
godo·2022년 8월 18일

Swift - Design Patterns

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저장 공간을 효율적 사용 할 수 있게 하는 기술로 연관 되거나 비슷한 객체들을 활용합니다.

Repeating User Names

class User
    var fullName: String
    init(_ fullName: String)
        self.fullName = fullName
    var charCount: Int
        return fullName.utf8.count

class User2
    static var strings = [String]()
    private var names = [Int]()
    init(_ fullName: String)
        func getOrAdd(_ s: String) -> Int
            if let idx = type(of: self).strings.firstIndex(of: s)
                return idx
            } else
                type(of: self).strings.append(s)
                return type(of: self).strings.count - 1
        names = fullName.components(separatedBy: " ").map { getOrAdd($0) }
    static var charCount : Int
        return { $0.utf8.count }.reduce(0, +)

func main()
    let user1 = User("John lennon")
    let user2 = User("Jane fowel")
    let user3 = User("Jane Doe")
    let totalChars = user1.charCount + user2.charCount + user3.charCount
    print("Total number of chars used: \(totalChars)")
    let user4 = User2("John lennon")
    let user5 = User2("Jane fowel")
    let user6 = User2("Jane Doe")
    print("Total number of chars used: \(User2.charCount)")

Text Formatting

extension String
    func substring(_ location: Int, _ length: Int) -> String?
        guard self.count >= location + length else {return nil}
        let start = index(startIndex, offsetBy: location)
        let end = index(startIndex, offsetBy: location + length)
        return substring(with: start..<end)

class FormattedText: CustomStringConvertible
    private var text: String
    private var capitlize : [Bool]
    init(_ text: String)
        self.text = text
        self.capitlize = [Bool](repeating: false, count: text.utf8.count)
    func capitalize(_ start: Int, _ end: Int)
        for i in start...end
            capitlize[i] = true
    var description: String
        var s = ""
        for i in 0..<text.utf8.count
            let c = text.substring(i, 1)!
            s += capitlize[i] ? c.capitalized : c
        return s

class BetterFormattedText: CustomStringConvertible
    private var text: String
    private var formatting = [TextRange]()
    init(_ text: String)
        self.text = text
    func getRange(_ start: Int, _ end: Int) -> TextRange
        let range = TextRange(start, end)
        return range
    var description: String
        var s = ""
        for i in 0..<text.utf8.count
            var c = text.substring(i, 1)!
            for range in formatting
                if range.covers(i) && range.captialize
                    c = c.capitalized
            s += c
        return s
    class TextRange
        var start, end: Int
        var captialize = false
        init(_ start: Int, _ end: Int)
            self.start = start
            self.end = end
        func covers(_ position: Int) -> Bool
            return position >= start && position <= end

func main()
    let ft = FormattedText("This is a new world")
    ft.capitalize(5, 10)
    let bft = BetterFormattedText("This is a new world")
    bft.getRange(5, 10).captialize = true


  • 공통된 데이터를 이용하여 공간을 효율적으로 활용하는 방식
  • 범위를 정해서 공통된 데이터를 결정함

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