개발자들이 오랜 시간 동안 버그를 잡는데 시간을 쓰고 난 후 번아웃을 겪는다.

LONGNEW·2021년 2월 23일


목록 보기


Forty-four percent of developers identified fixing bugs and errors as their biggest pain point.

More than half (52%) said they would rather use this time to build new features and functionality, while 42% said freeing up this time would allow them to simply "do their job".

Respondents said that having to spend so much time manually responding to errors hurt their job performance, morale and even their overall quality of life, with respondents reporting feelings of frustration, burnout, resentment and even wanting to quit their jobs.

mundane : 재미없는, 일상적인 minutiae : 세부 사항들 extent : 정도, 크기 bugbear : 근심거리 morale : 사기, 의욕 resentment : 분함, 억울함

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