s3의 대항마 r2의 등장

박진현·2021년 11월 20일

Where Cloudflare R2 will excel over Amazon S3

Cloudflare R2 will most likely excel over Amazon S3 in the following use cases:

  • Does not involve backup and recovery.
  • Does not involve archival and compliance.
  • Is not deeply embedded with the rest of the AWS ecosystem.

Where Amazon S3 will be better than Cloudflare R2

Amazon S3 will most likely excel over Cloudflare R2 in the following use cases:

  • Backup and recovery because of its Amazon S3 Infrequent Access and Glacier tiers.
  • Archival and compliance because of the extremely cheap (yet slow to access) Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive tier.
  • Is deeply embedded with the rest of the AWS ecosystem. For example, you’re a heavy user of Amazon Athena.

가능하면 스타트업 업계에선 가능하면 r2를 사용할 것 같다. 비용적인 측면에서도 훨씬 저렴하다. cloudFlare의 주가가 작년대비 330%가까이 올랐는데, 아마 앞으로도 aws의 대항마가 되지 않을까 싶다. 가능하면 지금 사놓자!현재기준 (US$211.04)

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