[조치] Maven pom.xml 오류났을 경우

배윤석·2022년 7월 7일

Error 조치

목록 보기
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:pom:2.22.1 failed to transfer from https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2 during a previous attempt. This failure was cached in the local repository and resolution is not reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed or updates are forced. Original error: Could not transfer artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:pom:2.22.1 from/to central (https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2): The operation was cancelled.

출저 : pom.xml 오류 해결법

  1. 프로젝트 우클릭
  2. Run As
  3. Maven Clean 클릭
  4. Maven install 클릭
  5. Process에서 처리가 완료될 때까지 아무것도 건드리지 말기
차근차근 한 걸음씩 걸어나가는 개발자 꿈나무.

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