컴퓨터네트워크 #Foundation

eunhak·2022년 10월 16일


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packet switching -> store and forwarding 방식 사용

Why do we have 'data loss'?

The size of memory is limited -> it occurs overflow.

1. What is Internet?

A set of networks based on IP protocol.

IP address -> what addresses are required?
A) Source address/Destination address

Internet vs Web(ex. google)

Internet: web+e-mail+online cat+...
Web: Part of internet. A collection of interconnected documnets, linked by URL, hyperlinks.

Packet switching

Circuit switching

* What is wireless's two important meanings?

  1. Mobility
  2. Broadcast

2. What is a possible architecture of the Internet?

A network consisting of routers

TCP/IP protocol

L1: Physical layer

L2: Data Link Layer
hop-to-hop(one-link, one-hop). frame.Reliable
ex) MAC,
CSMA/CA(Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance) -> ethernet,
CSMA/CD(Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection) -> Wifi

LLC(Logical Link Control)
MAC 계층과 Network layer의 접속 담당.
MAC 계층과 독립적으로 위치하지만 L2에 속한 것으로 본다

L3: Network Layer
end-to-end. packet.Unreliable
ex) IP(IPv4, IPv6)

  • IP: Best-effort delivery, Unreliable, Connectionless

L4: Transport Layer
process-to-process(port). segment.
ex) TCP(Reliable)/UDP(Unreliable)

  • segment: always include AWS(Advertisement Window Size)

L5: Application Layer
ex) HTTP


TCP에서 ACK는 Sequence number에 1을 더한 값으로 전송된다.

3. What is the possible communication layers consisting of the Internet architecture?

TCP/IP protocol suite(5 layers)

IP is unreliable. Why?
A) IP의 위아래 계층들이 많아 연결용으로 쉽고 단순한 구조로 구성될 필요가 있음.

OSI 7 Layers

L5가 Session, Presentation, Application으로 구분됨.

  • Session: A set of connections for a transaction
  • Presentation: encoding, pack, ...
  • Application: Manage the session

Reliable - Control

  • Error Control(Required)
    TCP는 ACK를 통해 Error Control을 진행함. UDP는 ACK 없으므로 Unreliable
  • Flow Control(TCP standard)
    Prevent the receiver from overflow
  • Congestion Control(Optional)
    Reduce the rate of transmitting packets(RTT)
    병목 현상
  • IPv4 does not care about flow/congestion control

4. What is a mininal data unit over the Internet?

Internet is based on IP protocol(L3) -> Network layer's minimal data unit is packet.
Packet: Header+Options+Payload
Internet is a network of networks based on IP.

* What is LAN?

LAN(Local Area Networks)
-> one-hop range area network

* Why do we need router?

Router is required to interconnect different networks.


Router interconnects based on IP.

IP address has network number/host number

  • Network number: Identifies a distinguish network.
  • Host number: Identifies a distinguish host(End-system)

* What is subnet mask?

A) Network number과 Host number을 구별할 수 있게 해 주는 nubmer.
ex) /
-> 192.168.0은 network number, 3,4는 host number

IP packet fragmentation&Reassemble?

Packet fragmentation: Occurs of router
Packet reassembly: At destination system

MTU(Maximum Transmission Unit): 1460bytes(Total 1500bytes - IP headers(20bytes) - TCP(20bytes))

IP header's length: 20bytes

Header length(4bit)
Total length(16bit)
Header checksum(16bit)

SRC IP address(32bit)
DST IP address(32bit)

  • Router은 Header만 care하고 Payload는 care하지 않음

Fragmentation이 진행되어도 Packet ID는 100으로 동일


How to make networks scalable -> switching technique

Packet switching

Source에서 message를 일정한 크기의 packet으로 분해해서 전송.
Destination에서 모두 받은 후 조립.

  • 장점: 고효율, 다른 기종의 단말장치도 통신 가능
  • 단점: 경로에서 다소의 지연 발생 가능. 패킷별 헤더 추가로 인한 overhead(헤더 추가로 인한 추가 처리 시간/메모리) 발생 가능

Circuit switching

A와 B 사이 회선이 연결되면, 회선을 독점한다.

  • 장점: 전송 지연 없음, Fast and simple transfer
  • 단점: 회선 이용률 측면에서 비효율적
    ex) Telephone network

1. How to build a scalable network that will support different applications?

Switched networks

2. What is a computer network?

Packet switching networks

3. How is a computer network different from other types of networks?

Circuit vs Packet switcing networks

4. What is a computer network architecture?

Store and forward -> based architecture with TCP/IP protocol suite consisting of 5 layers

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