
Jun's Coding Journey·2023년 8월 9일

[Learn] Dart

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Dart is an object-oriented programming language designed by Google for building user interfaces for various applications.

Why Dart?

The code structure of dart is very similar to many popular programming languages such as Kotlin, Swift, and TypeScript. As such, experienced developers can easily learn Dart without too much hassle.

Dart works very fast and is very compatible with multiple platforms such as IOS, Android, Windows, Linux, MacOS, and even various internet-of-things.

Dart can be compiled both within 'just-in-time' (JIT) and 'ahead-of-time' (AOT). During development, the code compiles with JIT so that the updated result can be seen right away. During deployment, the code compiles with AOT and converts the source code into binary code so that users can access the application directly.

Dart offers 'null safety' which makes programs to run smoothly without any unexpected errors. When developers make mistakes, null safety will immediately point out any null errors and will not run the code until it is fixed.

Google continuously updates and optimizes the Dart language to enhance better development experiences for developers. This is not very common with other languages such as JavaScript which has fixed rules to follow.

Greatness From Small Beginnings

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