라이브러리가 정말 mf다
에러 내용
Cannot initialize a variable of type 'UIView __strong' with an rvalue of type 'AnimationView '
Cannot initialize a parameter of type 'AnimationView _Nonnull' with an lvalue of type 'UIView __strong'
AppDelegate.m에서 발생하는 오류
Dynamic *t = [Dynamic new];
UIView *animationView = [t createAnimationViewWithRootView:rootView lottieName:@"loading"];
animationView.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
// change backgroundColor
// register LottieSplashScreen to RNSplashScreen
[RNSplashScreen showLottieSplash:animationView inRootView:rootView];
// play
[t playWithAnimationView:animationView];
// If you want the animation layout to be forced to remove when hide is called, use this code
[RNSplashScreen setAnimationFinished:true];
다음과 같이 수정한다.
Dynamic *t = [Dynamic new];
UIView *animationView = (UIView *)[t createAnimationViewWithRootView:rootView lottieName:@"loading"];
animationView.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
// change backgroundColor
// register LottieSplashScreen to RNSplashScreen
[RNSplashScreen showLottieSplash:animationView inRootView:rootView];
// play
[t playWithAnimationView:(AnimationView *)animationView];
// If you want the animation layout to be forced to remove when hide is called, use this code
[RNSplashScreen setAnimationFinished:true];