Lec 02. Frequent Itemsets Mining

Yujin Kim·2022년 2월 28일

Chapter 6 : Frequent Itemsets

the discovery of frequent itemsets =“association rules”를 발견하는 것!

<Course Outline>

1) “market-basket” model
2) First: Define
• Frequent itemsets
• Association rules: Confidence, Support, Interestingness
3) Then: Algorithms for finding frequent itemsets
• Finding frequent pairs
• A-Priori algorithm
• PCY algorithm


  • Baskets = “transactions
  • items \subset Basket

6.1.1 Definition of Frequent Itemsets

📎 “frequent
ss, called the support threshold
I : set of items → support for I : I가 포함된 Basket의 수
if support for I > ss : I는 빈번하다(frequent)!

Example 6.1 :

  • Since the empty set is a subset of any set, the support for ∅ is 8.⇒ 하지만 일반적으로 공집합은 아무것도 말해주지 않기 때문에 신경쓰지 X

  • Example) “Dog”:(5)번을 제외 모든 basket에서 등장 ⇒ “Dog”의 support는 7

  • Suppose that we set our threshold at ss = 3 : Then there are five frequent singleton itemsets: {dog}, {cat}, {and}, {a}, and {training}

  • doubletons

    • There are five frequent doubletons if s = 3; they are
      {dog, a} {dog, and} {dog, cat} {cat, a} {cat, and}
      - Each appears at least three times
  • frequent triple은 frequent doubletone의 조합으로만 가능

  • 해당 예제에서는 하나의 frequent triple만 존재하므로,no frequent quadruples or larger sets.

6.1.2 Applications of Frequent Itemsets

: If someone buys diaper and milk, then he/she is likely to buy beer.

  1. Related concepts: Let 1)items → words, and 2)baskets → documents (e.g., Web pages, blogs, tweets).
  • stopword를 제외하면, 공통 개념을 나타내는 두개의 단어 쌍이 자주 발견될 수 있음.
  1. Plagiarism: Let 1)the items → documents and 2)the baskets → sentences. : An item/document is “in” a basket/sentence if the sentence is in the document.
  • we should remember that the relationship between items and baskets is an arbitrary many-many relationship : "in"은 "~의 일부"라는 전통적인 의미를 가질 필요가 없음.
  • 여러 문장을 공유하는 두 개의 문서 → 표절의 좋은 지표!
  1. Biomarkers: Let 1) the items be of two types – biomarkers such as genes or blood proteins, and diseases. 2) Each basket is the set of data about a patient: their genome and blood-chemistry analysis, as well as their medical history of disease.
  • 질병 검사로 활용 가능

6.1.3 Association Rules

: extracting frequent sets of items from data = association rules라고 부르는 if-then 규칙의 모음으로 표시

* association rules

  • form : IjI → j, where II : set of items, jj : an item

  • {i1,i2,,ik}j\{i_1, i_2,…,i_k\} → j means: “if a basket contains all of i1,,iki_1,…,i_k then it is likely to contain jj

  • In practice there are many rules, want to find significant/interesting ones!

  • 1) Defining the confidence of the rule IjI → j

    📌 conf(IjI → j) =def\overset{\underset{\mathrm{def}}{}}{=} support (I{j})support (I)\frac{\mathsf{support\ } (I ∪ \{j\})} {\mathsf{support\ } (I)}

    : jj가 포함되는 모든 basket II 의 비율

    = support(I) is given → how often does jj appear next to it?

    =P(jI)=P(I,j)P(I)= P(j|I) = \frac{P(I,j)}{P(I)}

    Example) Fig 6.1에서
    The confidence of the rule {cat, dog} → and = 3/5.

    • {cat, dog}이 언급된 basket의 support = 5
    • {cat, dog}이 and 와 함께 언급된 basket = 즉, {cat, dog, and}의 support = 3
  • II의 support가 매우 크다면, confidence 하나만으로도 매우 useful 할 수 있음.

  • However, I가 jj에 (어떻게든) 영향을 미치는 실제 관계에서는 Association Rule이 더 중요함.

