πŸ’ BE TIL Day 33 0427

JBΒ·2022λ…„ 4μ›” 28일

⬇️ Main Note

🌿 Microservices

➀ Meaning that the service is divided into micro status
➀ Service is divided one by one specifically
➀ So when there is an error in fetchBoard API, all the other APIs are normally working, but only the fetchBoard API isn't working.
--> Helps to get free from the server error

Gateway : Entrance role of API
➀ To make a gateway, client and module is needed

μ†ŒμŠ€μ½”λ“œ 전체λ₯Ό λΉŒλ“œ/배포 ν•˜λ €λ©΄ 였래 κ±Έλ¦Ό
β€”> κ²Œμ‹œνŒ APIλ°”λ€Œλ©΄ κ²Œμ‹œνŒ ν΄λ”λ§Œ λ‹€μ‹œ 배포
μ—λŸ¬λ‚˜μ„œ μ„œλ²„κ°€ 죽으면 λͺ¨λ“  API μ‚¬μš© λΆˆκ°€λŠ₯
β€”> κ²Œμ‹œνŒ 죽어도 μƒν’ˆ, 둜그인 λ“± λ‚˜λ¨Έμ§€λŠ” λͺ¨λ‘ μ‚¬μš© κ°€λŠ₯

전체적인 기술 λ³΅μž‘λ„ 증가
β€”> λ”°λΌμ„œ μž‘μ€ μ„œλΉ„μŠ€λ³΄λ‹€ 큰 μ„œλΉ„μŠ€μ—μ„œ 많이 μ‚¬μš©

Not an essential thing to do

// api-gateway
yarn add @apollo/gateway

// services
yarn add @apollo/federation
yarn add @apollo/subgraph


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