart(double amount) const;
    int round(double number) const;

friend 사용하기

const Money operator +(const Money& amount1, const Money& amount2)
    int allCents1 = amount1.cents + amount1.dollars*100;
    int allCents2 = amount2.cents + amount2.dollars*100;
    int sumAllCents = allCents1 + allCents2;
    int absAllCents = abs(sumAllCents); //Money can be negative.
    int finalDollars = absAllCents/100;
    int finalCents = absAllCents%100;

    if (sumAllCents < 0)
        finalDollars = -finalDollars;
        finalCents = -finalCents;

    return Money(finalDollars, finalCents);

좀 더 깔끔띠한 코드

bool operator ==(const Money& amount1, const Money& amount2)
    return ((amount1.dollars == amount2.dollars)
           && (amount1.cents == amount2.cents));

개인적으로 훨씬 직관적임

ostream& operator <<(ostream& outputStream, const Money& amount)
    int absDollars = abs(amount.dollars);
    int absCents = abs(amount.cents);
    if (amount.dollars < 0 || amount.cents < 0)
        //accounts for dollars == 0 or cents == 0
        outputStream << "$-";
        outputStream << '$';
    outputStream << absDollars;

    if (absCents >= 10)
        outputStream << '.' << absCents;
        outputStream << '.' << '0' << absCents;

    return outputStream;

<< 연산자

//Uses iostream and cstdlib:
istream& operator >>(istream& inputStream, Money& amount)
    char dollarSign;
    inputStream >> dollarSign; //hopefully
    if (dollarSign != '$')
        cout << "No dollar sign in Money input.\n";

    double amountAsDouble;
    inputStream >> amountAsDouble;
    amount.dollars = amount.dollarsPart(amountAsDouble);
    amount.cents = amount.centsPart(amountAsDouble);

    return inputStream;

">>" 연산자

    IntPair operator++( ); //Prefix version
    IntPair operator++(int); //Postfix version
IntPair IntPair::operator++(int ignoreMe) //postfix version
    int temp1 = first;
    int temp2 = second;
    return IntPair(temp1, temp2);

IntPair IntPair::operator++( ) //prefix version
    return IntPair(first, second);

++ 연산자

class CharPair
    CharPair( ){/*Body intentionally empty*/}
    CharPair(char firstValue, char secondValue)
                   : first(firstValue), second(secondValue)
    {/*Body intentionally empty*/}

    char& operator[](int index);
    char first;
    char second;

int main( )
    CharPair a;
    a[1] = 'A';
    a[2] = 'B';
    cout << "a[1] and a[2] are:\n";
    cout << a[1] << a[2] << endl;

    cout << "Enter two letters (no spaces):\n";
    cin >> a[1] >> a[2];
    cout << "You entered:\n";
    cout << a[1] << a[2] << endl;

    return 0;
//Uses iostream and cstdlib:
char& CharPair::operator[](int index)
    if (index == 1)
        return first;
    else if (index == 2)
        return second;
        cout << "Illegal index value.\n";

오 배열도 돼?? 이건 몰랐네??

ch 10

typedef int* IntPointer;

    IntPointer p;
void sneaky(IntPointer temp)
    *temp = 99;
    cout << "Inside function call *temp == "
         << *temp << endl;

포인터로 인자 넘겨주기 + typedef 쓰기

    IntPtr p;
    int a[10];
    p = a;

    for (index = 0; index < 10; index++)
        cout << p[index] << " ";
    cout << endl;

배열이름은 포인터 포인터이다.
포인터를 배열 처럼 사용하기

    IntPtr a;
    a = new int[arraySize];
    delete [] a;

이렇게 하면 다른 변수 끌어다가 안 쓰고 독자적인 배열로 쓸 수 있음. 대신 메모리 효율을 위해서 지워주자.