  • 2) Thus, define the interest of an association rule IjI → j : (rule IjI → j의 confidence)와 (jj를 포함하는 basket의 비율)의 차이

    📌 Interest(Ij)=conf(Ij)Pr[j]Interest(I → j) =| conf(I → j) - Pr[j]|

    • if I가 j에 영향을 미치지 않는다면,
      I j 포함하는 basketI 포함하는 basket=j 포함하는 basket모든 basket{I\mathsf{와}\ j\mathsf{를}\ \mathsf{포함하는\ basket} \over I\mathsf{를\ 포함하는\ basket}} = {j\mathsf{를\ 포함하는\ basket} \over \mathsf{모든\ basket}}
      → rule의 interest = 0
      • Example) I가 있으면 항상 J가 따라오는 경우 → not very interesting!
    • rule이 high(+) interest = basket의 I가 → j가 존재하는 것을 유발함
      • the rule {diapers}beer\{diapers\} → beer has high interest.
    • rule이 highly negative(-) interest = basket의 I가 → j가 존재하는 것을 억제함을 알 수 있음.
      • the rule {pepsi}coke\{pepsi\} → coke can be expected to have negative interest.
    • interest가 매우 낮거나 매우 높은 경우 → 둘다 interesting!

6.1.4 Finding Association Rules with High Confidence

basket의 합리적인 정도(reasonable fraction)에 적용되는 Association Rules IjI → j를 찾기 위해서는,

1) I의 support가 상당히(reasonably) 높아야 한다.

  • 오프라인 매장에서의 마케팅과 같이 실제로 “reasonably high”한 비율은 종종 바구니의 약 1%

2) rule의 confidence 상당히 높아야 한다.

  • usually above 0.5 = 50%, 그렇지 않으면 규칙이 실제 효과가 거의 X
  • 결과적으로 집합 I{j}I ∪ \{j\}도 상당히 높은 support를 가져야 함.

💡 Problem: Find all association rules with support ≥s and confidence ≥c

→ This means: support(I{j}I ∪ \{j\}) s\ge s ⇒ Conf c\ge c


  • Note: Support of an association rule is the support of the set of items in the rule (left and right side)
  • Hard part: Finding the frequent itemsets!

Suppose) 1. s와 c : given to us by user or by the data analyst.

  1. threshold of support(ss)를 달성하는 모든 itemsets를 찾았고, 각 itemset에 대한 support를 계산했다고 가정 → 빠르게 conf 계산 가능

→ 높은 support && 높은 confidence를 가진 Association Rules를 찾을 수 있음

That is) if JJ 가 frequent(s\ge s)한 nn개의 items을 가지고 있다면,
→ only n possible association rules involving this set of items
= JJ에 존재하는 모든 jj에 대하여 J{j}jJ − \{j\} → j (총 n개 존재)

JJ가 frequent(s\ge s) 이면, J{j}J − \{j\}도 frequent(s\ge s)

Why? If {i1,i2,,ik}j\{i_1, i_2,…, i_k\} → j has high support and confidence, then both {i1,i2,,ik}\{i_1, i_2,…, i_k\} and {i1,i2,,ik,j}\{i_1, i_2,…,i_k, j\} will be “frequent”

JJJ{j}J − \{j\}의 support 비율
= 규칙 J{j}jJ − \{j\} → j의 신뢰도 = the support for J{j}{j}the support for J{j}\frac{\mathsf{the\ support\ for\ } J-\{j\} ∪ \{j\}} {\mathsf{the\ support\ for\ } J-\{j\}} = the support for Jthe support for J{j}\frac{\mathsf{the\ support\ for\ } J} {\mathsf{the\ support\ for\ } J-\{j\}}

Assumed that) there are not too many frequent itemsets and thus
not too many candidates for high-support, high-confidence association rules. → 너무 많은 frequent itemsets을 얻지 않도록 support threshold(ss)를 조정하는 것이 일반적!

* How to make Algorithm ?

Step 1) Find all frequent itemsets II
(we will explain this next)

Step 2) Rule generation

  • For every subset AA of II, generate a rule AIAA → I \setminus A
    Since I is frequent, A is also frequent
    - Variant 1: Single pass to compute the rule confidence
    confidence(A,B→C,D) = support(A,B,C,D) / support(A,B)
    - Variant 2:
    - Observation: If A,B,C→D is below confidence, so is A,B→C,D
            why? support({A,B}) > support({A,B,C})
            conf(A,B,C→D) = support(A,B,C,D) / support(A,B,C)
            conf(A,B→C,D) = support(A,B,C,D) / support(A,B)
            $\therefore$  in every case, conf(A,B,C→D) < conf(A,B→C,D)
        - Can generate “bigger” rules from smaller ones!
        Output the rules above the confidence threshold

→ Finding Frequent Itemsets

  • Itemsets Computation Model
    • The true cost of mining diskresident data is usually the number
      of disk I/Os
      : disk에 저장된 파일을 처음~끝까지 읽어내리는 시간!
    • Bottleneck : main-memory
    • Question : How do we know if something cannot be frequent if we haven’t counted it yet?

