2023, Seq2Seq-TS-VAD [ICASSP]

DongKeon Park·2023년 5월 17일


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Background: TS-VAD

  • TS-VAD (Target Speaker Voice Activity Detection)\, 2020 Interspeech
    • Detect speech activity based on the target’s profile (e.g. i-vector)
  • Modules
    • CNN based encoder
      • Extracts embedding vectors
    • BLSTM based ISD (Independent speaker detection)
      • Process each target speaker independently based on speaker profile and embedding
    • BLSTM based JSD (Joint speaker detection)
      • Models both cross-time and cross-speaker information
      • Predict activities of all speakers simultaneously

  • Drawback of TS-VAD

    • Unable to handle an arbitrary number of speakers
    • High demand for GPU memory
  • Transformer based TS-VAD

    • Using Transformer to cope with any number of speakers
    • Use an input tensor with variable-length time and speaker dimensions
    • Model capture the correlations both in time and across the speakers

    • Novel query formulation using dynamic anchor boxes (DAB) for DETR
    • Offer a deeper understanding of the role of queries in DETR
    • Directly uses box coordinates as queries and dynamically updates them layer by layer
      • 1. Query - Feature similarity 향상
      • 2. DETR 에서 training convergence 속도가 느렸던 점을 개선
      • 3. Positional attention map 을 직접 box width\, height 정보를 통해 조절 가능

Transformer decoder part

  • Dual queries fed into the decoder
    • Dual query
      • Positional queries (anchor boxes)
      • content queries (decoder embeddings)
    • objects which correspond to the anchors and have similar patterns with the content queries
  • The dual queries are updated layer by layer
    • to get close to the target ground-truth objects gradually

Seq2Seq TS-VAD

  • High demand for GPU memory

    • Predict speech activities has a shape of T x N x (S + F)\,
      • T is the length of the feature sequence
      • N is the number of speakers
      • S is the number of speaker profiles dimension
      • F is the number of frame-level representations
    • As T and N increase \, the memory usage also increases and limits the model's ability to process longer feature sequences and more speakers at once
      • => Seq2Seq model
    • Output length of encoder-only models is fixed at T\, meaning that the temporal resolution of voice activity detection (VAD) cannot be changed freely
      • => more temporal resolution
  • Architecture

    • separates the frame-level representations and speaker embeddings
    • Feeds them into the encoder and decoder sides separately
    • T x F + N x S (기존: T x N x (S + F))
      • This reduces the need for massive tensor concatenations and reduces the memory consumption.

Speaker Wise Decoder (SW-D)

  • SW-D
    • estimate target-speaker voice activities
      • considering cross-speaker correlations
    • two inputs
      • decoder embeddings
        • Learning temporal positional information
      • auxiliary queries (target-speaker embeddings)
    • Output
      • posterior probabilities of voice activities for each speaker
      • dimension of the last linear layer controls the temporal resolution of detected voice activities
        • means a longer output length can provide more precise timestamps

  • Embedding Augmentation
    • align different numbers of speakers in training mini-batch data
      • SW-D module has a fixed decoding length L
  • The method of Embedding Augmentation is as follows
    • embeddings may be directly set to zeros or randomly replaced with another speaker not appearing in the current signal
    • Furthermore\, a group of embeddings may have a probability of 0.2 to be entirely replaced with non-existent speakers.
    • Embeddings are shuffled to keep the model invariant to speaker order

Currently pursuing my Ph.D. in GIST, I am deeply intrigued by the field of speaker diarization and committed to making meaningful contributions to it.

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