[TailwindCSS] Layout & Position

jakesungjaekim·2023년 5월 15일


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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
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    <!-- Positioning -->
    <div class="relative w-1/2 h-12 bg-red-200">
      <p>Relative parent</p>
      <div class="absolute bottom-0 right-0 bg-red-500">
        <p>Absolute child</p>

    <!-- Top left corner -->
    <div class="relative h-32 w-32 bg-yellow-100">
      <div class="absolute left-0 top-0 h-16 w-16 bg-yellow-300">01</div>

    <!-- Top right corner -->
    <div class="relative h-32 w-32 bg-yellow-100">
      <div class="absolute top-0 right-0 h-16 w-16 bg-yellow-300">03</div>

    <!-- Bottom left corner -->
    <div class="relative h-32 w-32 bg-yellow-100">
      <div class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 h-16 w-16 bg-yellow-300">07</div>

    <!-- Bottom right corner -->
    <div class="relative h-32 w-32 bg-yellow-100">
      <div class="absolute bottom-0 right-0 h-16 w-16 bg-yellow-300">09</div>

    <!-- Span top edge -->
    <div class="relative h-32 w-32 bg-yellow-100">
      <div class="absolute inset-x-0 top-0 h-16 bg-yellow-300">02</div>

    <!-- Span left edge -->
    <div class="relative h-32 w-32 bg-yellow-100">
      <div class="absolute inset-y-0 left-0 w-16 bg-yellow-300">04</div>

    <!-- Span right edge -->
    <div class="relative h-32 w-32 bg-yellow-100">
      <div class="absolute inset-y-0 right-0 w-16 bg-yellow-300">06</div>

    <!-- Span bottom edge -->
    <div class="relative h-32 w-32 bg-yellow-100">
      <div class="absolute inset-x-0 bottom-0 h-16 bg-yellow-300">08</div>

    <!-- Display Classes -->
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatibus
      <span class="inline">This is display inline and will wrap normally</span
      >sapiente ut rerum esse ullam provident, fugit
      <span class="inline-block"
        >This is display inline-block and will not extend beyond it's
      >eos quam
      <span class="block"
        >This is display block and will move to it's own line</span
      reprehenderit est hic aut unde sequi, officia, ipsa amet doloribus
      ratione<span class="hidden"
        >This is display none and will not display at all</span

    <!-- Z-Index -->
    <div class="relative h-36">
      <div class="absolute left-10 w-24 h-24 bg-blue-200 z-40">1</div>
      <div class="absolute left-20 w-24 h-24 bg-blue-300">2</div>
      <div class="absolute left-40 w-24 h-24 bg-blue-400 z-10">3</div>
      <div class="absolute left-60 w-24 h-24 bg-blue-500 z-20">4</div>
      <div class="absolute left-80 w-24 h-24 bg-blue-600">5</div>

    <!-- Floats -->
    <div class="w-1/2">
      <img class="h-48 w-48 float-right" src="/assets/img/img1.jpg" />
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Facere numquam
        voluptatem accusantium atque cupiditate nulla ratione saepe veniam, ex
        iure nisi mollitia sed rerum veritatis temporibus iusto! Molestiae,
        ratione doloribus?

<!-- Position Classes
      static	    position: static;
      fixed	      position: fixed;
      absolute	  position: absolute;
      relative	  position: relative;
      sticky	    position: sticky;

<!-- Display Classes
      block	            display: block;
      inline-block	    display: inline-block;
      inline	          display: inline;
      flex	            display: flex;
      inline-flex	      display: inline-flex;
      table	            display: table;
      grid	            display: grid;
      inline-grid	      display: inline-grid;
      contents	        display: contents;
      list-item	        display: list-item;
      hidden	          display: none;

<!-- Z-Index
      z-0	    z-index: 0;
      z-10	  z-index: 10;
      z-20	  z-index: 20;
      z-30	  z-index: 30;
      z-40	  z-index: 40;
      z-50	  z-index: 50;
      z-auto	z-index: auto;

<!-- Float
      float-right	  float: right;
      float-left	  float: left;
      float-none	  float: none;

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