1) Naive Algorithm : data file을 한번 스캔하여 각 pair가 몇번 등장하는지 count한다. → impossible

2) Counting Pairs in Memory

Approach 1) Triangular Matrix : Dense

  • 장점; 4 bytes per every pair
  • 단점; preallocating every element

Approach 2) Triples : Sparse

  • 장점; preallocating nothing
  • 단점; 12 bytes per occuring pair

→ “how many different pairs actually occured in the data”에 따라 사용할 방법 결정.

  • all possible pairs almost all occur : App1
  • lots of items, but only few pairs tent to occur : App2

& Approach 2 beats Approach 1 if less than 1/3 of possible pairs actually occur. (가능한 쌍의 1/3 미만이 발생할 경우 App2가 더 효율적)

💥 Problem : if we have too many items so the pairs do not fit into memory. Can we do better? → A-Priori Algorithm !

6.2 Market Baskets and the A-Priori Algorithm

  • Key idea : Monotonicity of Frequent

⇒ if set of items II가 최소 ss번 나타난다면, II의 subset JJ도 최소 ss번 나타남. J가 less frequent 할 수 없음.

대우 ⇒ if item iiss개의 basket에서 나타나지 않는다면(support threshold를 넘지 못한다면), ii를 포함하는 모든 집합은 ss를 넘을 수 없음.

  • method : frequent singletones to frequent pairs!

Pass 1)Read baskets and count in main memory the # of occurrences of each individual item

→ Items that appear s≥s times are the frequent items

Pass 2) Read baskets again and keep track of the count of only those pairs where both elements are frequent (from Pass 1)

→ Requires memory proportional to square of frequent items only (not all items)

→ K-tuple로 일반화 가능

: single → pairs → triples → ... k-tuples


C3의 {b,c,j} {b,m,j} {c,m,j} 는 non-frequent 할 수밖에 없음

why? {b,c,j}에서 {b,c}와 {c,j}는 frequent하지만, {b,j}는 frequent하지 않음. (by L2)

⇒ {b,c,j}는 frequent할 수 없으므로, generate하지 않아도 됨.

6.3 Handling Larger Datasets in Main Memory

→ to cut down on the size of candidate set C2C_2

6.3.1 PCY(Park, Chen, and Yu) Algorithm

= Also known as “DHP(Direct Hashing and Pruning)”

  • Pass 1
FOR (each basket) :
		FOR (each item in the basket) :
				add 1 to item’s count;
		<!-- new in PCY , Hashing Process -->
		FOR (each pair of items) :
				hash the pair to a bucket;
				add 1 to the count for that bucket;

PCY - Hash Table

  • keys : Pairs
  • buckets : integers(Count)

  • Between Passes


1) If a bucket contains a frequent pair, then the bucket is surely frequent

  • However, even without any frequent pair, a bucket can still be frequent ☹️
    § So, we cannot use the hash to eliminate any member (pair) of a “frequent” bucket

2) But, for a bucket with total count less than ss, none of its pairs can be frequent 🙂

  • Pairs that hash to this bucket can be eliminated as candidates (even if the pair consists of 2 frequent items)
  • Pass 2: Only count pairs that hash to frequent buckets

cf> hash table을 만들 때, (메모리가 충분하다면) 가능한 fewer collision을 만드는 것이 좋음!

implementation : Replace the buckets by a bit-vector!

1 means the bucket count exceeded the support ss(call it a frequent bucket); 0 means it did not

→ count를 위한 4byte Integer 가 bit-vector로 대체되면서 1/32 메모리만 사용 가능!

  • pass1에서 pass2로 넘어가면서 hash table이 frequent bucket인지 여부(s\ge s) 를 Bitmap으로 기록.

  • Pass 2

Count all pairs {i, j} that meet the conditions for being a candidate pair:

  1. Both ii and jj are frequent items
  2. The pair {i, j} hashes to a bucket whose bit in the bit vector is 1 (i.e., a frequent bucket)

⇒ 두가지 조건이 모두 만족되면 Tracking :
Both conditions are necessary for the pair to have a chance of being frequent.

