Podium Star - Web3.0 Edition 스타트업 발표대회

Anthony Rhim·2022년 9월 15일


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Try Everything X Podium Start @ Maru180

강남 마루180에 열리는 포디움스타란 스타트업 이벤트에 와서 Web 3.0 관련 창업 기업 5개에 대한 발표를 듣고 순위를 매길 수 있었다. 패널이 각 스타트업에 대한 피드백을 주고, 마지막에 청중이 순위를 내고 종합된 순위를 발표했다.

Panel talk

Arpad Kiraly (Capgemini Invest)
Dan Kim (Techstart / EIR)
Timur Daudpota (Uplandme, Inc. & 500 Global / Head & EIR)

Advice on startups?
Timur: See what's working overseas.
Arpad: Don't think too much when executing.
Dan: Network is a good starting point.


1. Sheepfarm (Elliot)


  • How to integrate in community building would be important (Dan).

2. Starwings (?)


  • Should improve in presenting. (Timur)
  • What is the focused service? Traction? Who are your customers? (Arpad)
  • Great energy. What exact companies for B2B? (Dan)

Innovobloc (Tyler)


  • (Dan) Love the energy. Market inefficiency mentioning is good. How you quantify the difference and tiers in prescriptions. The systems are should also be specified.
  • (Arpad) Love the energy.
  • (Timus) Focus more on how you would market.

3. Funders Guild (Guillaume)


  • (Timus) Interesting. Have invested in syndacates before.
  • (Arpad) Also interesting. MVP that is mentioned is good.
  • (Tim) Clear value proposition is good. How the team would be identifying the regulatory risks.

4. Wantu


  • How does teasers and solve problems in the long terms? (Dan)
5. RAVR (John)


  • Good job on condensing your concept. Would have been good to know at the single user level.
  • Clear.
  • The attraction slide was very good.

마지막 순위 발표

3등은 와인, 2등도 와인, 1등은 golden ticket (교육에 참여할 수 있는 $2000).

3등: Wantu
2등: Funders Guild
1등: Satoshi Dance

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