typedef int* IntArrayPtr;
    IntArrayPtr *m = new IntArrayPtr[d1];
    int i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < d1; i++)
        m[i] = new int[d2];
    //m is now a d1 by d2 array.
    cout << "Enter " << d1 << " rows of "
         << d2 << " integers each:\n";
    for (i = 0; i < d1; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < d2; j++)
            cin >> m[i][j];
    for (i = 0; i < d1; i++)
        delete[] m[i];
    delete[] m;

2차원도 쓸 수 있는데 조금 복잡함. 조심해서 쓰3.

ch 14

파일 쥰내게 분할하기

//This is the header file employee.h.
//This is the interface for the class Employee.
//This is primarily intended to be used as a base class to derive
//classes for different kinds of employees.
#ifndef EMPLOYEE_H
#define EMPLOYEE_H

#include <string>
using std::string;

namespace SavitchEmployees

    class Employee
        Employee( );
        Employee(const string& theName, const string& theSsn);
        string getName( ) const;
        string getSsn( ) const;
        double getNetPay( ) const;
        void setName(const string& newName);
        void setSsn(const string& newSsn);
        void setNetPay(double newNetPay);
        void printCheck( ) const;
        string name;
        string ssn;
        double netPay;


#endif //EMPLOYEE_H


//This is the file: employee.cpp
//This is the implementation for the class Employee.
//The interface for the class Employee is in the header file employee.h.
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include "employee.h"
using std::string;
using std::cout;

namespace SavitchEmployees
    Employee::Employee( ) : name("No name yet"), ssn("No number yet"), netPay(0)
        //deliberately empty

    Employee::Employee(const string& theName, const string& theNumber)
       : name(theName), ssn(theNumber), netPay(0)
        //deliberately empty

    string Employee::getName( ) const
        return name;

    string Employee::getSsn( ) const
        return ssn;

    double Employee::getNetPay( ) const
        return netPay;

   void Employee::setName(const string& newName)
        name = newName;

    void Employee::setSsn(const string& newSsn)
        ssn = newSsn;

    void Employee::setNetPay (double newNetPay)
        netPay = newNetPay;

    void Employee::printCheck( ) const
        cout << "\nERROR: printCheck FUNCTION CALLED FOR AN \n"
             << "UNDIFFERENTIATED EMPLOYEE. Aborting the program.\n"
             << "Check with the author of the program about this bug.\n";



//This is the header file hourlyemployee.h.
//This is the interface for the class HourlyEmployee.

#include <string>
#include "employee.h"

using std::string;

namespace SavitchEmployees

    class HourlyEmployee : public Employee
        HourlyEmployee( );
        HourlyEmployee(const string&  theName, const string&  theSsn,
                           double theWageRate, double theHours);
        void setRate(double newWageRate);
        double getRate( ) const;
        void setHours(double hoursWorked);
        double getHours( ) const;
        void printCheck( ) ;
        double wageRate;
        double hours;



자식 띠~ houremployee.h

//This is the file: hourlyemployee.cpp
//This is the implementation for the class HourlyEmployee.
//The interface for the class HourlyEmployee is in
//the header file hourlyemployee.h.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "hourlyemployee.h"
using std::string;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

namespace SavitchEmployees

    HourlyEmployee::HourlyEmployee( ) : Employee( ), wageRate(0), hours(0)
        //deliberately empty

    HourlyEmployee::HourlyEmployee(const string&  theName, const string&  theNumber,
                                   double theWageRate, double theHours)
        : Employee(theName, theNumber), wageRate(theWageRate), hours(theHours)
        //deliberately empty

    void HourlyEmployee::setRate(double newWageRate)
        wageRate = newWageRate;

    double HourlyEmployee::getRate( ) const
        return wageRate;

    void HourlyEmployee::setHours(double hoursWorked)
        hours = hoursWorked;

    double HourlyEmployee::getHours( ) const
        return hours;

    void HourlyEmployee::printCheck( )
        setNetPay(hours * wageRate);

        cout << "\n________________________________________________\n";
        cout << "Pay to the order of " << getName( ) << endl;
        cout << "The sum of " << getNetPay( ) << " Dollars\n";
        cout << "________________________________________________\n";
        cout << "Check Stub: NOT NEGOTIABLE\n";
        cout << "Employee Number: " << getSsn( ) << endl;
        cout << "Hourly Employee. \nHours worked: " << hours
             << " Rate: " << wageRate << " Pay: " << getNetPay( ) << endl;
        cout << "_________________________________________________\n";

