위성이 우리의 삶을 더 심플 하게 만들어 주는 6가지 방법.

LONGNEW·2021년 2월 9일


목록 보기


  1. Spending money
    In fact, all financial transactions – from multimillion-pound stock market transactions to your monthly Netflix subscription – rely on satellite location and timing services for security.

  2. Saving lives
    Fortunately, satellites provide a way to monitor these disasters, study their behavior, and even support our response and relief efforts.

  3. Standing up for what’s right

  4. Stopping pirates

  5. Spotting endangered species

  6. Searching for life

devastating : 대단히 파괴적인, 엄청나게 충격적인
relief efforts : 구호 활동
infrared : 적외선의
deforestation : 삼림 벌채
beacon : 신호등, 무선 송신소
endangered species : 멸종위기에 처한 동식물 종

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