09:00-17:00 / 17:00-19:00 / 21:00~22:00 / 23:00-24:00
Monday/ Wednesday(Tuesday)/ Thursday 19:45-20:15 (English with Clarisse)
Tuesday / Thursday 21:00 ~ 22:00 (어깨 수영 보류)
Saturday 09:00~10:00
subdivision: an area containing a large number of houses or apartments built close together at the same time
Areas near the ~ are often damaged
It is the centermost of Korea.
The cost of the damages
It's not an active
Many Koreans used to be
Is it not enjoyable to learn and practice what you learn? :) Learning gives me the sense of fulfillment and the joy of having broader understanding of how the world works. I'm always glad that I can learn something new🧚♀️ Keep going and Never ending dedication towards something I love:)
It's Monday,the start of a new week. I was not in good mood but Tomorrow will be better:D