
Donburi·2023년 2월 12일


목록 보기

Vertex/Node (정점)
Edge (간선)
Weight (가중치)
Undirected graph (무방향 그래프)

그래프 표현

  • Adjacency list (인접 리스트): dictionary
    • better for sparse graphs
  • Adjacency matrix (인접 행렬): 2D list
    • better for dense graphs


Breadth First Search (BFS, 너비 우선 탐색)

  • traverse the nodes layer by layer in the order of increasing distance from the starting node
    • all the nodes in the same layer are visited before we process the next layer
  • only iterative (queue): FIFO
from collections import deque

def bfs(start_v)
	discovered = [start_v]
    queue = deque()
    while queue:
    	v = queue.popleft()
        for w in graph[v]:
          if w not in discovered:
    return discovered
  • O(V+E)
    • we check over V nodes and total of E edges (once for directed, twice for undirected)
  • O(E) if the graph is connected


  • shortest path in an unweighted graph
  • finding connected components
  • finding strongly conected components in a directed graph

Depth First Search (DFS, 깊이 우선 탐색)

  • recursively explore the graph, backtracking when necessary (reach a "dead end")
def dfs(v, discovered=[]):
    for w in graph[v]:
    	if w not in discovered:
        	discovered = recursive_dfs(w, discovered)
    return discovered
  • O(V+E)
    • we check over V nodes and total of E edges (once for directed, twice for undirected)
  • O(E) if the graph is connected

Iterative version (stack): LIFO

def dfs(start_v):
	discovered = []
	stack = [start_v]
    while stack:
    	v = stack.pop()
        if v not in discovered:
            for w in graph[v]:
    return discovered
  • here, list is used to implement stack (could use deque instead)


Modified DFS is very versatile

  • Cycle Detection
  • Topological Sort for Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)


  • 가능성이 없다고 판단되는 즉시 후보를 포기 (백트랙)
  • DFS의 범주에 속함? (DFS+pruning?)
  • 제약 충족 문제(CSP, Constraint Satisfaction Problem)에 유용
    • 수많은 제약 조건(constraints)을 충족하는 상태(states)를 찾아내는 수학 문제

Shortest Path

Shortest Paths are not applicable for negatice cycles.
For negative cycles, only detection is possible

  • no shortest path can be found in negative cycles
  • Belllman-Ford, Floyd-Warshall

Single Source


Algorithm-ve EdgeCycleDetect -ve CycleRepresentationTimeSpace
In DAGynnAdj listO(V+E)O(V)
Bellman-FordyyyAdj listO(VE)O(V)
DijkstranynAdj listO(ElogV)O(V)


  • always choose the unvisited node with smallest d value available
  • very similar to Prim's algorithm

All Pairs

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