#include <iostream>
#include "hourlyemployee.h"
#include "salariedemployee.h"
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using SavitchEmployees::HourlyEmployee;
using SavitchEmployees::SalariedEmployee;

int main( )
    HourlyEmployee joe;
    joe.setName("Mighty Joe");
    cout << "Check for " << joe.getName( )
         << " for " << joe.getHours( ) << " hours.\n";
    joe.printCheck( );
    cout << endl;

    SalariedEmployee boss("Mr. Big Shot", "987-65-4321", 10500.50);
    cout << "Check for " << boss.getName( ) << endl;
    boss.printCheck( ); 

    return 0;


ch 15

#ifndef SALE_H
#define SALE_H

namespace SavitchSale

    class Sale
        Sale( );
        Sale(double thePrice);
        double getPrice( ) const;
        void setPrice(double newPrice);
        virtual double bill( ) const;
        double savings(const Sale& other) const;
        //Returns the savings if you buy other instead of the calling object.
        double price;

    bool operator < (const Sale& first, const Sale& second);
    //Compares two sales to see which is larger.


#endif // SALE_H

virtual 선언

#include "sale.h"

namespace SavitchSale

    class DiscountSale : public Sale

        DiscountSale( );
        DiscountSale(double thePrice, double theDiscount);
        //Discount is expressed as a percent of the price.
        //A negative discount is a price increase.
        double getDiscount( ) const;
        void setDiscount(double newDiscount);
        double bill( ) const;
        double discount;




자동으로 virual 됨.

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using std::string;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

class Pet
    string name;
    virtual void print( ) const;

class Dog : public Pet
    string breed;
    virtual void print( ) const;

int main( )
    Dog vdog;
    Pet vpet;

    vdog.name = "Tiny";
    vdog.breed = "Great Dane";
    vpet = vdog;
    cout << "The slicing problem:\n";
    //vpet.breed; is illegal since class Pet has no member named breed.
    vpet.print( );
    cout << "Note that it was print from Pet that was invoked.\n";

    cout << "The slicing problem defeated:\n";
    Pet *ppet;
    Dog *pdog;
    pdog = new Dog;

    pdog->name = "Tiny";
    pdog->breed = "Great Dane";
    ppet = pdog;
    ppet->print( );
    pdog->print( );

    //The following, which accesses member variables directly
    //rather than via virtual functions would produce an error:
    //cout << "name: " << ppet->name << "  breed: "
    //     << ppet->breed << endl;
    //It generates an error message saying
    //class Pet has no member named breed.

    return 0;

void Dog::print( ) const
    cout << "name: " << name << endl;
    cout << "breed: " << breed << endl;

void Pet::print( ) const
    cout << "name: " << name << endl;

더 좋은 예시

ch 16

#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

//Class for a pair of values of type T:
template<class T>
class Pair
    Pair( );
    Pair(T firstValue, T secondValue);
    void setFirst(T newValue);
    void setSecond(T newValue);
    T getFirst( ) const;
    T getSecond( ) const;
    T first;
    T second;

template<class T>
Pair<T>::Pair(T firstValue, T secondValue)
    first = firstValue;
    second = secondValue;

template<class T>
void Pair<T>::setFirst(T newValue)
    first = newValue;

template<class T>
T Pair<T>::getFirst( ) const
    return first;

int main( )
    Pair<char> p('A', 'B');
    cout << "First is " << p.getFirst( ) << endl;
    cout << "First changed to " << p.getFirst( ) << endl;
    return 0;

template 사용

ch 19

//Program to demonstrate bidirectional and random access iterators.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::vector;
using std::vector<char>::iterator;

int main( )
    vector<char> container;


