Day 1 @ WeCode Bootcamp

phoenix·2021년 8월 2일

Wecode daily Journal

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> 위코드 부트캔프에서의 첫날

첫날엔 좀 일찍 갔다

늦는것보단 일찍 가는게 마음이 훨씬 편하다

OT를 마치고 점심식사를 하였다

점심에는 벤토를 먹었는데 맛은 괜찮았다

그후에 다시 OT를 듣고

HTML/ CSS replit을 진행했다

CSS는 여전히 어렵다...

wecode에서 강조하는 페이스 자기 페이스대로 하는거 그거대로 할려고

너무 오버페이스로 replit 다 풀고 그러진 않고 그냥 내 실력대로 내 페이스대로 진행 하고 있다

첫날이라 무척 피곤하지만 앞으로의 3개월이 매우 기대된다.

Today was the first day at Wecode Intensive Coding Bootcamp. I woke up early to get ready and get there on time since I had never been there before. The schedule for today was pretty smooth; orientation was fun and informative. For lunch, I ate bento with 2 more people whom I met today for the first time. It was obviously awkward but got much better and the awkwardness slowly faded away as we kept talking to each other to keep the conversation alive. In the afternoon, HTML / CSS replit was the first course. CSS is still undoubtedly hard and annoying to deal with but I've got to get used to it and hopefully I will be soon. There are a lot of things I liked about Wecode but the one thing that I really liked is that Wecode lets you go on your pace. No comparisons to make you feel superior or inferior to other members. I am doing these courses at my pace and I don't need to worry about what everyone else is doing and where everyone else is at.

Since it's the first day of a whole new chapter in my life, I feel a little bit tired and overwhelmed. However, I am frankly very looking forward to the next 3 months at Wecode in Seoul.


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