신경학자들에 따르면, 헤딩을 자주 하는 아이들은 치매에 걸릴 확률이 높다고 한다.

LONGNEW·2020년 12월 31일


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TLDR: When playing soccer, blanket ban on heading until the age of 18, and closely monitoring is needed. Than who gonna score the goal>?>>>>>>>>?>>?>??>>?
Anyway, In recent studies show that heading the ball in practice, causes immediate and measurable alterations to brain fuctioning. So.. just make children do not heading to the ball until 18. The sport are still there to wait younger player,.,,, ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

neurologists : N. 신경학자
dementia : N. 치매
chronic : ad. 만성적인
causation : N. 야기
radical : ad. 근본적인 , 급진적인
intervention : N. 조정, 중재

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