    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        cout << "container[" << i << "] == " 
             << container[i] << endl;

    iterator p = container.begin( );
    cout << "The third entry is " << container[2] << endl;
    cout << "The third entry is " << p[2] << endl;
    cout << "The third entry is " << *(p + 2) << endl;

    cout << "Back to container[0].\n";
    p = container.begin( );
    cout << "which has value " << *p << endl;

    cout << "Two steps forward and one step back:\n";
    cout << *p << endl;
    cout << *p << endl;
    cout << *p << endl;

    return 0;

vector 사용

//Program to demonstrate a reverse iterator.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::vector;
using std::vector<char>::iterator;
using std::vector<char>::reverse_iterator;

int main( )
    vector<char> container;


    cout << "Forward:\n";
    iterator p;
    for (p = container.begin( ); p != container.end( ); p++)
        cout << *p << " ";
    cout << endl;

    cout << "Reverse:\n";
    reverse_iterator rp;
    for (rp = container.rbegin( ); rp != container.rend( ); rp++)
        cout << *rp << " ";
    cout << endl;

    return 0;

vector 함수 사용

#include <iostream>
#include <list>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::list;
using std::list<int>::iterator;

int main( )
    list<int> listObject;

    for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)

    cout << "List contains:\n";
    iterator iter;
    for (iter = listObject.begin( ); iter != listObject.end( ); iter++)
        cout << *iter << " ";
    cout << endl;

    cout << "Setting all entries to 0:\n";
    for (iter = listObject.begin( ); iter != listObject.end( ); iter++)
        *iter = 0;

    cout << "List now contains:\n";
    for (iter = listObject.begin( ); iter != listObject.end( ); iter++)
        cout << *iter << " ";
    cout << endl;

    return 0;


//Program to demonstrate use of the stack template class from the STL.
#include <iostream>
#include <stack>
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::stack;

int main( )
    stack<char> s;

    cout << "Enter a line of text:\n";
    char next;
    while (next != '\n')

    cout << "Written backward that is:\n";
    while ( ! s.empty( ) )
        cout << s.top( );
        s.pop( );
    cout << endl;

    return 0;


//Program to demonstrate use of the set template class.
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::set;

int main( )
    set<char> s;


    cout << "The set contains:\n";
    set<char>::const_iterator p;
    for (p = s.begin( ); p != s.end( ); p++)
    cout << *p << " ";
    cout << endl;

    cout << "Set contains 'C': ";
    if (s.find('C')==s.end( ))
	cout << " no " << endl;
	cout << " yes " << endl;

    cout << "Removing C.\n";
    for (p = s.begin( ); p != s.end( ); p++)
    cout << *p << " ";
    cout << endl;

    cout << "Set contains 'C': ";
    if (s.find('C')==s.end( ))
	cout << " no " << endl;
	cout << " yes " << endl;

    return 0;

set , 중복 없고 자동 정렬

//Program to demonstrate use of the map template class.
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::map;
using std::string;

int main( )
    map<string, string> planets;

    planets["Mercury"] = "Hot planet";
    planets["Venus"] = "Atmosphere of sulfuric acid";
    planets["Earth"] = "Home";
    planets["Mars"] = "The Red Planet";
    planets["Jupiter"] = "Largest planet in our solar system";
    planets["Saturn"] = "Has rings";
    planets["Uranus"] = "Tilts on its side";
    planets["Neptune"] = "1500 mile per hour winds";
    planets["Pluto"] = "Dwarf planet";

    cout << "Entry for Mercury - " << planets["Mercury"] 
	    << endl << endl;

    if (planets.find("Mercury") != planets.end())
    	cout << "Mercury is in the map." << endl;
    if (planets.find("Ceres") == planets.end())
    	cout << "Ceres is not in the map." << endl << endl;

    // Iterator outputs planets in order sorted by key
    cout << "Iterating through all planets: " << endl;
    map<string, string>::const_iterator iter;
    for (iter = planets.begin(); iter != planets.end(); iter++)
	cout << iter->first << " - " << iter->second << endl;

    return 0;

map 파이썬 딕셔너리와 유사


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