문제에서 하라는대로 하면 문제없이 된다.
조심해야 할 점은, 암호화한 메시지 맨 마지막 XX가 나오는 경우를 생각해서 if, elif 말고 if if로 처리해야 한다.
이거때문에 3시간을 날렸다...풀이 코드
import sys from collections import defaultdict
mes = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip()
key = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip()
dic = defaultdict(int)
sec = [[0 for _ in range(5)] for _ in range(5)]
r, c = 0, 0
for k in key:
if c == 5:
r += 1
c = 0
if dic[k] != 1:
dic[k] = 1
sec[r][c] = k
c += 1
init = 'A'
while True:
if c // 5 == 1:
r += 1
c = 0
if r // 5 == 1:
if init == 'J':
init = chr(ord(init) + 1)
if dic[init] != 1:
sec[r][c] = init
dic[init] = 1
c += 1
init = chr(ord(init) + 1)
sec_mes = ""
i = 0
while i + 1 < len(mes):
a, b = mes[i], mes[i + 1]
if a == b:
i += 1
if a == "X":
sec_mes += a + "Q"
sec_mes += a + "X"
i += 2
sec_mes += a + b
if i == len(mes) - 1:
sec_mes += mes[-1] + "X"
index = 0
real_mes = ""
while index + 1 < len(sec_mes):
a, b = sec_mes[index], sec_mes[index + 1]
for i in range(5):
next_a = ""
next_b = ""
for j in range(5):
if sec[i][j] == a:
if j < 4:
next_a = sec[i][j + 1]
next_a = sec[i][0]
if sec[i][j] == b:
if j < 4:
next_b = sec[i][j + 1]
next_b = sec[i][0]
if next_a != "" and next_b != "":
real_mes += next_a + next_b
index += 2
if next_a == "" or next_b == "":
for k in range(5):
next_a = ""
next_b = ""
for q in range(5):
if sec[q][k] == a:
if q < 4:
next_a = sec[q + 1][k]
next_a = sec[0][k]
elif sec[q][k] == b:
if q < 4:
next_b = sec[q + 1][k]
next_b = sec[0][k]
if next_a != "" and next_b != "":
real_mes += next_a + next_b
index += 2
if next_a == "" or next_b == "":
index += 2
for s in range(5):
for z in range(5):
if sec[s][z] == a:
pos_a = [s, z]
elif sec[s][z] == b:
pos_b = [s, z]
real_mes += sec[pos_a[0]][pos_b[1]] + sec[pos_b[0]][pos_a[1]]