twitter search command


Keyword or phrase:

"COVID-19 vaccine" - search for tweets that mention the * COVID-19 vaccine
"space exploration" OR "NASA" - search for tweets that mention either space exploration or NASA


#BlackLivesMatter - search for tweets that include the Black Lives Matter hashtag
#veganfood - search for tweets that include the vegan food hashtag


from:@BarackObama - search for tweets from the Barack Obama Twitter account
to:@elonmusk - search for tweets sent to Elon Musk


near:"Los Angeles" within:10mi - search for tweets sent within 10 miles of Los Angeles
within:15mi geocode:37.7749,-122.4194 - search for tweets sent within 15 miles of San Francisco


"방탄소년단" lang:ko - search for tweets in Korean that mention BTS (the Korean boy band)
"cinéma français" lang:fr - search for tweets in French that mention French cinema

Date range:

"Super Bowl" since:2022-01-01 until:2022-02-15 - search for tweets that mention the Super Bowl between January 1st, 2022 and February 15th, 2022
"New Year's resolutions" since:2023-01-01 until:2023-02-28 - search for tweets that mention New Year's resolutions in 2023

Content type:

"climate change" filter:images - search for tweets that include images related to climate change
"funny video" filter:videos - search for tweets that include videos that are meant to be funny
Popular tweets:

"Olympics" filter:popular - search for tweets about the Olympics that have received a lot of engagement
"bitcoin" filter:popular - search for tweets about Bitcoin that have received a lot of engagement

이곳은 Fola Flor 의 메모 창고입니다. 깃허브, 트위터, 기술 블로그 링크가 이 문장 바로 아래에 있습니다.

1개의 댓글

2023년 12월 3일

Twitter's search command functions as a powerful tool, enabling users to navigate through a sea of tweets effortlessly. By employing specific search operators like hashtags, usernames, or keywords, individuals can swiftly pinpoint relevant content within the platform's vast database. This functionality becomes even more refined with the aid of external tools like allowing users to streamline searches, access historical tweets, and extract valuable insights from Twitter's extensive reservoir of information.

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