* Example

Pass 1 :

  1. Item’s Count : 각 item이 몇번 등장하는지 count한다.

    • Hash Table 아님

    * Item Count 결과

    • item4는 ss 를 넘지 못함.
  2. Make Hash Table for bucket counts

    1. step 1) 모든 basket의 가능한 Pair를 생성

    2. step 2) 각 Pair를 Hash Table에 해싱

      → 여기서는 Hashing Rule을 다음과 같이 정의
      : Hashing a pair {i, j} to a bucket k, where k = hash(i, j) = (i + j) / 5

      예를 들어, {1,2}를 hashing한다면 (1+2)/5 = 3 이니까 3번 bucket에 hashing됨.

      (1, 4) and (2, 3) ->  k = 0
      (1, 5) and (2, 4) ->  k = 1
      (2, 5) and (3, 4) ->  k = 2
      (1, 2) and (3, 5) ->  k = 3
      (1, 3) and (4, 5) ->  k = 4

    * Hash Table 결과

    • 1번 버킷으로 hashing되는 pair는 t2의 (1,5)와 t6의 (1,5)만 존재 → Count : 2
    • 1번 버킷에 속하는 pair는 ss를 넘지 못함.
      → 1번 버킷에 속하는 (1,5)와 (2.4)는 not frequent!

Pass 2 :

Frequent items : {1,2,3,5} (By Pass 1 - item’s count)

→ 이에 따라서, 가능한 candidate pair는 (1,2) (1,3) (1,5) (2,3) (2,5) (3,5)

⭐ (1,5)는 폐기 : because bucket 1 is not frequent! (By Pass 1 - hash Table)

→ Surviving Pairs = (1,2) (1,3) (2,3) (2,5) (3,5)

→ Counts of the Surviving Pairs

  • (1,2) (3,5)는 ss를 넘지 못함

⇒ Result : Frequent itemsets are {1} {2} {3} {5} {1,3} {2,3} {2,5}

The MMDS book covers several other extensions beyond the PCY idea: “Multistage” and “Multihash”

6.4 Limited-Pass Algorithms

: Can we use fewer passes? ( in k\le k passes)

* Frequent Itemsets in 2\le 2 Passes

Use 2 or fewer passes for all sizes,but may miss some frequent itemsets

  1. Random sampling
  2. SON (Savasere, Omiecinski, and Navathe) Algorithm
  3. Toivonen Algorithm

6.4.1 The Simple, Randomized Algorithm

: 1) Take a random sample of the market baskets
→ 2) Run a-priori or one of its improvements in main memory

  • 장점 : Disk I/O 시간 필요 X
  • Sample size에 맞게 support threshold(ss)를 감소시켜야 함.
    • Example) if your sample is 1/100 of the baskets, use s/100s/100 as your support threshold instead of ss.
    • Smaller threshold, e.g., s/125s/125, helps catch more truly frequent itemsets (But requires more space)
  • To avoid false positives: 추가로, candidate pairs가 전체 데이터에 대해서 frequent한지 확인하기 위해서 second pass에서 추가로 sampling한 데이터를 가지고 검증!

6.4.4 The SON Algorithm and MapReduce

: Repeatedly read small subsets of the baskets into main memory and run an in-memory algorithm to find all frequent itemsets

  • Note: Sampling 방법과 비슷하지만, sampling하는 것 아님(6.1.1과 다르게), but 모든 file data를 in memory-sized chunks로 쪼갬.

Path 1) An itemset becomes a candidate if it is found to be frequent in any one or more subsets of the baskets. (: make Candidate itemsets)

pass 2) count all the candidate itemsets and determine which are frequent in the entire set.(: Verify)

→ SON 알고리즘은 병렬 컴퓨팅 환경에 적합. 각 pass를 MapReduce 작업으로 표현하여 두 단계의 MapReduce-MapReduce 시퀀스로 실행시킬 수 있음.

6.4.5 Toivonen’s Algorithm

Pass 1)

  1. Start with a random sample

    • but lower the threshold(ss) slightly for the sample
  2. Find frequent itemsets in the sample

  3. construct the negative border

    • Negative border : An itemset is in the negative
      border if it is not frequent in the sample, but all its immediate subsets are frequent.
    • Immediate subset = “delete exactly one element”

Pass 2) new sampling → Count all candidate frequent itemsets from the first pass, and also count sets in their negative border.

  • If no itemset from the negative border turns out to be frequent, then we found all the frequent itemsets.
  • What if we find that something in the negative border is frequent?
    → We must start over again with another sample!

※ 대체로, Pass 1에서는 frequent할 수 있는 candidate pairs를 만들고 → Pass 2는 candidate들을 전체 dataset에 대해서 verify 하는 알고리즘!

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